Otsi Vahvlist
Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''players''.
Leitud 6 tulemust
Villacraft on asustatud 11.August.2012 serveris on 8,000+ Registreeritud kasutajat neist 3000 on aktiivsed m2ngumehed . Keel : Serveri Main language on Inglis keel Annetus paketid : vip on 5 eur [fly , tp ,creative world , nick rights] super donator on 8 eur [creative in survival , fly , tp , nick , worldedit] 100 levelit enchantimiseks on 1.20 Eur Host : [Lionhost] 2 Gb ram Veebileht : http://minewolfs.enjin.com/forum Ip : Pilt : Loodan teid n2ha ingame ! k6ike paremat Selga
PSN - Playstation Network - kes ei tea. http://uk.playstation.com/home/ - kes kasutab PS3-e, võtke sealt oma Portable ID ja sheerige oma signatuuri, näidates oma trophy'si jne (kui on soovi muidugi). Kas keegi omab sellist masinat nagu PS3 ? - On sul olemas PSN ID ? Kui on, siis äkki jagaksid siin oma PSN ID-d , et saaks lisada, vb saaks kunagi pela teha vms - Uurisin oma friends listi ja vaatan, et suht tühi, niiet, otsustasin teha teema ja küsida, kes on "suht" aktiivne selle masinaga ja ma lisan listi siis. Muljed, kogemused, oskad controllerit hästi ohjeldada ? jne. Mulle on suht hea mulje jätnud, väga mitmekülge. Controllerit ei oska veel väga hästi kasutada "shooter" pelades, aga eks harjub millagi Mis mänge omad ? Ise oman hetkel : Battlefield Bad Company ; GTA IV ; Assassin's Creed 2 ; Resistance 2 ; Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare ; Fallout 3 ; Metal Gear Solid 4
[align=center] Kodulehekülg : http://Www.OblivionPk.Com Tõmba Client : http://files.filefront.com/OBPK+V2+By+Sanityrar/;13400019;/fileinfo.html * Vestas, statius, Dclaws . (Specs) * Skill capes (untrimmed & trimmed) * All godswords (Specs) * Every skill on server Works . * Edge , mage bank , hilz and green Drag (wild 35 ) * No Lagg | always 250+ ppl online . Ja palju muud veel . [/align]
No Teema Kinni.. Kuna rs hakkas tööle
White Christmas has come to RuneScape this year! It is a gift from the Queen of Snow, who has enlisted her cheeky snow imps for a festive task: to bring snow to some of RuneScape's major settlements. As far as the imps are concerned, you can do what you like with it: there's plenty more where it came from! So, what can you do with snow? For a start you can make snowballs and, unlike last Christmas's snowballs, you can throw them at other players. If you ever get tired of pelting each other with snowballs, you can use the same snow to build snowmen. The snow imps will even provide a selection of hats to add a finishing touch. The hats are infused with Christmas magic, so they might do more to the snowmen than just make them look good. Once you've built a snowman, the snow imps will give you a chance to visit the Land of Snow itself and contribute to the great Snow Tournament. The Queen of Snow herself presides over the tournament and, this being Christmas, she might even have a present for you. The Christmas event is open for two weeks and can be accessed by both free-to-play and members. Where to start the 2007 Christmas Event Talk to the snow imps in Draynor, Falador, Ardougne, Burthorpe or Rellekka. Note: The snowman hats and accessories will disappear once the Christmas event ends. Access to A snowman area the size of Draynor Village [/*:m:3ihdl5gh] Snowballs that can be thrown at other players [/*:m:3ihdl5gh] A total of eight different snowmen that can be built [/*:m:3ihdl5gh] New item and emote! [/*:m:3ihdl5gh] In other news... Players using LootShare in the God Wars Dungeon will now be able to increase their killcount. If a LootSharing group gets a kill, the player with the lowest killcount receives an increase to their relevant tally. Dwarf cannon sets and light and dark mystic sets have been added to the Grand Exchange. We've also changed the descriptions on existing sets to be a little more helpful. The minimum score required to get onto the Hiscores has been reduced from 500 to 250 for Bounty Hunter and Bounty Hunter Rogues. As usual, you will need to login before you appear on the Hiscore tables. Tõlkima ei hakka, arvan, et saate ise aru, jagage muljeid ! :blushing:
ma hakkasin just RS minema ja olin nii et üleval oli kirjas 0 players playing.worlds ka rofllmao Ja worldid lmao