Update: Valmis Client V2, mõned glitchid & buggid parandatud.
UUS IP: estoniansoul.no-ip.BIZ
Client download: http://estoniansoulv2.tk
Client download: http://estoniansoulv2.tk
Client download: http://estoniansoulv2.tk
Forum: EstonianSoul.Freeforums.Org(Premimum coming soon)
Kuigi näitab, et pole 100% on ta siiski 99,99%. Vahepeal on vaid uuendused.
Just click the skill from the stats tab. Also, if u click the Slayer tab, u can check how many monsters u have to slay for the task to end.
At first we thought we will use the x10 multiplier, but we thought that i would be better without it.
Owner: Jo
You can also donate to us. More information is located at the forums.
Q: New in the server, how do i get money?
A: You can start with Thieving. Thieving stalls are near Edgeville bank and u can sell the items to the General store, witch is also located in Edgeville.
Q: I use Windows 7, how do i play?
A: By downloading the client, there is a special Run.bat for windows 7 users.
Q: How do i train my skills?
A: wtf? come check it out youself, noob.
For more information, contact a staff member in-game or add owner via skype.
Jo - jjoonash
Have a pleasant stay in our server.
Ei viitsinud tõlkida hetkel, vb mõni teine päev.
Owner: Jo/Da boss
Admin: Electricity
Mods: Henry & Helldog.
VOTE: http://www.runelocus.com/toplist/index.php?action=vote&id=32225
VOTE 2: http://www.moparscape.org/serverstatus.php?action=up&server=vahvelcity.no-ip.org
VOTE 3: http://runescape.top100arena.com/in.asp?id=62250