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Leitud 1 tulemus

  1. http://gamecorner.nu/523 http://gamecorner.nu/523 Administrators Ahp NiHH Maps The maps that are playing in the cup is: * de_dust2 * de_nuke * de_train * de_inferno * de_mirage * de_tuscan Accept: 2 idlers at #SidewalkGaming with tags Teams with servers get accept first! Rules: * Record in-eye. * Realnick is required (no realnick = -1) * Overtime = MR3 and startmoney 10000. THIS TOURNAMENT IS FOR ESTONIAN TEAMS! Misc: The following rules are in effect unless the cup admin has written otherwise under "Most important rules". All rules should be complied with and no arguing with the admins' words, no matter how wrong the admins are. All sidewalke 5on5 cups are played in MR15. Looking for your opponents for 15 minutes and still have not found them, you'll win by WO (Walk Over). If the opposing team does not have all five players on the server within 15 minutes of the time the game should have started, contact an admin and give them the ip-adress and password for the server so they can control it. If they see that the team does not have all their players on the server in time, your team will be given a win by default. A knife-round will be played to decide who may choose sides. You are not allowed to enter a match with less players than your opponent. If it is a 5on5-cup, you must enter with no less than five players. You are not allowed to make use of any bugs on any map. If you should silent-plant, you should inform your opponents that the bomb has been planted without any peeping sound. You should also tell them in what bomb site you have planted the bomb. If you don't, you will lose the current round and an additional two rounds - which makes a total of three rounds. A CT should be able to defuse the bomb alone, without any particular skills in jumping. So called highplant is not allowed. You will lose one round for doing so. The shield is not allowed. If a player accidentally buys a shield, it should be dropped in the base and must not be used by either side. If a team has used shields during the match, and you're able to prove that with a demo, the team will lose two rounds. Inappropriate behaviour will be punished by the admin(s) responsible for the cup, in severe cases the admin has the right to disqualify a team at his own discretion Common sense is valid in every situation. Recording and demos: All players should be able to show a demo if the cup admin, after a discussion with the opponents, requires it. Not sending any demos will result in an immediate disqualification or loss of match. Before sending your demos to the admin, you should zip or rar them. You always have the right to a HLTV recording the match. "sv_proxies 2" should be set, letting both teams have one HLTV. HLTV delay should be set to 90 seconds as minimum. Check your delay settings by writing "status" in the console. After the match has ended, the teams are given 15 minutes to send demos, otherwise it counts like no demos exists and the team will loose. You can not request more than 3 demos from one game. Pausing Pausing is allowed only when one player or more in a team are having technical difficulties. (For example, you can't pause the game because you need to go to the toilet.) Pausing is only allowed at the end of a round and in the freezetime. (End of the rounds means that all players of one team must be dead, AND that the bomb must have been defused if it has been planted.) If the game is intentionally paused at any other time while the game is live, the offending team will be punished with loss of rounds. Each team is entitled to pause the game a total of 15 minutes during the game, and only 10 minutes per occasion. If they require more time, they will have to ask the opposing team if that is all right. Prize: 1# - 1 GameBank server for one month Award offered by: GameBank Good Luck to all Participants!
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