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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''private''.
Leitud 73 tulemust
Tervist, Leidsin siis uue private serveri mis on nagu vana runescape 2006 aastal, xp rate on 1,5 mis on väga hea. Kõik tulge pelama! Link: http://projectrs06.com/
Tsau ma siin uus ja kutsun teid m2ngima Hamachi Rspsi Info Serverist Server On 317 Meil on seal Torva , pernix , virtus + k6ik emotionid t88tavad. Server on uus. Vajame korrahoidjaid ja moderaatoreid Arvan et teen selle Serveri eestikeelseks :3 Hamachi info Network id - Assasinx1(1-20) Parool - 123 link - http://www.rswebclients.com/play/AssasinX
kellegil on v6i teab s6pra kellel on rsps , non-hamachi saaksin inimesi kutsuda runescape private server toplisti kaudu http://www.runelocus.com Mul on internetipulk millega saan 60 h22lt anda , pmst vahetab ise ip-si N.B! kui tead mingit head serverid kus normaalsed rewardid votega siis palun v2ga v6id alla postitada runelocus lingi , v6i foorumi
BETA v1 Nimka Private Server-------(VPS)(SOF)(24/7)------- WEB CLIENT http://nmka.site88.net/play/webclient.php Forums http://www.nmka.eu Added In Working MoneyPouch! Fixed the dupe in the MoneyPouch Fixed the Drop Dupe Added In Summoning Orb With Draining Fixed Cheat Egine Dupe! Added in custom items Added in [server] Announcement when you get 99 [100% Working] Added in LevelPoints with a Store Added in custom GFX and Anime for some basic commands Added in Lottery, [Lottie] Disabled Shops for Users That Can Spawn Staff or players who can spawn can not attend in the lottery Added 2 Starters Per Ip Added Custom Log-ins when Staff Log in Fixed Total Level Donators need Donor points to use their Shops not cash[Makes it so reg players cant be teled there and buy the items] Vote4Cash Voting System with SOF Spins on claim 100% Timed mute 100% Timed Ban Fixed Smithing (x5, x10) Added 120 Dungeoneering Fixed The Arrow Dupe Glitch Added Server AutoSave Fixed Lag when banking all Added Player Titles Added Auto-Server Save Added UIDs Added in SOF InterFace Added in KillStreak Point System Made KS give you extra PK Points Re-Wrote Mage (Was totally fucked up on v1) Custom Npc Shops Added in dice command for Donator+ AND SO MUCH MORE!
Im russian , so I talk english. Hello guys. I have a lot of GP in private servers (Like Near-Reality , PKHonor and etc.) If you need to buy some GP post in this topic : 1. Server name. 2.Server site. 3.Amount of GP. 4. Your offer. Current stock: Near-Reality: ~1,000,000,000GP (Billion) PKHonor: 1,600,000,000 GP (Billion 600 millions)
Tere, plaanisin ise hostida runescape privaatserverit, aga see on nii paga*a keeruline . kui keegi saaks mind aidata siis oleksin tänulik. Kui ma serverist mingit tulu saan siis see, kes mind aitab saab sellest 40 % msn : ekemauri@hotmail.com lisage mind messis kui olete nõüs mind aitama. tahaks teha oldschool 474 eco serverit kus oleks siis kõik special attackid, godwars ja veel mõned bossid.
EstWar on runescape privaatserver, samuti on see Eestis ainuke omalaadne. Foorum - http://estwar.itmaailm.eu/index.php Omanikud on eestlased t1a2m3o Stenka
Küsimus, kuidas leida serveri settings faili kui see on cryptitud? On see üldse võimalik? Olen ise paari botti näinud, aga endal probleeme ip/pordi/versiooni leidmisega.
http://www.demonscapef.com/ soovitan soojalt mängima hakata, iga päev saab voteda ja votedest saab igast asju valida. Cliendiga on parem mängida kui webcliendiga, sest wecliendis laggivad poed. In-Game nick on mul Shitimtoast öelge oma nickid ka kui hakkate mängima Cliendi saate siit tõmmata http://www.mediafire.com/?33lv69njfonkoe3
- 2 vastust
- demonscape
- private
(ja 2 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Et siis mida ma tegema pean et mul m2ng ei jookseks kokku kui teleprotin kui telen üks kõik kuhu siis pean tegema leheküljele refresh milles viga on kas arvutis või private serveris?? Aitage palun
Tere, Sain lõppuks siis Vipmenu täielikult valmis. Plugin on nüüd bugs free ja error logsi vaba. Tutvustan siis oma teost siia See ongi kõik siis. : ) Kui teile näiteks siin mõni asi ei meeldi saab selle ka ära kustutada, teie ise teate mida täpselt vajate ; ) Nüüd pean kahjuks minema üle väga ebameeldivale teemale, milleks on maksab : ) Hind on kokkuleppel aga alghinnaks pakuks 3-4 eur. Soovi korral, lihtsalt kirjutage siia et soovite või kontakteeru msn teel [email:16os09pk]Evil-Night@rps.ee[/email:16os09pk]
Tere! Kellel teist on VPS ehk virtual private server? Mitut kasutajat kannatab 4gb RAMi peal jooksutada? http://vpsinfinity.com/ - leidsin selle lingi, vist kõige soodsam. Plaan oleks siis VPSi peal võimalikult paljude kasutajatega bottida, ent palju 4gb RAMi peal välja kannatab joosta?
Website: www.CrisisX.com CrisisX is insane PK’ing everywhere plus perfect skilling. It’s a server that offers everything for everyone. What are you waiting for? The largest and most stable private server experience is waiting for you: www.CrisisX.com
ways to play --server info-- --images-- [spoiler=some images] ma pistaks siia veel pilte aga siin on mingi limiit 30pilti max:( --Features-- -Bosses- -Full godwars, all 4 bosses & minions. -Tormented demon with cave and all attacks. -Skeletal horror -Living rock creatures dropping Living minerals usefull for alot of stuff in fire blades. -Kalphite queen HD perfect like rs. -K’lut Zyris’ta CUSTOM BOSS Works perfect and is awesome to fight against. -Dagganoth kings. -King Black Dragon King of the dragon. -Barrelchest -All Sykerwyrms -TzTok-Jad Full HD All attacks and everything! -Minigames- -Duel arena works perfect all rules & staking -Pest control With enemies -Updated pest control rewards -Killer snail Custom minigame Works perfect without any glitches or problems WIN PRIMAL or STAKE COINS. -Sled race Custom minigame RACE AGAINS THE TIME!!! -Barrelchest Custom minigame Fight your way trough the zombeez to face your final enemie and gain your reward. -Barbarian Assault New reward system! -Fight pit Fight agains your friends! -Fight cave Get your very own fire cape -Barrows Fight with the barrow brothers and gain your Barrow set -Skills- -Full runecraft-with all altars. -Full Agility-gnome course and wilderness course. -Full Herblore-with overloads. -Full Theiving-with dissapearing stalls. -Full Crafting. Works perfectly. -Full Fletching. Works perfectly. -Full Slayer. Works perfectly. -Full Mining with dissapearing rocks. -Full Smithing you can make every item fromiron dager to nails. all 22 item choises. -Full Fishing-with rocktails. -Full Cooking-with rocktails -Full Firemakeing. Works perfectly. -Full Woodcutting. Works perfectly. -Full Farming. Works perfectly. -on v11 100% hunter as owner is working on it at the moment. -Full Summoning. Works perfectly. Beast of burden, All familiars, Scroll attacks, a good way to train the skill, all pets, Summons Fight besides you. The skill doesnt effect your combat level. All non-combat skills work perfectly at custom and usual ways. their is putten much effort in every little detail of each and every skill. -PK - Player Killing- -Perfect Combat system -Good hybriding -Fast switches -Pk point system + shop usefull rewards for pk -Clan wars area High wildy level , awesome area for clans. -Ancient curses Soulsplit, Turmoil, Deflects, Leeches, Wrath all work perfectly. They also work against monsters. -Some new areas- -Elite dungeon Fight the elite warriors to obtain their armour. You can also fight agains the mighty Tormented demon for custom claws & dragon claws. and ofcource dragon plate lumps. -Slayer dungeon Filled with the exact monster as in runescape train some slayer here if you like. -Brimhaven dungeon Filled with the exact monster as in runescape & also some mithril dragons. -God wars area awesome battlefield exactly like runescape full of scary monsters. and behind the doors youll find great danger. -Woodcutting area Cool wc spot. -Farming area Cool farm spot. -Mining & smithing area Cool m&s spot. -Pharao cave Enter the cave and you will find the gardian of the ancient curses, you think you can beat it? -Other intrestin features- -51 Custom interfaces Witch gives fireblade’s an awesome look -Custom gameframe in -runescape/fireblade style with status orbs, zoom functions resting options New tabs New chatbox look. -New J-frame with A huge amound of options and functions to make the game perfect of every single player, -Some options: -Toggle x10 hits -Custom hp bars -Custom cursors -A music player with beautiful tracks -Hp above head option -Screenshot option -Alot of new maps -New teleports with interfaces and new teleport graphics -All working magics Including every lunar spell Every weapon with belongs to have a special attack has the real special attack WITH the original effects -Interactive cache downloader and unpacker So you can exactly see your download progress niiet jah tulge mängima:P owner präägu arendab hunterit niiet v11 clientis on hunter kah:P
- 19 vastust
- fireblades
- private
(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Nii, mul on siis plaanis teha uus private server. Server tuleb kas oldschool või siis 2008-9 aasta oma. Otsin : Coderit - tema saab kõik andmed servuga seoses ning abi-owner staatuse. Admins - vara veel otsida Moderator - vara Foorum prod - saab ingame admin ning reward items ingame. Ise plaan hostida vps-iga. Msn : [email:2ot7t0fa]politigur@hotmail.com[/email:2ot7t0fa] seal lähemalt rääkida. Server tuleb välja 20-25 august.
Hey mõtlesin siin, et võiks teha priva serveri pmst otsin mingit 4 inimest, kes päriselt viitsivad asjaga tegeleda, keegi võiks osata koodida jms. Selliseid vendi pole vaja, kes ütlevad sry ma enam ei viitsi. Otsin ainult tõsise huviga vendi! Kirjuta teemasse kui oled käpp XD
kas keegi saaks õpetada mulle kuidas teha täpsemalt private server oleksin pärast poole isegi maksma kui mäng on normaalne korralik !!
Lukku - that is shit!
Tere.Mõtlesin,et kuna siin vist sellist teemat ei ole siis mõtlesin et jagan teiega mõned runescape private serverid. 1. http://yanille.com 2. http://newrune.com 3. http://grinderscape.org 4. http://pwnxile.org 5. http://deadlypkers.net 6. http://soulsplit.com 7. http://near-reality.com 8. http://runemyth.com 9. http://chaoticplanet.org EDIT: Lisasin veel paar private serverit
Väga hea server ainult et vähe mängjaid ja otsitakse staffi. Nii et liituge, claws spec töötab ja chaotic relvu on ja nii edasi , turmoil soul split jne jne. foorumid: http://s4.zetaboards.com/Arctic_Blooms/index/ Client: http://www.mediafire.com/?5krjzj1obl4087r , http://www.megaupload.com/?d=05EA97L3 WEBCLIENT: http://wwww.arctic-webclient.tk/ Vaadake kindlasti üle, väga korralik servu
Tõlkimine on veel tegemisel, kui server valmis siis teen selle lahti teistele mängimiseks. Uuendan veel teemat!Vabandage kui teema on valesse kohta tehtud! Uued pildid tulekul
Tervist . Oleks vaja siis head Private serverit . Hea oleks kui PK ja Pvm oleks koos . Costum itemeid ei tohi olla . Aitäh .
home of that scape http://www.pockii.webs.com see on hea servu , pole kerge ega ka raske. sobib neile kellele meeldib yhte asja normaalselt teha. video trailer http://pockii.webs.com/apps/videos/videos/show/13350314-pockiiscape loodan et joinite sellega , ma ise olen seal m2ngus m2ngunimega * moderator-spy * owner- jasper
Tervist . Kas kellegil oleks jagage palun mingit head RS Private server'it . Oleks väga tänulik . Postitage siia foorumi url