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Название: Серфер души Оригинальное название: Soul Surfer Год выхода: 2011 Жанр: боевик, драма, спорт Режиссер: Шон МакНамара В ролях: Анна-Cофия Робб, Деннис Куэйд, Хелен Хант, Кэрри Андервуд, Росс Томас, Лоррэйн Николсон, Кевин Сорбо, Коуди Гомес, Соня Балморес, Крис Брошу О фильме: Спортивный байопик о жизни серфингистки Бетани Хэмилтон. С детства Бетани увлекалась серфингом, но в 13 лет у северного побережья Кауай на нее напала акула; в результате атаки девушка осталась без левой руки, и чуть было не погибла. Но сила воли и настоящий характер сыграли свое дело — Бэттани, несмотря ни на что, вновь встала на доску и начала принимать участие в соревнованиях на правах полностью здорового серфера. Also Known As: Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family and Fighting to Get Back on the Board Running Time: 1 hr. 45 min. Release Date: April 8th, 2011 (wide) Director: Sean McNamara Stars: AnnaSophia Robb, Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt Bethany was born to surf. A natural talent who took to the waves at a young age, she was leading an idyllic, sun-drenched, surfer girl's life on the Kauai Coast, competing in national competitions with her best friend Alana, when everything changed in a heartbeat. On Halloween morning, Bethany was on a typical ocean outing when a 14-foot tiger shark came out of nowhere and seemed to shatter all her dreams. In the moving aftermath of this headline-making story, Bethany fights to recover and grapples with the future. Strengthened by the love of her parents, Tom and Cheri, she refuses to give in or give up, and begins a bold return to the water. Still, the questions keep hammering her: Why did this happen? Why did she have to lose everything? Will she ever feel the joy and power of riding the waves again? And if she can't be a surfer, then who is she? The devastating 2004 tsunami in the Pacific Ocean unexpectedly gives Bethany a new perspective. Traveling to Phuket, Thailand with her youth-group leader Sara Hill, she witnesses life beyond her own shoreline and discovers her greater purpose--she can make a difference in the lives of others. Filled with a new sense of hope and direction, she returns home with a renewed resolve to conquer her own limitations and set an encouraging example for people facing adversity. At the National Championships, Bethany bravely faces off with her fiercest rival, Malia Birch, and takes her astonishing one-armed surfing technique to the limit. But as the horn blows, and the suspenseful competition kicks off, Bethany is no longer thinking about the challenges of her body. Now, her surfing, her biggest dreams and her life have become about pushing her own physical limits to touch the souls of others.
- души
- 2011
(ja 2 veel)
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