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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''plingee''.
Leitud 1 tulemus
Aiai, mõtlesin et teen teema, et kaua see Pling.ee väljas nd olla saab? Lehele minne siis selline MySql error: MySQL error SQLSTATE[70100]: : 1317 Query execution was interrupted Last query SELECT pling.*, pling.id as pling_id, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM p_profile_feed f WHERE f.pling_id=pling.id AND f.shared_from_id IS NOT NULL) AS share_count, DATE_FORMAT(pling.created, '%H:%i %d.%m.%Y') AS date_added, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pling.created) AS date_added_unix, avatar.image, profile_feed.shared_from_id, profile.id profile_id, profile.name profile_name, profile.user_path, profile_access.cl_access_type AS position_visible_to, relation.type AS relation_to_profile FROM p_pling AS pling INNER JOIN p_profile_feed AS profile_feed ON pling.id = profile_feed.pling_id AND profile_feed.reader_profile_id = '254473' AND profile_feed.has_been_read LEFT JOIN p_avatar AS avatar ON pling.avatar_id = avatar.id INNER JOIN p_profile AS profile ON pling.author_profile_id = profile.id AND profile.is_deleted IS NULL LEFT JOIN p_relation AS relation ON profile.id = relation.source_profile_id AND relation.target_profile_id = '254473' LEFT JOIN p_profile_access AS profile_access ON profile.id = profile_access.profile_id AND field_name = 'position_visible_to' LEFT JOIN p_pling_actors AS pling_actors ON pling_actors.pling_id = pling.id LEFT JOIN p_profile AS profile2 ON profile2.id = pling_actors.profile_id AND profile2.is_deleted IS NULL WHERE pling.state NOT IN ('DELETED', 'INCOMING', 'INPROCESS') AND ( pling.author_profile_id='254473' OR profile2.cl_type IN ('PROFILE_TYPE_MAN', 'PROFILE_TYPE_WOMAN','PROFILE_TYPE_REGISTERED') AND pling_actors.profile_id='254473' OR profile.cl_type IN ('PROFILE_TYPE_MAN','PROFILE_TYPE_WOMAN','PROFILE_TYPE_REGISTERED') AND pling.author_profile_id!='254473' AND (profile2.cl_type IN ('PROFILE_TYPE_MAN','PROFILE_TYPE_WOMAN','PROFILE_TYPE_REGISTERED') OR pling_actors.profile_id IS NULL) ) AND pling.cl_type!='LIKE' AND pling.cl_type!='COMMENT' AND pling.cl_privacy IN ('ALL','FRIENDS','PRIVATE') GROUP BY pling.id ORDER BY profile_feed.id DESC LIMIT 10 Bound params - Called in /var/www/pling/private/includes/php/Sitespec/PlingMessages/Classes/Message.php:719 Method DB -> fetchAll() Selected adapter Zend DB adapter Trace #1: DB -> createException called at [/var/www/pling/private/includes/php/General/Classes/DB.php:106] #2: DB -> __call called at [:] [b]#3: DB -> fetchAll called at [/var/www/pling/private/includes/php/Sitespec/PlingMessages/Classes/Message.php:719][/b] #4: mPlingMessages_Message -> getFeedMessages called at [/var/www/pling/private/includes/php/Sitespec/PlingMessages/PlingMessages.php:1142] #5: mPlingMessages -> viewMessagesAction called at [/var/www/pling/private/includes/php/General/Classes/Common/CommonModule.php:320] #6: CommonModule -> runModule called at [/var/www/pling/private/includes/php/General/Client.php:334] #7: Client -> run called at [/var/www/pling/private/includes/php/General/Kernel.php:66] #8: Kernel -> run called at [/var/www/pling/private/index.php:217] #9: include called at [/var/www/pling/htdocs/index.php:9] Ei tea mis olla, ehk keegi targem valgustab ?