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Probleem ClearLag pluginaga.



Tere, mul on küsimus, et kuidas ma saan ClearLag plugina ümber teha, et ta ei võtaks ära maale jne silte. Lisaks kuidas ma saan plugina tööaega muuta, hetkel iga 5min tagant töötab, tahaks iga 15min peale.

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12 vastust sellele küsimusele

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Author of the topic Postitas

Äkki saad siia copy teha sellest kohast, ma ei leia üles.

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auto-update: true #Should ClearLag automatically update on-enabled?

enable-signs: true #Should clearlags command signs be enabled?

config-version: five #DONT TOUCH THIS!


#This option reduces the explosions of mass amounts of tnt, and reduces tnt lag


tnt-reducer: false


#How many entities should one chunk be allowed to hold?


enabled: false

clean-chunk: true #Should clearlag attempt to clean up the over-limit chunk?

limit: 20 #How many entities should this chunk be able to hold?



enabled: true

interval: 2 #How many times should clearlag check for over-spawns?

monsters: 20 #How many monsters / creatures should be able to spawn?

animals: 20 #How many animals / villagers should be able to spawn?


#Global! Which items SHOULD NOT be removed during removals? #ITEM-ID'S ONLY#


enabled: false


- 264

- 265

- 311

- 312

- 266


#Meters your TPS, if it goes to low, run the commands you wrote below!


enabled: true

interval: 4 #In seconds - how many seconds should clearlag test the TPS?

tps-trigger: 15.0 #How low of TPS should trigger the commands?

commands: #Commands to run when TPS is low

- lagg killmobs

- lagg clear


#No longer bugged! -- Dont use if you have CB++ or Spigot!


enabled: false

radius: 6


#Auto-removal options


broadcast-message: '&6[ClearLag] &aRemoved +RemoveAmount Entities!'

enable-scheduler: true # THIS IS NO LONGER IN USE!

enable-limit: true #Should clearlag limit be enabled?

autoremoval-interval: 900 #The seconds it takes for auto-removal to run


#The warning delay that runs AFTER auto-removal fires: This actually clears the items when it fires!


autoremoval-warning: true #Should there be a warning?

autoremoval-warningdelay: 60 #How long until the removal starts (after delay)

broadcast-warning: true #Should this be broadcasted?

autoremoval-warningmessage: '&4[ClearLag] &cWarning Ground items will be removed in one minute!'


#This is /lagg killmobs, put what you DON'T want removed!


disable-build-wither: false #Should the ability to build withers be disabled?

mob-filter: #What mobs SHOULDN'T be removed during /lagg killmobs

- Villager

- Wolf


#This takes care of mob spawners

mobspawner: #How many mobs should be allowed to spawn near mob spawners?

enabled: false

max-spawn: 4


#What should/not be removed during an auto-removal


world-filter: #What worlds should be ingored from removal?

- this_world

broadcast-removal: true #Should this removal be broadcasted?

boat: false

falling-block: true

experienceOrb: true

painting: false

projectile: true

item: true

itemframe: false

minecart: false

primed-tnt: true

arrow: true

snowball: true

fireball: true

ender-signal: true


- None

- None


#What should/not be removed during /lagg clear



- this_world

broadcast-removal: false

boat: true

falling-block: true

experienceOrb: true

painting: true

projectile: true

item: true

itemframe: false

minecart: true

primed-tnt: true

arrow: true

snowball: true

fireball: true

ender-signal: true


- None

- None




- this_world

boat: true

falling-block: true

experienceOrb: true

painting: true

projectile: true

item: true

itemframe: false

minecart: true

primed-tnt: true

arrow: true

snowball: true

fireball: true

ender-signal: true


creature: true

animals: true

monster: true



max: 1000 #Max entities allowed

check-interval: 60


- this_world

broadcast-removal: true


boat: false

falling-block: true

experienceOrb: true

painting: false

projectile: true

item: true

itemframe: false

minecart: false

primed-tnt: true

arrow: true

snowball: true

fireball: true

ender-signal: true





// FTP > plugins > ClearLag > Config.yml (edit)

Muudetud liikme marting500'i poolt


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auto-update: true #Should ClearLag automatically update on-enabled?

enable-signs: true #Should clearlags command signs be enabled?

config-version: five #DONT TOUCH THIS!


#This option reduces the explosions of mass amounts of tnt, and reduces tnt lag


tnt-reducer: false


#How many entities should one chunk be allowed to hold?


enabled: false

clean-chunk: true #Should clearlag attempt to clean up the over-limit chunk?

limit: 20 #How many entities should this chunk be able to hold?



enabled: true

interval: 2 #How many times should clearlag check for over-spawns?

monsters: 20 #How many monsters / creatures should be able to spawn?

animals: 20 #How many animals / villagers should be able to spawn?


#Global! Which items SHOULD NOT be removed during removals? #ITEM-ID'S ONLY#


enabled: false


- 264

- 265

- 311

- 312

- 266


#Meters your TPS, if it goes to low, run the commands you wrote below!


enabled: true

interval: 4 #In seconds - how many seconds should clearlag test the TPS?

tps-trigger: 15.0 #How low of TPS should trigger the commands?

commands: #Commands to run when TPS is low

- lagg killmobs

- lagg clear


#No longer bugged! -- Dont use if you have CB++ or Spigot!


enabled: false

radius: 6


#Auto-removal options


broadcast-message: '&6[ClearLag] &aRemoved +RemoveAmount Entities!'

enable-scheduler: true # THIS IS NO LONGER IN USE!

enable-limit: true #Should clearlag limit be enabled?

autoremoval-interval: 900 #The seconds it takes for auto-removal to run


#The warning delay that runs AFTER auto-removal fires: This actually clears the items when it fires!


autoremoval-warning: true #Should there be a warning?

autoremoval-warningdelay: 60 #How long until the removal starts (after delay)

broadcast-warning: true #Should this be broadcasted?

autoremoval-warningmessage: '&4[ClearLag] &cWarning Ground items will be removed in one minute!'


#This is /lagg killmobs, put what you DON'T want removed!


disable-build-wither: false #Should the ability to build withers be disabled?

mob-filter: #What mobs SHOULDN'T be removed during /lagg killmobs

- Villager

- Wolf


#This takes care of mob spawners

mobspawner: #How many mobs should be allowed to spawn near mob spawners?

enabled: false

max-spawn: 4


#What should/not be removed during an auto-removal


world-filter: #What worlds should be ingored from removal?

- this_world

broadcast-removal: true #Should this removal be broadcasted?

boat: true

falling-block: true

experienceOrb: true

painting: true

projectile: true

item: true

itemframe: false

minecart: true

primed-tnt: true

arrow: true

snowball: true

fireball: true

ender-signal: true


- None

- None


#What should/not be removed during /lagg clear



- this_world

broadcast-removal: false

boat: true

falling-block: true

experienceOrb: true

painting: true

projectile: true

item: true

itemframe: false

minecart: true

primed-tnt: true

arrow: true

snowball: true

fireball: true

ender-signal: true


- None

- None




- this_world

boat: true

falling-block: true

experienceOrb: true

painting: true

projectile: true

item: true

itemframe: false

minecart: true

primed-tnt: true

arrow: true

snowball: true

fireball: true

ender-signal: true


creature: true

animals: true

monster: true



max: 1000 #Max entities allowed

check-interval: 60


- this_world

broadcast-removal: true


boat: false

falling-block: true

experienceOrb: true

painting: false

projectile: true

item: true

itemframe: false

minecart: false

primed-tnt: true

arrow: true

snowball: true

fireball: true

ender-signal: true





// FTP > plugins > ClearLag > Config.yml (edit)

Mis sa meile nüüd selle annad? Jah sellest Configist sa hakkad nüüd muutma neid asju enda meeldivuse järgi.

Nope nope nope..

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Author of the topic Postitas

Mul oleks vaja nii, et baadid, maalid jne asjad ei kaoks ära, ja aeg, et iga 15min tagant töötaks.


Veel oleks selline küsimus, et kuidas ma saaksin nii teha, et liikmed saavad protis paati vette panna ?

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Ma jagasin seda sellepärast, et tema seda ise konfigureerida ei oska, niiet ära kuku õiendama siin.

BTW, see on juba konfigureeritud tema soovide järgi, seega võib ta selle lihtsalt asendada oma konfiguratsiooni failiga.

Vabandust, ma vaatasin valesti, ma vaatasin et dj2 andis selle configi siia.. My bad


Mul oleks vaja nii, et baadid, maalid jne asjad ei kaoks ära, ja aeg, et iga 15min tagant töötaks.


Veel oleks selline küsimus, et kuidas ma saaksin nii teha, et liikmed saavad protis paati vette panna ?

Paadid, maalid saad configist muuta, et need ära ei kaoks.

Et inimesed saaksid paate panna protectides vette.. [/rg f (ala nimi) vahicle-place true] peaks olema, minu arust saad configist ka muuta et kui paned protecti ära siis automaatselt mingid flag'id tulevad peale, aga pole kindel.

Mis selle ajaga veel on? aeg kaob ära?

Muudetud liikme Kinzzo'i poolt

Nope nope nope..

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Author of the topic Postitas

Ei kao, tahan muuta selle aja, et oleks iga 15min tagant, ei leia üles seal confingus neid asju.

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Leia selline koht configis:


autoremoval-interval: 900


Fyi, see arv 900 tähendab sekundeid. Lihtsalt mainin, et Martin andis siin eelnevalt täiesti korrektse configi, milles on see intervall juba paigas.

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Author of the topic Postitas

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