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Leitud 4 tulemust

  1. Tegin siis täitsa uue kasutaja ja tegin käsitsi fishing 12 mingi kuradi 3 tundi, googeldasin vähe, ja leidsin juba täitsa asjaliku oldschool boti. Hiljem lähen kindlasti powerboti peale üle, kui too ka kunagi välja tuleb. Igatahes, plaan on täie pasaga lasta, sitta sellega, kui jääb ka kuhugi randomisse või kuhugi puutaha kinni, ikka edasi. Mingeid Goale ka pole, täitsa oleneb mis script fungab hästi ja seda siis lasen. Praegu tahaks koguda persetäis sulgi ja siis haigelt fishingut teha
  2. DarkEden is a horror MMORPG where you get to choose between 3 races: Vampires, Slayers, Ousters. It is very similar to Diablo - if you liked Diablo, you'll love DarkEden! Game Type: FREE TO PLAY The game is based on the day-night system. Vampires rule the night and slayers/ousters rule the day. This means that vampires are stronger when it's night and slayers/ousters are stronger at day. Max Level: 250 Max Rank: 50 Register: http://darkedeneurope.com/register/ http://darkedeneurope.com/register?srv=tiramisu Download: http://darkedeneurope.com/downloads/ Website: http://www.darkedeneurope.com Vampires: Information about the vampire race: Can move fast (faster than the eye, so it looks like they're gliding on air) Can drink blood to regain HP, can regenrate from damages such as bullet wounds and blade cuts. Can transform into a bat, wolf or werewolf (lycan). Can become invisible or hide under the ground. Among vampire you can choose between being a melee vampire (close combat) or a mage vampire (requires more strategy to play a mage vamp) Mage vampires = Most known for their torture skills such as blinding spells, paralyze. They can keep you alive just to play with you till they've had enough. Only then they will kill you. Melee vampires = Fast & strong beings whose claws can cut through steel plated armor, bullets are rarely enough to stop one of these creatures. You'll need a rocket launcher. But be careful because they're very fast and hard to hit. Ousters: Ousters are relatives to fairies, they can use the magic of the nature to create powerful spells. Such as teleportation, prison of water, meteors, hellfire and much more. There are 4 classes of ousters: Water, Fire, Earth, Wind (combat) Water = Can control water, and revive/heal other ousters and summon water element that heals you and your friends. Fire = Can control fire, very powerful offensive magic such as hellfire, magma meteors and fierce flame that burns down every living creature. Earth = Can control earth, prison others with slow-down effect and summon huge stone-meteors at your enemies. Wind/Combat = Can control wind elements and use a powerful chakram with a circular blade to slice enemies or summon razor sharp blades that fall from the sky. Slayer (Human) Gunner = Uses automatic rifles, sniper rifles, sub machine guns etc. Can call for satelite bombs and XRL rockets to blast enemies to tiny pieces. Can also enter a powerful turret that is unmovable but with insane firepower. Sworder = Uses sworder & shield, can move really fast and use the power of thunder to strike their enemies. Blader = Uses a big sword, one swing is enough to create a hurricane and blow away a lot of enemies. Healer = A powerful magician that can revive & heal other allies. But can also destroy enemies with a lightning bolt from the sky. Enchanter = A powerful magician that can buff other allies to see invisible vampires, and trap them with strong spells. This is an interesting game with one rule: survival of the fittest.
  3. DarkEden is a horror MMORPG where you get to choose between 3 races: Vampires, Slayers, Ousters. It is very similar to Diablo - if you liked Diablo, you'll love DarkEden! Game Type: FREE TO PLAY The game is based on the day-night system. Vampires rule the night and slayers/ousters rule the day. This means that vampires are stronger when it's night and slayers/ousters are stronger at day. Max Level: 250 Max Rank: 50 Register: http://darkedeneurope.com/register/ [PLACE YOUR REFERAL LINK] Download: http://darkedeneurope.com/downloads/ Website: http://www.darkedeneurope.com Vampires: Information about the vampire race: Can move fast (faster than the eye, so it looks like they're gliding on air) Can drink blood to regain HP, can regenrate from damages such as bullet wounds and blade cuts. Can transform into a bat, wolf or werewolf (lycan). Can become invisible or hide under the ground. Among vampire you can choose between being a melee vampire (close combat) or a mage vampire (requires more strategy to play a mage vamp) Mage vampires = Most known for their torture skills such as blinding spells, paralyze. They can keep you alive just to play with you till they've had enough. Only then they will kill you. Melee vampires = Fast & strong beings whose claws can cut through steel plated armor, bullets are rarely enough to stop one of these creatures. You'll need a rocket launcher. But be careful because they're very fast and hard to hit. Ousters: Ousters are relatives to fairies, they can use the magic of the nature to create powerful spells. Such as teleportation, prison of water, meteors, hellfire and much more. There are 4 classes of ousters: Water, Fire, Earth, Wind (combat) Water = Can control water, and revive/heal other ousters and summon water element that heals you and your friends. Fire = Can control fire, very powerful offensive magic such as hellfire, magma meteors and fierce flame that burns down every living creature. Earth = Can control earth, prison others with slow-down effect and summon huge stone-meteors at your enemies. Wind/Combat = Can control wind elements and use a powerful chakram with a circular blade to slice enemies or summon razor sharp blades that fall from the sky. Slayer (Human) Gunner = Uses automatic rifles, sniper rifles, sub machine guns etc. Can call for satelite bombs and XRL rockets to blast enemies to tiny pieces. Can also enter a powerful turret that is unmovable but with insane firepower. Sworder = Uses sworder & shield, can move really fast and use the power of thunder to strike their enemies. Blader = Uses a big sword, one swing is enough to create a hurricane and blow away a lot of enemies. Healer = A powerful magician that can revive & heal other allies. But can also destroy enemies with a lightning bolt from the sky. Enchanter = A powerful magician that can buff other allies to see invisible vampires, and trap them with strong spells. This is an interesting game with one rule: survival of the fittest.
  4. See on siis mu uus kasutaja. Räägin ka siis, et video on siis minu tehtud no niisama Käisin seal 3 korda. Essa kord võtsin kaasa 10 tuna ja siis ei tapnud ma teda ära ning lahkusin 1 hp-ga. Teine kord jäi tapmisest 1hp puudu ja mul endal oli ka 1hp. Ei viitsinud riski võtta ja tõmbasin Ge-sse potide järgi. Siis ostsin 3 str pot ja 21 tuna ning läksin uuesti. Nüüd viimasest tripist ongi tehtud siis video Macro23.avi on faili nimi küll http://www.speedyshare.com/357246474.html PS: Video on vahepeal suti lagg ja vahepeal panin pausele Kes ei julge tõmmata siis on olemas ka youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl-WD-sYgPI PS: Alguses oli att 10 hiljem 22
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