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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''questi''.
Leitud 63 tulemust
Questimine *Hind sõltub questi pikkusest ja raskusest *Kasutajal peavad olemas olema vajalikud statsid *Vajalikud esemed peavad olemas olema (lisatasu eest muretsen ise) Olen endal kõik questid ära teinud - soovi korral näitan Quest cape C1 rush (dung) F1-F29 1€ F1-F35 1,2€ Võin teha ka teisi teenuseid Tehingu viis SEB, SWED Andmed Nimi:Tõnn Maakond: Pärnu Msn:t_nn3@hotmail.com E-mail:t_nn3@hotmail.com RSN:K2bikunn2
Skillid mida orjan! Skillid mida ei orja! 1) Questis vajaminevad asjad võiksid olla olemas! 2) Pärast tehingut FEEDBACK! ♥ 5) Kui mina teen oma tööd, siis sina kui konto omanik seni kaua kasutajas ei käi, kuni töö tehtud saab! ★Hinnakiri: Tulekul Orjan käsitsi ja Epic/Powerbotiga.★ Tehingu viis: Andmed: Aigar Uibomäe Pärnumaa, Surju vald TheAikkuOlen U.Aigar96@hotmail.com
Tere, pakun questimis ja dung teenuseid. Tasu hetkel vaid runescape rahas. Tõestus, et hakkama saan. * Oman QP cape * Kasutaja Statse näete siit (Total 2490+) : http://vahvel.net/showthread.php?154763-NatureBoogy-20*99!-all-92-Total-2450 Dungimisel 1m- Aba 1,5m - Occ 1,8m - Warp Hulgi on odavam Questimisel: 1. Questis vaja minevad asjad peavad olemas olema 2. Teen vaid P2P queste 3. Hind sõltub Questi pikkusest ja raskusest 4. Töö ajal ei tohi konto omanik tööle vahelesegada 5. Peale tehingud ikka FeedBack Hinnad: 1. Vaata siit lehelt questi tärnid http://www.zybez.net/search.aspx?browse=4#quests:0+2 2. Length tärn = 1m, diffculty = 500k (See on umbakudne hind, kindla soovi korral küsige hinda) 3. Selle järgi saate põhi hinna tead, millele võivad langeda soodustused. Soodustused tekivad, kui täidate mõne vastavad kriteerumist: * Ostate hulgi * Kasutajal korralikud lvlid PS! teen ka vaid questide bosse. Kindlalt ühendust võtta kui soovi on, mingile kokkuleppele jõuame ikka, rsn: NatureBoogy Nimi: Riho Maakond: Harujmaa Linn: Tallinn Msn/E-mail: Avalikustan tehingu ostjale kui soovib (Kui see rikub mingeid reegleid, võin kirjutada)
Questid Teen F2p Queste [Peale Shield left arrawi] *Iga Questi hind 2k RSGP *Vajalikud esemed ja levelid peavad teil piisavalt kõrged olema! *Saatke Sõnum mulle või lisage MSN ace@hot.ee Orjamine Arendan ka leveleid. (Väga ekstreemses koguses ärge laske teha) Kirjutage mulle ise mis lvlit orjan ja mitu lvlit. Soovitatavalt F2P-le avatud levelit. Xpst oleneb raha summa. [Kergemad lvlid 100k xp 5k runescape cash] Makse viis: RSGP Nimi: Ott Maakond:Saaremaa Linn:Kuressaare E-mail:annpr@hot.ee Msn:ace@hot.ee
- 17 vastust
- arendamise
- f2p
- (ja 11 veel)
Teenuste hinnad/teenused mida pakud/otsid: Defenderid Bronze defender - dragon defender - 1,5m Bronze defender - rune defender - 1m Skille Prayerit Woodcuttingut Fishingut Firemakingut Runecraftingut Miningut Smithingut Herbloret Agilitytit Fletching Crafting Construction Magic Hunter Cookingut Dungeoneering Short Novice = 1M Short Intermediate = 1.5M Short Experienced = 2M Short Master = 2.5MM Medium Novice = 3M Medium Intermediate = 3.5M Medium Experienced = 4M Medium Master = 5M Medium Grandmaster = 6M Long Novice = 3M Long Intermediate = 4M Long Experienced = 5M Long Master = 7M Long Grandmaster = 9M Very Long (MM/DT) = 10M Very Long (RFD) = 10M RFD SubQuest = 2.5M Levelid üle 80: 1m xp=9m rsgp (3€) - Käsitsi tehes (Skillid mis on raskemad on kallimad) Levelid alla 80: 1m xp=5m rsgp(2€) - Käsitsi tehes (Skillid mis on raskemad on kallimad) Teen charme ka summoningu jaoks. NB! Kui tööd lõpuni ei tee, ei nõua ma tasu! Tehingu viis: RS coins RS itemid Rate.ee SOL id Sinu andmed: Nimi: Martin Maakond: Viljandimaa Linn: Viljandi E-mail: saikoo.questid@hotmail.com Msn: saikoo.questid@hotmail.com
Tere! Ostaksin 6 questi, mis veel tegemata ja puudu. Ainult usaldusväärsed vennad saavad mu acci, sest bpin puudub. Questlist: Hind: Offer. Tehingu viis: (Hanspangaga, ühispangaga, rsgp) Sinu andmed: Nimi: Siim. Maakond: Tartumaa. Linn: Tartu. E-mail: Jäta enda. Msn: Jäta enda. Parim hinna/usaldussuhe võidab. Samuti võib pakkuda Kiln cape hinda (maxed acc, ovls, chaotics, yak, jne)
Aglity 1,000 - Recruitment Drive 2,000 - Legacy of Seergaze 2,000 - Defender of Varrock 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 3,000 - Underground Pass 3,000 - Land of the Goblins 4,000 - Icthlarin's Little Helper 5,000 - Cold War 5,000 - Kennith's Concerns 5,000 - Royal Trouble 6,000 - Grim Tales 7,000 - Cabin Fever 7,000 - Darkness of Hallowvale 7,900 - The Grand Tree 8,000 - Troll Romance 9,000 - The Curse of Arrav 10,000 - Myths of the White Lands (you must have at least 55 Agility to claim this optional reward) 10,000 - Recipe for Disaster 13,750 - Regicide 15,000 - Back to my Roots 20,000 - Mourning's Ends Part II 20,000 - The Chosen Commander 20,000 - The Branches of Darkmeyer 25,000 - Rocking Out 35,000 - Within the Light 60,000 - The Prisoner of Glouphrie Total: 306,462 Experience. Attack 100 - The Blood Pact 600 - In Search of the Myreque 1,000 - Mountain Daughter 2,000 - A Fairy Tale Part I 2,000 - In Aid of the Myreque 2,500 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 3,000 - Death Plateau 3,000 - Underground Pass 3,075 - Heroes Quest 4,000 - Quiet Before The Swarm 4,825 - Vampyre Slayer 5,000 - TokTz-Ket-Dill 7,500 - Spirit of Summer (if level 50 or higher) 11,450 - Tree Gnome Village 12,175 - Fight Arena 13,750 - Waterfall Quest 18,400 - The Grand Tree 20,000 - Monkey Madness (optional when you speak to Daero, you can get 35,000 instead of 20,000 if you choose Attack and Defence over Strength and Constitution) 20,000 - Knight Waves Training Grounds Total: 133,187 Experience. Constitution 500 - A Soul's Bane 600 - In Search of the Myreque 2,000 - Nature Spirit 2,500 - Fur 'n' Seek 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 3,075 - Heroes Quest 4,000 - Recipe for Disaster 5,000 - Grim Tales 5,000 - Royal Trouble 6,325 - Witch's House 7,000 - Missing My Mummy 15,000 - Dream Mentor 17,000 - Salt in the Wound 20,000 - Monkey Madness(optional when you speak to Daero, you can get 35,000 instead of 20,000 if you choose Strength and Constitution over Attack and Defence) 20,000 - Knight Waves Training Grounds 25,000 - Mourning's End Part I Total: 135,812 Experience. Construction 250 - The Eyes of Glouphrie 575 - Perils of Ice Mountain 900 - Rune Mechanics 1,000 - Legacy of Seergaze 1,000 - Tower of Life 1,500 - Cold War 2,000 - Darkness of Hallowvale 2,000 - The Great Brain Robbery 3,000 - Hunt for Red Raktuber 5,000 - The Fremennik Isles 7,500 - Spirit of Summer 11,250 - A Clockwork Syringe 15,000 - Catapult Construction 20,000 - TokTz-Ket-Dill 20,000 - The Void Stares Back 30,000 - Do No Evil 50,000 - Love Story 50,000 - The Prisoner of Glouphrie Total: 220,975 Experience. Cooking 300 - Cook's Assistant 500 - Rag and Bone Man 1,470 - Big Chompy Bird Hunting 1,525 - Gertrude's Cat 2,825 - Heroes Quest 5,000 - Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf 5,000 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 28,000 - Recipe for Disaster Total: 44,620 Experience. Crafting 150 - Sheep Shearer 200 - Goblin Diplomacy 300 - Gunnar's Ground 500 - Tower of Life 500 - Fur 'n' Seek 600 - In Search of the Myreque 750 - Dwarf Cannon 1,000 - Animal Magnetism 1,000 - Fairy Tale III - Battle at Orks Rift 1,000 - The Golem 1,000 - Making History 1,000 - Tears of Guthix 1,406 - Murder Mystery 2,000 - Cold War 2,000 - Enlightened Journey 2,000 - Gunnar's Ground (you must have at least 42 Crafting to claim this optional reward) 2,000 - In Aid of the Myreque 2,000 - Myths of the White Lands (you must have at least 30 Crafting to claim this optional reward) 2,000 - Shades of Mort'ton 2,250 - Observatory Quest 2,500 - The Giant Dwarf 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 3,000 - The Great Brain Robbery 3,000 - Nature Spirit 3,500 - Slug Menace 3,500 - Recipe for Disaster 3,875 - Shilo Village 4,000 - Legacy of Seergaze 5,000 - Elemental Workshop I 5,000 - The Fremennik Isles 7,000 - Cabin Fever 7,000 - Enakhra's Lament 7,500 - Elemental Workshop II 9,000 - The Hand in the Sand 9,000 - Elemental Workshop IV 10,000 - Gunnar's Ground (you must have at least 72 crafting to claim this optional reward) 10,000 - TokTz-Ket-Dill 11,556 - In Pyre Need 20,000 - Gunnar's Ground (you must have at least 90 crafting to claim this optional reward) 20,000 - The Void Stares Back 20,000 - The Branches of Darkmeyer 25,000 - Rocking Out 40,000 - Do No Evil 40,000 - Love Story Total: 295,899 Experience. Defence 100 - The Blood Pact 500 - A Soul's Bane 600 - In Search of the Myreque 2,000 - In Aid of the Myreque 2,000 - Nature Spirit 2,000 - What Lies Below 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 3,075 - Heroes' Quest 5,000 - Between a Rock... 8,500 - Elemental Workshop III(if you read the book given as a reward) 10,000 - Defender of Varrock 12,000 - Olaf's Quest 15,300 - Holy Grail 18,650 - Dragon Slayer 19,000 - A Clockwork Syringe 20,000 - Monkey Madness(optional when you speak to Daero, you can get 35,000 instead of 20,000 if you choose Defence and Attack over Constitution and Strength) 20,000 - Knight Waves Training Grounds 33,000 - King's Ransom 45,000 - Salt in the Wound Total: 211,037 Experience. Dungeoneerin 5,000 - A Clockwork Syringe 5,000 - Salt in the Wound Total: 10,000 Experience. Farming 500 - Perils of Ice Mountain 1,000 - Recipe for Disaster 2,000 - Spirit of Summer (additional 10,000 xp available if level 50 or higher) 3,000 - Enlightened Journey 3,500 - A Fairy Tale Part I 4,000 - Grim Tales 5,000 - Forgettable Tale... 5,000 - Garden of Tranquility 5,000 - My Arm's Big Adventure 7,000 - Rum Deal 11,000 - Fairy Tale III - Battle at Orks Rift 20,000 - The Branches of Darkmeyer 24,000 - Back to my Roots Total: 91,000 Experience. Firemaking 500 - Fur 'n' Seek 1,500 - The Giant Dwarf 1,575 - Heroes Quest 4,000 - Enlightened Journey 5,500 - All Fired Up 7,000 - Enakhra's Lament 8,000 - Balloon Transport System, Requires, 30, 40, 50, 60 Firemaking 14,400 - In Pyre Need 15,000 - As a First Resort... 15,000 - Summer's End 20,000 - The Void Stares Back 30,000 - Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf Total: 122,475 Experience. Fishing 1,000 - Recipe for Disaster 2,437 - Fishing Contest 2,725 - Heroes' Quest 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 3,000 - Land of the Goblins 5,000 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 7,000 - Rum Deal 7,175 - Sea Slug 10,000 - Swan Song 70,000 - Deadliest Catch Total: 111,149 Experience. Fletching 262 - Big Chompy Bird Hunting 1,000 - Animal Magnetism 2,000 - Zogre Flesh Eaters 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 5,000 - Devious Minds 5,000 - Catapult Construction 8,000 - Temple of Ikov 12,500 - In Pyre Need 20,000 - Within the Light 40,000 - The Branches of Darkmeyer Total: 96,574 Experience. HerbloreEdit 250 - Druidic Ritual 775 - Jungle Potion 1,000 - Recruitment Drive 1,325 - Heroes Quest 2,000 - The Dig Site 2,000 - Shades of Mort'ton 2,000 - Zogre Flesh Eaters 3,000 - Land of the Goblins 5,000 - Grim Tales 5,000 - Glorious Memories 10,000 - A Void Dance 10,000 - My Arm's Big Adventure 11,000 - Eadgar's Ruse 15,000 - Salt in the Wound Total: 68,350 Experience Hunter 500 - Perils of Ice Mountain 1,500 - Hunt for Red Raktuber 2,500 - Eagles' Peak 5,000 - Summer's End 10,000 - A Void Dance 15,000 - As a First Resort... 15,000 - Defender of Varrock 26,000 - Deadliest Catch 30,000 - Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf Total: 105,500 Experience Magic 100 - The Blood Pact 325 - Witch's Potion 875 - Imp Catcher 1,000 - A Fairy Tale Part I 1,000 - Spirits of the Elid 1,000 - The Tale of the Muspah 1,500 - The Giant Dwarf 1,997 - Swept Away (you must have at least 33 magic to claim this optional reward) 2,150 - The Grand Tree 2,300 - Rune Mechanics 2,500 - Recipe for Disaster 3,000 - Legacy of Seergaze 4,662 - Horror from the Deep 5,000 - King's Ransom 5,000 - Lunar Diplomacy 5,000 - The Path of Glouphrie 7,000 - Enakhra's Lament 7,139 - Swept Away (you must have at least 53 magic to claim this optional reward) 10,000 - Dream Mentor 10,000 - Glorious Memories 10,000 - Returning Clarence 10,338 - Swept Away (you must have at least 73 magic to claim this optional reward) 11,000 - Fairy Tale III - Battle at Orks Rift 12,000 - The Eyes of Glouphrie 14,979 - Swept Away (you must have at least 93 magic to claim this optional reward) 15,000 - Swan Song 15,250 - Watchtower 20,000 - Desert Treasure 20,000 - The Void Stares Back 35,000 - The Branches of Darkmeyer 50,000 - Do No Evil 50,000 - Love Story Total: 310,662 Experience Mining 1,300 - Doric's Quest 2,000 - Legacy of Seergaze 2,425 - Plague City 2,500 - The Giant Dwarf 2,575 - Heroes Quest 3,000 - Another Slice of H.A.M. 3,000 - The Lost Tribe 5,000 - Between a Rock... 5,000 - Summer's End 7,000 - Enakhra's Lament 10,000 - Defender of Varrock 12,000 - Kennith's Concerns 15,000 - TokTz-Ket-Dill 15,300 - The Dig Site 30,000 - The Curse Of Arrav 45,000 - King of the Dwarves Total: 146,100 Experience Prayer 125 - The Restless Ghost (additional 1,000 xp available of 5 ancient bones) 500 - Rag and Bone Man (first part) 1,000 - Making History 1,000 - Recruitment Drive 1,406 - Priest in Peril 1,500 - Fur 'n' Seek 2,000 - Mountain Daughter 2,000 - Land of the Goblins 2,400 - Ghosts Ahoy 3,000 - Another Slice of H.A.M. 5,000 - Rag and Bone Man (second part) 5,000 - Spirit of Summer (additional 10,000 xp available if level 50 or higher) 6,000 - The Great Brain Robbery 7,000 - Rum Deal 7,000 - Dealing with Scabaras 8,000 - Spirits of the Elid 10,000 - Summer's End 10,000 - Swan Song 10,000 - The Temple at Senntisten 11,000 - Holy Grail 13,750 - Goblin High Priest miniquest Total: 107,681 Experience (not including the additional xp from Spirit of Summer and The Restless Ghost) Ranged 100 - The Blood Pact 735 - Big Chompy Bird Hunting 1,500 - Recipe for Disaster 2,000 - Death to the Dorgeshuun 2,000 - Zogre Flesh Eaters 2,075 - Heroes Quest 4,662.5 - Horror from the Deep 9,000 - The Curse Of Arrav 10,500 - Temple of Ikov 20,000 - Within the Light Total: 52,572.5 Experience Runecrafting 1,000 - Abyss Miniquest 1,850 - Rune Mechanics 3,500 - Slug Menace 5,000 - Devious Minds 5,000 - Lunar Diplomacy 6,000 - The Eyes of Glouphrie 7,500 - Elemental Workshop IV 8,000 - What Lies Below 45,000 - The Prisoner of Glouphrie Total: 82,850 Experience Slayer 1,000 - Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon, Monstrous Cave Crawler 1,000 - Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon, Basilisk Boss, Requires 40 Slayer 1,000 - Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon, Mightiest Turoth, Requires 55 Slayer 1,000 - Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon, Kurask Overlord, Requires 70 Slayer 1,000 - Recipe for Disaster 1,000 - Animal Magnetism 2,000 - Shadow Sword 2,500 - The Curse of Arrav 2,500 - Fur 'n' Seek 5,000 - Royal Trouble 5,000 - Wanted! 5,000 - Smoking Kills 5,000 - Tarn's Lair 11,000 - A Clockwork Syringe 20,000 - The Path of Glouphrie 23,000 - Back to my Roots 25,000 - The Branches of Darkmeyer Total: 112,000 Experience Smithing 1,000 - Recipe for Disaster 2,257 - Heroes Quest 2,500 - The Giant Dwarf 5,000 - Between a Rock... 5,000 - Elemental Workshop I 6,500 - Devious Minds 7,000 - Cabin Fever 7,500 - Elemental Workshop II 8,500 - Elemental Workshop III 10,000 - Defender of Varrock 12,725 - The Knight's Sword 18,000 - A Clockwork Syringe 20,000 - The Void Stares Back 25,000 - Rocking Out 40,000 - Love Story 50,000 - King of the Dwarves Total: 220,982 Experience Strength 100 - The Blood Pact 600 - In Search of the Myreque 2,000 - In Aid of the Myreque 2,500 - Tai Bwo Wannai Trio 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 3,000 - Land of the Goblins 3,075 - Heroes Quest 4,000 - Troll Romance 4,662.5 - Horror from the Deep 5,000 - TokTz-Ket-Dill 6,625 - Scorpion Catcher 9,000 - The Curse Of Arrav 10,000 - Roving Elves 13,750 - Waterfall Quest 18,650 - Dragon Slayer 20,000 - Knight Waves Training Grounds 20,000 - The Chosen Commander 20,000 - Monkey Madness (optional when you speak to Daero, you can get 35,000 instead of 20,000 if you choose Constitution and Strength over Defence and Attack)* 22,000 - Haunted Mine 30,000 - The Path of Glouphrie 30,000 - Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf 55,000 - King of the Dwarves Total: 280,774.5 or 295,774.5 Experience Summoning 276 - Wolf Whistle 1,000 - Fairy Tale III - Battle at Orks Rift 1,000 - Spirit of Summer 1,500 - Summer's End 4,000 - The Curse Of Arrav 8,000 - A Void Dance 12,500 - Salt in the Wound 15,000 - A Clockwork Syringe 20,000 - The Void Stares Back Total: 63,276 Experience Thieving 500 - Perils of Ice Mountain 500 - Tower of Life 525 - Buyers and Cellars 1,000 - Creature of Fenkenstrain 1,000 - The Golem 1,000 - The Hand in the Sand 1,000 - Spirits of the Elid 1,250 - Biohazard 1,500 - The Giant Dwarf 1,500 - Hazeel Cult 1,775 - Tribal Totem 2,000 - Death to the Dorgeshuun 2,000 - Hunt for Red Raktuber 2,175 - Fight Arena 2,500 - A Fairy Tale Part II 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 3,000 - Land of the Goblins 3,500 - Slug Menace 4,500 - Icthlarin's Little Helper 4,500 - Rat Catchers 5,000 - The Path of Glouphrie 6,000 - Darkness of Hallowvale 6,000 - Grim Tales 7,000 - Contact! 7,000 - Dealing with Scabaras 8,000 - Deadliest Catch 11,000 - Fairy Tale III - Battle at Orks Rift 14,000 - The Curse Of Arrav 15,000 - The Feud 18,000 - A Clockwork Syringe 20,000 - The Chosen Commander 25,000 - Mourning's Ends Part I 25,000 - Rocking Out 50,000 - Do No Evil 60,000 - The Prisoner of Glouphrie Total: 315,537 Experience Woodcutting 1,500 - Enlightened Journey 1,500 - Recipe for Disaster 1,575 - Heroes Quest 2,000 - Monk's Friend 2,500 - Animal Magnetism 2,500 - The Eyes of Glouphrie 2,812 - The Fremennik Trials 4,000 - Icthlarin's Little Helper 5,000 - Summer's End 10,000 - The Fremennik Isles 14,000 - Grim Tales 15,000 - As a First Resort... 20,000 - Within the Light 20,000 - Myths of the White Lands (minimum of 80 woodcutting required to claim this optional reward) 40,000 - Back to my Roots 50,000 - The Branches of Darkmeyer Total 192387
Teenuste hinnad/teenused mida pakud/otsid: oskan kõiki f2p queste ja teen mõndasid p2p queste ka Hind: offer Tehingu viis:rsgp Nimi:kristjan Maakond:harjumaa Linn:tallinn E-mail:runescapeftw@hot.ee Msn: [email:1b72huxx]questorjad@hotmail.com[/email:1b72huxx]
tere oleks vaja kes teeks mul 2 questi 1.Fremennik Trials 2.Lunar Diplomacy Hind: (paku ise) Tehingu viis: (RSGP) Sinu andmed: Sinu nimi:Henry Maakond:harjumaa Linn:keila Msn:Henry_ilus@hotmail.com
Tere, Orjan siis queste järgmiste hindadega Soovitud hind: Novice - 200k-500k 0.20-0.30 eur Intermediate - 500k-1m 0.40-0.70 eur Experienced - 1m-3m 0.50-1.20 eur Master - 2m-5m 0.70-1.80 eur Grandmaster - 5m-10m 2-4 eur Teie poolt peab olema questi jaoks vajalikud asjad ja levelid . Pm või lisage [email:rde9heps]hokimees@hotmail.com[/email:rde9heps] Sinu andmed: Nimi:Harri Maakond:Jõgevamaa Linn:Jõgeva Tehingu viis : Rsgp või Swed,Seb.
Oleks, siis huvitatud inimesest kellel on heroes quest tegemata. Vahet ei ole millisesse kampa te kuulute, kuna minul on nagunii shield of arrav tegemata. Kasuks tuleks: Suhtlusprogramm TS, Ventrilo, Skype, Mumble. Kes huvi tunneb, siis postitage siia oma MSN või PM. Parimat.
Oleks vaja teha järgmised 10 questi(subquestid ja levelid olemas). Tegemist ei tohiks olla väga raskete questidega ja cmb lvl peaks olema nende jaoks rohkem kui piisav(93cb) Tehke oma hinnapakkumine, usaldusväärsetele(minu jaoks) käin ette. Maksan RSGP.
Hind oleneb statsidest.(RSGP) Põhjus miks ma orjan seda: Endal kasutaja botib enamus aja ja mul nüüd f2p kasutaja ja samal ajal kui mul botib mul lihtsalt pole mitte midagi teha, ja hiljuti sain wildis lured 20m niiet raha oleks hädasti vaja. msn: [email:2vzxvq3j]Pisike_23@hotmail.com[/email:2vzxvq3j] Jäta siia kommentaar ka et sa lisasid mu. (jah ma tean et mul vähe postitusi ja tehinguid ,aga sellepärast ei pea kohe hakkama mind ma ei tea kuidas kutsuma enne kui sul pole minuga kogemusi) minimaal nõuded: 43 prayer(kuid 40-ga saaks ka hakkama lihtsalt läheb rohkem sööki ja aega) võiks olla vähemalt cb kuskil 55+ vms Questid tehtud et saaks alustada Monkey madness, kuid kui ei ole tehtud ja tahad et mina teeksin, siis olen nõus seda ka mingi hinna eest tegema. (RSGP) ranget võiks ka natuke olla, mingi 40 vähemalt et seda Lõpu bossi/jungle demon rangega ära tappa(rangega minu meelest kõige parem) ise olen monkey madness kuskil 7+ korda ära teinud ja kiireim aeg on olnud kuskil 2 tundi ainult. minu jaoks see 2 tundi kiire aeg aga kuidas kellegile. Ja töö teen ennem ära ainult nendel kellel 10-20+ tehingut, alla 10 tehingu tahaks ise ette saada vähemalt mingi osa tasust kohe kindlalt. et jah, kellegil soovi on siis andke teada EDIT: Võime ka MM kasutada, (kes ei tea mis mm on siis see on Middle man, see käib nii et sina(kui tellija) annad tasu juba Middle mani kätte (middle maniks võib olla nt Tanel või keegi mode/usaldusväärne) ja kui middle man teatab mulle et raha on tema käes, hakkan mina sinu tellimust täitma. kui minu tellimus on tehtud , kontrollib middle man selle üle ja kinnitab seda et tellimus on tõepoolest tehtud , siis annab ta selle tasu minu kätte ja sina lihtsalt paned oma kontole uue passwordi) 23.03.11- ikka orjan
Questideks on siis: 1)Giant Dwarf, The - on kuskile maale juba tehtud. 2)Forgettable Tale of a Drunken Dwarf 3)Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf PS! Questid tuleb selles järjekorras teha nagu nad siin loetletud on! Kui viitsid need questid ära orjata siis anna teada. Palun jäta oma MSN siia teemase või postkasti. Ning 2011 aasta ning low tehinguga isikutel palun mitte tüüdata ! Maksta võin nii RSGP kui eurodes. Parimat, Active
Otsiks siis kedagi, kes teeks mul biohazardi ära. Jätke MSN ja hind siia.
Vaja oleks siis et keegi teeks paar questi mul ara Nimed :The giant dwarf Fishing concuest between a rock forgivness of chaos dwarf forgetabble tale of a drunk dwarf Aind siis usaldusväärsed inimsed pakkugu tehinguteta inimesi ei soovi Oma hind jatke teemasse ja kui kauua aega kuluks
Monkey Madnessi teen 2€ eest(Ka def 1& pray 1 puredele) nõuded:hp 50+ BANK 100K Aega kulub:ligikaudu 1H. Desert Treasure teen 3€ (Ka def 1 & pray 11 puredele) nõuded: HP 50+ range 50+ mage 50+ BANK 300K Aega kulub:ligikaudu 3h Teen ka teisi queste,oleneb hinnast ja questist Kui on soovi ,siis lisage msni: [email:3se1wq7y]aasorg@hotmail.com[/email:3se1wq7y] NB:Kui minust rohkem tehinguid siis teen ette.