Olen blocked PINIdega P2P tegemisest (millal maha peaks minema ? ) : Sorry, but due to suspicious billing activity, your account is blocked from making telebilling transactions.
If you wish to sign up for RuneScape please use our PayByCash payment option.
Please note that you MUST NOT purchase membership for anyone outside your immediate family.
Ja siis et Credaga peaks ju saama aga vaatasin hetkel et seal on aint see valik, et eluaegne vms ? (oleksin väga tänulik kui keegi seletaks kõik lahti ) : Payment for GBP3.20 will be taken as soon as the subscription is started, and each month thereafter, until it is cancelled. Our credit card billing partner, WorldPay, will send a confirmation email to the address you provided, each time payment is taken.