* AFK fights for combat XP rates of up to 100k+ /hr!
* Can loot all drops by Armoured Zombies
* Uses quick prayers
* Recharges prayer at nearby alter when low
* Reaggravates Zombies when they stop auto-attacking
* Capable of using a number of different potions
* Uses/eats whatever food you specify
* Supports summoning Bunyip familair and point recharging
* Banks for more food, pouches, potions, and loot at Fist of Guthix
* Teleports to bank using Ring of Duelling if available
* Logs out when out of needed materials
* Detailed paint with XP and loot rates
* Full anti-ban protection
* Solves all random events
Vahetan siis enda Rsbots autozombies pro teie Rsbots Gdk vastu .
Ette annan ainult kuulsamatele foorumi kasutajatele ja 20tehing + .
Scammerid säästke enda aega ja ärge lisage . :ty
Msn : [email:mnx4hidw]Roheline1337@hotmail.com[/email:mnx4hidw]