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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''movie''.
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Kes arvab filmi ära, postitab uue pildi. Ei vääri foorumimängu nime minu meelest.
1.Esimene asi mis sa pead tegema on see, et sa avad selle lingi --> http://movietools.info/ 2.Klikka 'Free Web Resources' peale. 3.Kui leht on ära laadinud siis klikka 'Video Background Loops' peale. Vali sealt tulbast endale sobiv teema. (Intro jaoks sobiv) 4.Mina valisin Energy Loops. Ja sealt võtsin veel oma korda Dark Tunnel (Loop 180) Kui tahad downloadimist alustada siis lihtsalt klikka selle pildi peal. 5.Kui sa alustad downloadimist siis kindlalt vajuta 'Save As'. Pane sellele failile mingi kerge nimi ning salvesta fail näiteks desktopile. Kui sa unustad ära kus fail asub, siis sa pead uuesti selle protsessi algusest peale läbi tegema. 6.Nüüd on sul see fail arvutis. Mine oma Windows Movie Maker-sse. Nüüd ava see downloaditud fail Windows Movie Makeris. 7.Kõik mis sul jääb nüüd teha, on see väike video lõik ise ära editida ja ongi intro valmis. Loodan, et see aitab teid natukenegi. Kõik on minu koostatud. Ei luba mitte kellelgi seda kasutada. Parimatega, Mats.
Tere! Leidsin enda arvutist Windows Live Movie Maker-i ning sain niipalju teada, et sellega saab videotele efekte lisada vms. Aga ma proovisin ja ei saanud millegagi hakkama. Niisiis kas keegi oskaks aidata, tahaksin seda kasutama hakata. Tahaksin nagu mingit õpetust. (eesti keelset Kui siin foorumis on selline teema juba olemas, siis sorry, see on mu esimene postitus ja teema. CaptainEst
Tere Kas keegi teab mõnda head csi filmimis programmi ,millega saab videot teha ?
Selline asi siis sain uue arvuti ning proovisin avada windows movie makerit kuid ei õnnestunud tuli selline error 2 korda ette. Oskab keegi aidata?
Siin natuke edititud... subscribe ja like siis.
Otsiks kedagi ,kes teeks tasuta minu demost ilusa movie...Ühendust saate: lisades steami:LoveGreenStuff või msn: R3iko1@hotmail.com
Tervist,tahaks teha cs-ist moviet,olen proovind frapsi(Sitt kvaliteet),Camstudio(Tahaks sellist mis recordiks aint fps mänge),Camtasia(--"--),Konsooli "Record demo" jne,mõtetud,sitt klaviteet jne. Kui teate neist midagi paremat siis kirjutage järgmiselt: Millega recordisid? Millega editisid? Kas oli hea klaviteet? Kui on video kus sa kasutasid neid siis plz sharige!
failid mõnes kohas esimest korda proovisin midagi pikemat ka teha
Mida arvate sellest videost? (Minu arust minu jaoks parim mida teinud olen) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBb8hYZ3nak&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
Mängija: Nuga Moviemaker: Mart (Mina) Kogupikkus: 04:41 Codec: x264 Muusika: Intro - Metal Gear Snake Eater Main Theme Fragpart - Rise Against - Savior Outro - The Score: Cybertron Kasutatud programmid: *Sony Vegas Pro 10 *After Effects CS5 *HLAE *Cinema 4D *MeGUI *VirtualDub Projekti kogusuurus: ~250GB x264 renderi suurus: 222MB Download: http://it-tugi.ee/mart/Nuga_The_Movie_by_Mart.mp4 Stream: http://www.sk-gaming.com/video/350037-Nuga_The_Movie
Publish Date: 07/27/2010 Twilight: Eclipse Review Recently I went watching twilight. Everything was great exept trailers in the beginnig of movie. All my preconception went awey in trailers showtime, my twilight third movie started again from "new page". In the beginning was movie great, beutiful cars, Edward and Jacob were ugly. Alice was beutiful. In the movie were so few pointless dialogs, boys wanna see FIGHT! Bella wanted to be vampire, but Edward sayd always: "No, no, you moron, go fuc* yourself!" Then came dissapointed vampire Victora who started to crush Vampires and Werewolf's border. Then had Victoria screwed up Biers mind, that he never find a point of being vampire, Biers made'n'made new first flush of young's. Then Edward and Lautner were Bella's guards. Then they get know that Voltures are in the game. FIGHT! The best thing in the movie, it payed me 5 bucks, one by one heads were "flying" off. It was so cool!!! Biers and Victoria went to Edward and Bella's place, Edward killed them, some Werewolf helped a littlebit. In the fight place one young gangsta was alive, he almlost killed Jacob(I Really loved to see Jacob dead). Hes fast recovery started, doctor Vampire Carlisle Cullen went to twist her bones, it was so fun'n'cool. In the middle of the movie Bella hit against Jacob was great and then was Edward a bit mad. __________________________________________________________ Rainer Lusmagi © 2010 __________________________________________________________ Ülevaade on tehtud inglise keeles associatedcontent.com jaoks. Kui teil on parandusi või midagi lisada antke teada. rainerlus.wordpress.com - palju teisi ülevaateid/artikleid.
Publish Date: 07/27/2010 Movie Review: Inception Movie started with stealing Saito's secrets. In action was Cobb and Arthur, but Mal broked their plan. Then Cobb, Nash and Arthur needed to dissapear, but Nash gave Arthur and Cobb in. But Saito had a "salvation" deal for them. They needed to put into Robert Fischer's head idea growing, but that wasen't easy. Cobb made up a great team Ariadne - architect, Yusuf - chemist, Eames, Arthur, Cobb himself and Saito. They're plan started in plane, when it flyed into Los Angeles. First dream level was hard becuse Fischer's mind was trained. Saito get hitted. They went to level two in the van, Yusuf drived awey from Fischers "dream" guards. Second level was harder, becuse Cobb started playing Dr.Charles who "was" Robert Fischer's dream helper. They went to third dream level in a hotel room. Third level was in Snow Resort. There died Saito. Saito falled into halfway dream. Fischer died too, but Cobb and Ariadne saved him. Then Fischer saw his father on death bed and he had a chance to listen again what he's father told him. Idea growed up. Then Cobb saved Saito from halfway dream. Then started "kicks" in level one, Yusuf drived into river. Second level Arthur blowed up elevator. In third level Eames blowed up castlehouse. In fourth level dream Ariadne and Ficher made suicide throw that they made it back to plane. Plan success. Saito completed what he promised. Cobb made it finally to his children. But in the end of the movie distract me that spinner was still spinning. Leonardo DiCaprio ... Cobb Joseph Gordon-Levitt ... Arthur Ellen Page ... Ariadne Tom Hardy ... Eames Ken Watanabe ... Saito Dileep Rao ... Yusuf Cillian Murphy ... Robert Fischer, Jr. Tom Berenger ... Browning Marion Cotillard ... Mal Pete Postlethwaite ... Maurice Fischer Michael Caine ... Miles Lukas Haas ... Nash Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1375666/ __________________________________________ Rainer Lusmagi © 2010 __________________________________________ Ülevaade on tehtud inglise keeles associatedcontent.com jaoks. Kui teil on parandusi või midagi lisada antke teada. rainerlus.wordpress.com - palju teisi ülevaateid/artikleid.
Niisiis võtsin päeva peale kõik failid kokku ja panin väikse video kokku:P Vaadake, hinnake ning komentaarige:P YouTube - The biggest FAIL Movie of 2010
keegi oskab öelda kuidas selle filmi nimi on inglise keeles ning kas keegi on käinud seda vaatamas? kuidas tundus?
OKEI SUB/RATE/COMMENT/GG/BB/OKAY/VAADAKE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQf8xIobkqQ&feature=channel_page
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2it5PEsdiAc&feature=PlayList&p=651EC7F65419D860&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=3 see noaga oli hea
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