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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''spirit''.
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Pakkuda divine ss müüa, streetprice ingame ~1.7bil, trades 560m. Soovin sellele vastu vähemalt 800 eek. A/w: 900.- Hind on soodne, sythes saab 105$ üsna kergelt selleeest. Kontakt läbi msni, mille annan läbi pmi. Muidumeestel mitte tülitada. Proof divinest:
~tere . - Rollback fix - Real Elysian Effect - Real Divine effect - Real Stream Necklace MAGIC BONUS! - Real SOL MAGIC BONUS! - Items kept on death - Players online (quest tab) - Max money on quest tab - Normal Players can't spawn donate items - Skills Tab > Click on a Skill > Choose level! - ::barrage ::veng - You can enter fight caves - WHOLE NEW QUEST TAB - Added ::empty to empty your inventory - Added a command for myself - Fixed alching dupe - U need to be donor to wear those items - You can lose chaotic items at pking - Can't switch from mage books in wild - Admin commands added - Added ::yelltag for super donators to change their yelltag - ::forum added ----------------ONLINE!---------------- - Added X10 hits | 18/10/2010 quest tab pk points turmol pk shop donator shop kui sisse loggid siis on selline kiri kõik on ootatud. downlaod:http://www.mediafire.com/?e6a6g2y5elztsi1 kodukas:http://trixo.eu/
Müün seda shieldi Trade price+IRL cash Swed bank Või sooviks kedagi kes tegeleb välismaa foorumitega ja USD'dega Mingi 200 usd saab selle eest aga mina ei viitsi nussida nende paypalide ja teiste asjadega. Ehk sa saaksid mingi 50% endale tasuta, tegelimise eest ! Tahtsin divinega sama teha aga ei viitsind postitada ja jäingi sellest ilma(scammer inc )
ei teadnud täpselt kuhu seda panna aga jh.. juhtus selline äpardus, et 50 shard boxi asemel ostsin 500... ja nüüd üle 2M spirit shardi .. kui kellegil vaja on siis äkki olete nii lahked ja ostate minult. kui on soov saatke pm või kirjutage siia ostu soovist:ty
Palun teema sulgeda, aitäh.
Leidsin sellise asja rs foorumist , see on Pikk seletus Divine shieldist kui rsi Overpower Shield. The new shields, divine in particular, plus summoning have opened up a new possibility in tanking...so devestating I hardly even want to say what it can do. The basic principle of this tank is they use protect prayers, and a divine shield to absorb most of their damage. Inventory: 11 super restores, 16 saradomin brews, unicorn scrolls, Rest, up to you, but for this example ill just make it 19 sharks (or other gear for hybriding, but for this examples sake 19 sharks). The principle pieces of equiptment for this is the divine shield, as well as heavy armor and a whip/crossbow/mage (however you wish to hybrid it). Basically this format always fights with protect prayers on, piety on, and a divine shield equipted, as well as a summoned unicorn. The following example is in a battle which lasts 10 minutes: Basically the main advantage is the huge amount of damage it takes to kill someone tanking like this. We will assume prayer reduces damage by 40%, and the shield by 30%, we will also assume the user can switch prayers as the enemy switches attack types, and heals with the unicorn on every opportunity he is damaged. The combined damage resist of first applied prayer then the divine shield is approximatly 58%. This means a hit of 85 will do 35.7 damage, to the tanks hp...so KOing it is effectivly impossible, hence why we use saradomin brews over sharks. Damage to prayer is 15% of the damage the protection prayers do not block, so 15% of 60% of the origional damage, or 9% origional damage to prayer points. In the course of 10 minutes a unicorn can heal about, if the user has 99 hp, 210 hp, the brews can heal 768 hp, and the user starts at 99 hp, for a grand total of 1077 hp with all healing items. To kill this tank the enemy must be able to do 1077 damage through 58% damage resist. That turns into 2564 actual damage. Because of use of super restores prayer is never an issue. However the actual damage done to prayer is 230, easily covered by the super restores, which also cover the constant use of piety and protection prayers. This also means the enemy has to deal a normal 2564 damage to you for you to die considering KOing is litterally impossible with the resistance. Possible ways to counter this...Insane hybriding, veracs...really even veracs ability is taken down severly because it still suffers the shields 30% reduction. Plus since the weapon cannot hit hard on its own, that even is rendered ineffective. Considering an ags cannot hit over 40 with its specials...that is also to no avail. And smite well, if you arent useing your own protecion prayers, this enemy can also hit full damage on you, so thats a very bad idea to switch those off. You could try and prayer tank them, but that would be way less effective then theirs. Any attempt to lower stats is also in vain, the super restores make that impossible. This player could easily survive for more then 10 mins...the longer it goes on the more that unicorn heals, and the more damage you must do to them. In other words if they are not taken out fast, which considering you cant hit high damage to them is very hard to do. Beating them is nigh impossible. Unless you are fighting in a similar way. You could format this for range tanking, blood barrage tanking, or melee tanking, or all 3 even (less potions however). I think this would be a very effective fighter in single way combat. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melee'd tehakse aina tugevamaks Ja mage ei arendata aga see selleks. Arutame selle shieldi kohta siis. Minu arvamus kui lugesin seda teksti, tehti RS veel igavamaks kui minna gwd(dk) jne. Koos selle shieldiga ei ole enam mingit riski olemas eriti.