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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''rsbot''.
Leitud 126 tulemust
kuna vanal teemal on kõik llingid aegunud siis tegin uue teema. http://www.powerbot.org/vb/index.php valid ülevalt poolt ribalt download, salvestad ära, käivitad ja have fun! mingi aeg oli see bot maas (väidetavalt kaebad jagex rsboti kohtusse vms) kuid nüüd taas üleval ja kõik scriptid mida mina proovinud olen töötavad hästi.
PURE ON f2P. PURE ON 1KORD ROLLBACKI saanud. Siis oli vägaränk rollback. Paljud statsid olid 70-80+ et siis Pure:cb 50. (vanem acc) hakkan pilte statsidest-bottimisest lisama aeg ajalt bank picce kah:P GOAL oleks siis bank suvelõpuks umbes 125m-150m. eks siis vaatab mis teeb. Vb vahepeal teen pure p2p ja range/claweri et saaks rohkem banka. (tahaks mingi hween v santa hati soetada endale:P) Pure (f2p cb50) stats+bank Bank Total siis umbes 2m-2.1m vms.(teisel accil oli kah 1.8-2m) Päevikut hakkan nö igapäevaselt täitma päevas mituposti vaadake ja jälgige. NB botin päevas ikka 15tundi+ . et vaatame millal banhammer lendab. Kui tekib küsimusi küsige julgelt. vastan neile kui teen uue postituse. Nüüd siis bank juba 50m.
1) Tõmba siit: http://www.teamcti.com/trayit/trayit.htm 2) Extracti ära kuhu iganes soovid. ( Soovitan Desktopile, kiirem tee ) 3) Ava TrayIt: 4) Vasak-klõps mida sa soovid tray'da: 5) Kõik on tehtud, kui soovid uuesti avada RSBOT siis topelt klõps RSBOT märgile.
Tõmmake omale kõige uuem java ja bottima.. RsBot ametlik leht: http://www.powerbot.org/ RsBot saab tõmmata siit: http://links.powerbot.org/download
Müügiks pakkuda kaks authi mida pole kasutatud, garanteerin et kood jääb ostja teada ja ei jaga seda edasi peale müüki! * Autofisher pro 15€ * AutoCrabberPro 10€ Kontakt: [email:3b2nvhby]rahapood@hotmail.com[/email:3b2nvhby]
Õpetus koosneb 5 osast: 1. Mis asi on RSBot? 2. Kust saaks RSBotti? 3. Kuidas käivitada scripte? 4. Kuidas lisada scripte. 5. Mida hetkel tohiks bottida, ja mida mitte.(Uuendan kui midagi uut teada saan) HOIATUS!: RSBot on KEELATUD Runescape reeglite järgi, kasutamine omal vastutusel, võib viia bannini ning skillide resetini! MINA EI VASTUTA KUI TEIE BANNI SAATE! Mis asi on RSBot? RSBot on programm, mis pmst. "mängib" sinu eest Runescapet. See on Runescape client, kus on võimalik aktiveerida scripte, mis teevad raske töö ära sinu eest, seda sa võid sa jätta ööseks ja päevaks, see ikka töötab. Kust saaks RSBotti? VAJUTA SIIA Üleval kus on PowerBoti banner, seal all on väike riba, kus on vasakult teine "RSBot", vajuta sellele ning su download peaks algama. HOIATUS: Kui sa oled tõmmanud endale RSBoti mõnelt muult leheküljelt, mis väidab et see on RSBot(Mitte rsbuddy vms), siis vaheta enda password KOHESELT. Kuidas käivitada scripte? Tõmbasid RSBoti endale, aga ei tea mida peale hakata? Kui oled juba RSBotiga login screenini jõudnud, logi lihtsalt sisse, vajuta ülevalt vasakust nurgast "File" ning vali "Run script" Nüüd ta peaks sulle terve hunniku scripte ette viskama, sa võid nendes sorida, äkki leiad midagi mida vaja. Tutvustan teile kõige kasutatumat scripti sealt: TFighterEE. See tapab igat monsterit, kui food inventorys on, siis mine monsterite juurde, aktiveeri skript ja sulle tuleb üks aken ette, mis küsib sult, keda tappa, hiire kiirust jms. Pane monsteriks see keda sa tappa tahad (TÄPNE NIMI TULEB PANNA!). Ta sööb ise kui hp madalaks läheb, aga ta EI too pangast toitu juurde, ta logib välja kui toit otsa saab. Niiet kui kedagi tugevat tapad, siis on mõtetu seda pikaks ajaks jätta. Sellega on kõige lihtsam tappa kergeid monstereid, kelle jaoks eraldi scripte pole tehtud, nagu näiteks Seagullid port sarimis. Kuidas lisada scripte? Nüüd, kui uuem RSBot välja tuli, on see imelihtne. Otsid välja mõne scripti powerboti leheküljelt, sealt peaks kuskil olema nupp "Download" vms. Mina valisin scripti nimega ShadeCrabber, see tapab rock crabe.Link siin scriptile Algusest scrollin veits alla, ja näe, ongi suur nupp "Download latest version" Vajutan sellele, ning see peaks sind viima mingile Pastebin leheküljele, aga seda ongi vaja. Kopeerid selle pastebinni aadressi, lähed RSBotti sisse, ja vajutad jälle "File" ning seal "Run Script" kohal on "Add script". Vajutad sellele, ja kopeerid selle pastebini lingi sinna ja vajutad "OK" Siis peaksid veits ootama, ja kui uuesti lähed "Run scripti" siis seal peaks olema su uus script sees. Kui sa scripti täpset nime tead, võid panna selle alla otsingusse seal, aga kui ei, siis peaksid leidma selle niimoodi, et kõik need scriptid, mis sul alguses olid on samasuguse ikooniga, aga need mis sa lisad, tulevad natuke teistsuguse ikooniga. Kui käima paned, siis ta küsib sult igast asju, nt. millist toitu sa kasutad. Alati enne scripti peale panekut, uuri hoolikalt scripti leheküljelt, mida ta teeb, ja õpetus kus käima panna ja mida inventorisse jms jätta. NB: Kõik scriptid ei pruugi töödata teil, ärge ehmatuge siis, otsige uus. Mida hetkel bottida ja mida mitte Hetkel on üks asi mida ma ei soovita KINDLALT bottida hetkel: Range guild. Seal käib praegu põhilik läbi kammimine, ja kes leitakse bottivat, saavad 2 nädalat banni, teisel korral kui vahele jäävad siis juba 21 päeva. Lõbusad faktid RSBot kohta Üle 75% inimeste Runescapes kasutavad botte. RSBot sattus kunagi suurde jamasse jagexiga, aga kuna midagi ei juhtunud, nad on paremini kui kunagi varem tagasi uuel leheküljel. RATEGE PLS ---------- Post added 10-07-11 at 03:17 ---------- haha, mul bot terve aja käis, praegu vaatan, et mul läks 4 tundi terve asjaga kokku
Kasutage siis sellist bot'i nagu on ''RSBuddy'' , väga lihtne scripte lisada ning väga vähe failib skillidega ! RSBOT'i saate siit - http://www.rsbuddy.com
et kui tahan idungeon lisada panen precomplied kausta ja compile script ütleb ,et java faili ei leitud jdk kõik olemas milles probleem`?
Sheerige linki, Rsbot.org-ist ei saa. :/
Olen kuulnud et paljud Rsboti / Arbiboti kasutajad said scammi , Tekst siis powerbotist see "The Free Trade Hacking Massacare" -------------------------------------------------- War of the Botters. Powerbot Vs Rs buddy The explanation. Currently in the runescape botting world there is a crisis. Accounts are being hacked, valuables are being lost. Many people are wondering WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED? WHY DID THIS GO TO SHIT SO QUICKLY? and i have answers. I have been taking part in this project over the last few months, i have now looked at the consequences of what i have done and have realised that its not worth it anymore. Heres how it started This has been planed out months ago, we started to talk about it in may 2010 but only started working on it in July. The two main Developers of the project were fed up with the powerbot community, Jacmob was having arguments with Paris about how the site was going downhill, there was too many botters and not enough contributers. Jacmob was fed up with this and decided to try and buy out powerbot. The amount that jacmob offered was high but paris would just not take it, this led to arguments within the staff and the replacement of many staff members. Jacmob decided to stay on as the developer, but always intended to resign sometime within the next 6 months. Soon after this, the old RSBot.org domain was bought out by jagex which led to more arguments within the staff. During this time Rsbot2 was being developed. Many of the staff took 2 sides, Most with Paris and the others with Jacmob (Arbiter & Toshi). The Project was started soon after this, originally it was started only to piss of Paris and show that the website would be nothing without them, however soon after this other factors came into play, such as member numbers, Monopoly of the botting industry & soon after that money. The project was originally very small with only about 15 people who knew what was going on, throughout this time they just did what they normally did on Powerbot, but other times they were creating a website & another Botting client. We launched the website on a private domain and soon after that we started to test the new client everything was working and was great, but soon after this we ran into a large problem, because our client is not open sourced to form some sort of protection for the client (From the jagex lawyers) & to make sure no one could edit our client (Sabotage) we had to create a Company (Company's have legal rights and immunities against certain laws), thus Automaton Software Ltd was born, the only problem we had now was the actual cost of registering the company. The company is registered in Germany for many reasons, the main one is that we would have certain immunity to many laws mainly because we could licence our software as freedom of speech. The costs of hosting the domain & licencing the company was going to cost thousands of Euro's to set up, we had already gone past our original budget and were using our own money to fund the project. We now had to think outside the box to come up with funding solutions, arbiters scripts were making money, but not nearly enough to fund the whole project, soon after this we came up with an idea which would tear the botting community appart. Arbiter is well known for his scripts, the best thing was that people couldn't see the source code of the scripts, so we could put anything we wanted into them and no one would ever know. we started to code a key logger which would take the Rsbots account data, decode it & send it to us via email's. This was reletivly easy because jacmob (Being the coder) knew how to decode the files, we planed on hacking everyones account and collecting all the gold & items and selling the accounts to gold selling websites (As this was before the announcement of free trade came). We actually started taking passwords in early December but due to a number of issues (With the licencing & the company) we were forced to wait till early January to start our operation, which worked out perfectly for us. On December 24th the announcement on free trade came, we knew this would work to our advantage so we decided to wait till free trade came back. Our estimates were that we could collect about 40 Billion GP which sold for 50c (Usd) a mil we could get about $20,000 American dollars, which would fund our site for the next few years. In doing this we also decided that it was far too risky to do the collection of GP ourself's, Paris was an old hacker who knew how to backtrack ip's and could easily screw us all over, we also didn't want our ip's to be traced by the government or by jagex (Both would end in a lawsuit against us) so we decided to hire some kids who would do the work for us, in return we would give them cash + all the GP they wanted this is how gh0st got involved. Gh0st was not a hacker, he was a leecher who was trying to learn how to hack, the perfect disguise... We literally got gh0st (Some 14 year old kid) to do all the transferring for us (We also hired some others but gh0st was the main one) all he did was create accounts and transfer the GP onto them. The other part of the deal we had with him was to say that he had done all the hacking and to take all the credit, Luckily he was quite good with photoshop and created some pretty good pictures of the account lists. We gave him all the logs of passwords on the day before free trade and let him get to work. The next thing that came was the advertising of our own site and trying to take there members, we made many ad's on the powerbot site to come to our new better client and on the Rsbot Twitter. Eventualy we were Ip banned of Powerbot and couldnt access the Twitter, this was when we started DDosing Thier site. We all used Rdos to ping there site till there was nothing left, what we didnt expect was them DDosing us back. This lead to the dossing war which is continuing right now. we have taken down their site, Ours is still up but is very slow to load. This is where the story ends... For now You might think this is bullshit, think what you want, i have given an explanation to the current events to the best of my knowledge. ******* client is a real client and dose not steal your password, we are thinking of turning it into somthing simmilar to RSbots.net. ArbiBots scripts were the ones that stole your passwords. ******* dosent steal your password, i think. We have currently collected 19 Billion Gp and we have gone through 3500/14000 accounts. This is the new age of botting. ------------------------------------------------------------- Keegi aru ei saand siis neil oli plaanis see kõik ... Võite isegi postitada kes palju scammi saand jms , > tean aind et kahel sõbral accid tühad lost mingi 10m , enda sõbral läksid clawid / ss / money mingi 10-15m . minul taheti ka aga mul oli õnneks pb peal . Ärge kasutage ARBIBOTTI ! > kellel alles võite ülejäänd botid maha lasta , Hetkel Scammi vabad ongi ainult Powerbot/Rsbots.net botid ' ------ Võib juhtuda ka et mingi tegelane nimega "Gh0$t" üritab siis uuesti scammida kõike powerboti - Teema link http://www.powerbot.org/vb/showthread.php?t=624195 Juhul kui kasutate Stealbot / epicbot / vms erinevaid , need lihtsalt stealivad su rsbot.ini faili kus on teie bankpin / acc name / password ja teie account saabki scammed , kui botite siis vahetage iga päev pmst parooli , ja kasutage bank pini .
Tere, kuna powerbot on hetkel maas, siis ei saa ma wChins scripti k2tte! Keegi saaks sheerida seda, oleks kiiresti vaja.
Tere Tegin siis päeviku mu purest Bottin seda iga päev Kasutaja tehtud 2 päeva tagasi Banned pole veel saanud Pilt siis kui sain wc 60 Goals Str 50-75+ Wc 63-85+ FM 1-60 Cooking 1-60 Mining 1-75 Smithing 1-50 Fishing 1-60 Rc1-50 Range 1-70 Mage 1-70 Questid.. Hetkel vaja ainult (animal Magnetism) aga hiljem
Kas keegi teab Kust saab t6mmata Rock crab bot ?
inimesed et äkki te oskaksite siis soovitada kust ma võiks leida kõige parema ja kõige vähemate vigadega töötava rsbot-i sorry kui sellised teemad olemas aga ma vaatasin ja need olid kõik ammu postitud ja ma tahaks kõige värskemat rsboti leida.
Oleks Vaja sellist RSbotti mis töötaks hetkel . Kui keegi teab lehte kust saab töötavat Botti siis palun andke.:hi:
Kus rsbot-i saan tõmmata Rsbot.org on jagexi poolt üle võetud , keegi saaks anda lingi ? ty.
Märkasin, et Eesti Rsbot kommuun on jälle avatud. Tundub, et kogu värk on seal uuendamata ajast, mil rsbotil seadusega jamad olid. Aga vähemalt on korralik domeen ja natuke rahvast vist siiski käib. http://rsbot.pri.ee/
Mõtlesin, et prooviks ka siis rsboti ära aga ei sa mina midagi aru, mis jama on. Kui boti tõmbasin ja clickisin peale siis tuli mingi kiri, et Kas tahad uuendada? Panin Jah ja tuli desktopile rsbot 105.jar, ning sellega l6i errori ette, mis on pildipeal. A kui panen ei tuleb küll rslogin ette aga Compile-scripts ja FindJDK nendega lõõb ikka errori ette. Üldse jube imelik on. Arvuti OS on muidu Vista äkki selleprast...
sjuke jama et peale rsboti käivitamist jookseb java (vist) kokku ehk panen boti uuesti käima tuleb aind valge taust ette kas keegi ei oska siis aidata? kas keegi siis töeesti ei tea ve
- jookseb
- kävitamist
(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Nii õppisin ise ka seda asjandust 100% kasutama ja jagan oma teadmisi meeleldi ka kõigi foorumlastega. --------------------------------- 1. RsBot install ja tööle panemine ning JDK 2. Kasutaja tegemine ja logimine RsBoti-s 3. Ülevaade RsBotist - Funksioonid, käsklused jms. 4. Scriptid ja nende lisamine RsBot-i --------------------------------- 1. Nii, kuna rsbotil on tekkinud palju uusi versioone ja neid võib leida kõikjalt siis näitan ära kust saab kohe kõige uuema versiooni. Tõmba endale RsBot uuem versioon siit: http://rsbot.com/smf/index.php?topic=482.0 (NB! Kõigepealt tuleb rsbot foorumis ennast Regada! Ok, nüüd on teil rsbot olemas, kuid selle käivitamiseks on teil vaja üht lisaprogrammi nimega JDK mille saate endale tõmmata siit: https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_Developer-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewProductDetail-Start?ProductRef=jdk-6u6-oth-JPR@CDS-CDS_Developer Kui tekib probleeme vms saate lisainformatsiooni siit lehelt: http://rsbot.com/smf/index.php?topic=615.0 Nüüd kui need kaks asja on olemas siis pakkige lahti rsboti pakk. Nüüd minge sinna kausta kus on fail nimega run.bat / run.sh. Käivitage neist kumbki. Palju õnne, rsbot on töökorras! 2. Nii, nüüd on võimalus teha kasutaja kuigi see ei ole kohustuslik. Aga ajsa muudab see igatahes lihtsamaks. Ok avage boti aknast "Settings" -> "Account manager." Siis peaks teile tekkima selline aken: Vajutage kõigepealt "Add" nuppu. Siis kirjutage username ja passwordi koha peale oma rs kasutaja nimi ja parool. Jälgige, et need oleks õiged ja vajutage "Apply" või "Okay" Miks on nii parem? Siis te ei pea scripti käivitades kasutajaga sisse logima vaid seda tehakse automaatselt! 3. Teil on nüüd olemas RsBot aga te ei oska sellega midagi peale hakata? Ok, kõigepealt vaatame üle mis scriptid meil olemas on. Avage menüüst: "Bot" -> "Run script" Nüüd avaneb teile teie scriptide kogu mis on installitud või juba algusest saadik botiga kaasas olnud. Scriptid on jaotatud kõik eraldi kaostadesse mida saate avada topeltklõpsuga: Ok, valige näiteks "ProMiner" script. Kui olete klõpsanud ühe korra scripti nimega "ProMiner" peale avanevad teile paremal pool aknas scripti käsklused: Alguses võib asi nätuke keeruline tunduda, kuid keerulist ei ole siin midagi. Ok näiteks te tahate Varrock Westis kaevandada clayd. Vaatate kohe mis number on Varrock west: clay. Nii, antud juhul on see 8, seega "Mode:" kasti kirjutate numbri 8 ja lähete edasi. Nüüd on võimalus kas tahate teha Power-miningut või tahate oresid bankida. Juhul kui otsustate poweri kasuks klikkige "Power-Mining Mode" ees ringis. Juhul kui tahate bankida ärge vajutage midagi ning klõsake OK nuppu! Nüüd hakkas script tööle, veenduge, et asute clay ore läheduses, et script seda loeks! 4. Ok, teil on tekkinud küsimus: Kust leida häid scripte?, Miks ma "Download more scipts" alt ei saa scripte tõmmata? Essale küsimusele vastan kohe ära: http://www.rsbot.com/smf Ok, kuid miks ei saa botist endast scipte downloadida? Seda ma isegi, et tea täpselt. Muidugi oleks mugavam scripte otse botist tõmmata aga selle osaga pidavat neil mingeid probleeme olema jne, et jääme siis uut versiooni ootama Nii, sa ei oska veel lisada scripte rsboti? Ok, tegelikult on see väga lihtne! Vali välja omale hea script! Milline on hea script? Hea scipt on koos anti-ban ja randomitega. Script mis ei sisalda buge! Script mis vahetevahel automaatselt puhkab, ehk teeb "brake"!, Script kus on valida palju erinevaid võimalusi! (Kuigi neid kõiki asju saad ise lihtsalt juurde lisada!) Vaata kindlasti mingi väga uus ja "top rated" script. Siis on peaaegu selge, et script töötab 100% Kindlasti loe ka komentaare teema all! Kui oled veendunud, et tegu on hea scriptiga siis korralikul scriptil on all ka .java faili download olemas. (See on tavaliselt täiesti scripti all) Ok, ning vajutage sellele ning salvestage nüüd see oma rsbot kausta mis peaks teil asuma Desktopil. Ühesõnaga: Desktop -> rsbotsvn -> Scripts Jälgige, et scripti nimeks jääks ikka see mis alguses antud oli. Nii, nüüd käivitage oma RsBot ja tehke selline asi nagu "Compile" ehk valige RsBoti menüüst: "Compiler" -> "Compile all" või "Compile scripts" oodake väheke ja vaadake kas teile lisandus uus script! Ma olen üsna kindel, et uueima versiooni puhul on teil script olemas Antud õpetus on mõeldud ja koostatud 100% sandman poolt! Õpetuse kopeerimiseks oma saidile / foorumisse või kõiknes mujale palun enne küsida! Kõiksugused küsimused ja jutud on oodatud siia teemasse! Mina ei vastuta õpetuse käigus tekkinud probleemide eest! Kui saad banni siis mind ei ole vaja süüdistada!
Et oleks abi vaja rsbotiga krti nyyd kui seda asja uuendati huiij tajun kuhu pana script et kuhu ma selle scripti panema pean ett tööle hakkas vms ??? t2pne asukohta oleks tänulik
SOOVITAN MITTE BOTTIDA PRÄEGU , KUNA JAGEXIL ON BANNIMISHOOG PEALE TULNUD / aga kuna lugesin et kui nyyd paugupealt lõpetada , siis on ka risk banni saada:) ise lasen atm edasi:) Siit Leiate siis Appealid + Ka Weel Nipid , Mida Bottimisel Kasutada:) Loodan , Et See Teema On Abiks:) Uuendan seda teemat nii tihti , kui võimalik:) NB: VÄGA PALJUD SAID PEALE UPDATE BANNED , KUI KA SINA , SIIS POSTITA SIIA! ( Siit võid ka leida lahenduse oma ban appealile ) Siin On Mõned Nipid , Mida Oleks Hea Järgida * Kasuta scripti , mis EI MISSCLICKI! * Boti mitte 24/7 vaid näitex 10h Päevas:) * Lase kasutajal vahepeal seista paar päeva. * Tee kasutajaga ka muid asju. ( ntx : Queste ) SAID BANNED? Shit happens:D Ei okey , siin mõned Apeealid , RsBot foorumist : 1) Dear Jagex, i have found a Keylogger on my computer and have had my password changed, i have cleared the Virus out of my computer, found out that the Hacker was botting on my account, and wanted to say that i wanted my account back, i will always think before i download stuff now! 2) Dear Jagex, someone told me that this Program i downloaded wont get me banned, i never knew it was such a bad thing, im only 13 years old and i don't know any better, Jagex please give me a 2nd chance and i promise i will never do it again, never! 3) Dear Jagex, i have let my best friend borrow my account(which i knew was a mistake) and he botted for me and said he didnt, so a couple days after, my account was banned for botting? And i was confused, because i have never botted in my life so i figured it was my friend, Please unban me and i will change my password and never give out my info again, not even to my best friend. 4) Dear Jagex, i am 100% sure that you have falsely banned me, i was training and some guy came up to me and asked stupid questions, so i didnt answer and decided to ignore him, then he got all crazy saying Botter!Botter! Report this bot, im letting you know i have been falsely banned. 5) Dear Jagex, i have recently added some annoying people to my ignore list, so they tried messaging me, but since they were on my ignore list, i didnt know they were trying to talk to me, so then they reported me for botting, please unban my account as soon as possible. 6) Dear Jagex, i have Recently bought membership for this game, and now im banned?? Can you unban my account because i wasted 5.95? 7) Dear Jagex, i have been playing this game for more than a year now, and i am very interested in it, and now that you have banned me, i miss this game terribly, please unban my account and plus i bought member and was member for ever a year until you banned me. 8) Jagex, I understand that ____ is wrong but as of late i have realised that i don't care about anything but your game. mining, smithing, fishing man that stuff was fun! i've heard these ban appeals never work but i figured i'd write this before bed just incase someone answers it. Everything just seems so flat now that runescape has'nt been here to entertain me. i used to do everything with my dad before he passed away. i'm going to commit suicide because without my obby cape and r2h to defend me from pkers i'm just as good as dead. 9) About a month back I stopped playing on this account. And now that I tried to log in today, I found out that my account has been disabled? I have never downloaded any 3rd party program to "help" me play this game because I never found it necessary to get it when you can create tabs in the Firefox Browser. I don't know how someone got my account, and why they were stupid enough to keep the same password, but hopefully, if you find it in the depths of your heart to unban me, I will put a new password on my character and even put everyone of those other Safety Requirements on my character, which I failed to do about a month ago. Thank you for the chance to appeal and I hope you can understand my situation. I would like to continue to get back into this game, which I failed to do because of finals at my high school. Again, thank you. NB! Kes on nende appealidega proovinud , siis võix kirjutada või lisada pildi tulemusest:) NB! NEED EI OLE KOHUSTUSLIKUD , KIRJUTA ISE VÕI COPY SIIT! KUI ON DENIED , SIIS ÄRA SÜÜDISTAMA TULE EKS? *** Need on paljusid aidanud , Soovitan neid kasutada neil , kes eriti ise inglise keelt ei jaga , aga võib ka ise midagi välja mõelda:) *** :cool: :ty