Otsi Vahvlist
Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''maker''.
Leitud 7 tulemust
Tere! Leidsin enda arvutist Windows Live Movie Maker-i ning sain niipalju teada, et sellega saab videotele efekte lisada vms. Aga ma proovisin ja ei saanud millegagi hakkama. Niisiis kas keegi oskaks aidata, tahaksin seda kasutama hakata. Tahaksin nagu mingit õpetust. (eesti keelset Kui siin foorumis on selline teema juba olemas, siis sorry, see on mu esimene postitus ja teema. CaptainEst
Keegi siit foorumist kasutab Game Makerit? Game Maker on siis mängude tegemis programm nii 2d kui ka 3d formaadis. Ja siin on video mängude näidetest :
Selline asi siis sain uue arvuti ning proovisin avada windows movie makerit kuid ei õnnestunud tuli selline error 2 korda ette. Oskab keegi aidata?
Kui oleks kellelgi siis palun sooviks Trial- või Serial code :-(:nose::dead:
Päris Hea Asi... Endal Aind Halvad Mängud... Kui Tahate Mängu Näha Siis Oodake Veidi... Kui Te Ei Taha 1 Tund Oodata Siis Minge Yoyogames.com see game makeri päris lehekülg... aga ma vüin sulle and gm7pro tasuta. sealt saad lite editioni. youtubist palju õpetusi. Küsimusi? Msn On [email:433s5sm8]Kasparranna@gmail.com[/email:433s5sm8] Kay Kasutage Seda Lehekülge aga keegi ei vaatand seda enne kui valmis sai... http://vahvliabi.yolasite.com/ see minu lehekülg.
Ok noh mult on küsitud et mis scriptiga ma raha teen Noo siin see on.. Siin kaustas on ka RsBot manager. soovitan pange sinna kus on te Play.bat ja compiler.bat jne Saad salvestada scripte lihtsamini (pole mingit nime otsimist ega .java file tegemist) import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.bot.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.events.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener; public class PortSarimFoodBuyer extends Script implements PaintListener { //RSTILES public RSTile[] walkToBank = new RSTile[] { new RSTile(3018,3206),new RSTile(3024,3205),new RSTile(3026,3211),new RSTile(3027,3217),new RSTile(3027,3223),new RSTile(3027,3229),new RSTile(3027,3235),new RSTile(3031,3242),new RSTile(3035,3247),new RSTile(3037,3253),new RSTile(3041,3258),new RSTile(3044,3264),new RSTile(3047,3270),new RSTile(3053,3273),new RSTile(3059,3274),new RSTile(3066,3274),new RSTile(3072,3274),new RSTile(3072,3268),new RSTile(3073,3262),new RSTile(3077,3257),new RSTile(3080,3251),new RSTile(3086,3250),new RSTile(3092,3247),new RSTile(3093,3244),};public RSTile[] dpPath = {new RSTile(3012,3203),new RSTile(3018,3206),new RSTile(3024,3208),new RSTile(3027,3214),new RSTile(3027,3220),new RSTile(3027,3226),new RSTile(3027,3232),new RSTile(3028,3238),new RSTile(3032,3243),new RSTile(3036,3249),new RSTile(3039,3255),new RSTile(3044,3260),new RSTile(3048,3265),new RSTile(3052,3270),new RSTile(3058,3274),new RSTile(3064,3275),new RSTile(3070,3276),new RSTile(3071,3270),new RSTile(3071,3263),new RSTile(3073,3255),new RSTile(3073,3249),new RSTile(3082,3248),new RSTile(3088,3248),new RSTile(3093,3245)}; public RSTile[] walkToShop = reversePath(walkToBank); public RSTilePath toBank = new RSTilePath(walkToBank, this); public RSTilePath toShop = new RSTilePath(walkToShop, this); public RSTile bankTile = new RSTile(3094, 3243); public RSTile shopTile = new RSTile(3015, 3206); // Paint/Misc int total = 0; long startTime; long startUpdateTime; long runningTime; public long checkTime; public long scriptStartTime; private String status = ""; private String buying = ""; public int x1; public int y1; //SCRIPT NAME// public String getName() { return "PortSarim Food Shop Buyer"; } //SCRIPT VERSION// public double getVersion( ) { return( 0.2 ); } //AUTHOR NAME// public String getAuthor() { return "WantedCrisis"; } //CATEGORY public String getScriptCategory() { return "Money"; } //DESCRIPTION// public String getScriptDescription() { String html = "\n"; html += ""; html += ""; html += "[align=center]"; html += " " + " " + " " + ""+ getName() + ""; html += "[b]Author:[/b] " + getAuthor() +""+ " "; html += " "; html += "[b]Version: [/b] " + getVersion() + " "; html += " "; html += "[b]Instructions[/b]" + " "; html += "Choose an option below and start at draynor bank!" + " " + " "; html += "What do you want to buy? Chocolate BarCheesePotatoRaw BeefRaw ChickenBreadTomatoCabbage(noob) "; html += " "; html += "" + "[/align]" + "" ; return (html) ; } //ONSTART// public boolean onStart(Map args) { log("WantedCrisis's Port Sarim Food Shop All Buyer!!! Enjoy! Please report all bugs to [email]wanted_crisis@live.com[/email] or post on forum thread!"); Bot.getEventManager().addListener(PaintListener.class, this); scriptStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (args.get("buy").equals("Chocolate Bar")) { this.x1 = 273 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 109 + random(0, 3); buying = "Chocolate Bar"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Cheese")) { this.x1 = 315 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Cheese"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Potato")) { this.x1 = 393 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Potato"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Raw Beef")) { this.x1 = 120 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Raw Beef"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Raw Chicken")) { this.x1 = 155 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Raw Chicken"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Bread")) { this.x1 = 234 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Bread"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Tomato")) { this.x1 = 351 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Tomato"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Cabbage(noob)")) { this.x1 = 315 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Cabbage(noob)"; } try { generateProperPath(0,0); //generateProperPath fix } catch(Exception e) { } return true; } //ON STOP// public void onFinish() { Bot.getEventManager().removeListener(PaintListener.class, this); } //WALKS TO SHOP// public void walkToShop() { try{ setCameraRotation(180); status = "Walking To Shop"; walkPathMM(randomizePath(walkToShop,1,1),17); } catch (Exception e) { log("An error occured while trying to walk"); } } //WALKING METHOD// public RSTile[] fixPath(RSTile[] path) { ArrayList newPath = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i RSTile[] temp1 = fixPath2(path[i],path[i+1]); for(int l=0;l newPath.add(temp1[l]); } return newPath.toArray(new RSTile[newPath.size()]); } public RSTile[] fixPath2(RSTile tile) { return fixPath2(getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX(),getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY(), tile.getX(), tile.getY()); } public RSTile[] fixPath2(RSTile tile, RSTile tile2) { return fixPath2(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile2.getX(), tile2.getY()); } public RSTile[] fixPath2(int startX, int startY, int destinationX, int destinationY) { //most credits to aftermath double dx, dy; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new RSTile(startX, startY)); while(Math.hypot(destinationY - startY, destinationX - startX) > 8) { dx = destinationX - startX; dy = destinationY - startY; int gamble = random(14,17); while(Math.hypot(dx, dy) > gamble) { dx *= .95; dy *= .95; } startX += (int) dx; startY += (int) dy; list.add(new RSTile(startX, startY)); } list.add(new RSTile(destinationX, destinationY)); return list.toArray(new RSTile[list.size()]); } //WALKS TO BANK// public void walkToBank() { try{ setCameraRotation(180); status = "Walking To Bank"; walkPathMM(randomizePath(walkToBank,2,2),17); } catch (Exception e) { log("An error occured while trying to walk"); } } //DOES CHARACTER NEED BANKING?// public boolean needBank() { if(getInventoryCount() == 28) return true; return false; } //DOES CHARACTER NEED TO BUY?// public boolean needsBuy() { if(getInventoryCount() != 28) return true; return false; } //OPENS BANK// public boolean openBank(){ status = "Opening Bank"; RSObject bank = findObject(2213); if(bank == null) return false; return atObject(bank, "Use-quickly"); } //BANKS STUFF// public boolean bankStuff(){ if(!RSInterface.getInterface(INTERFACE_BANK).isValid()) return false; status = "Banking Items"; bank.depositAllExcept(995); bank.close(); total += 1; return true; } //TRADES NPC// public boolean tradeShop() { status = "Trading NPC"; return atNPC(getNearestNPCByID(new int[] { 557 }), "Trade"); } //OPENS DOOR IF CLOSED// public boolean openDoor() { RSObject object = findObject(40108); if (object != null && distanceTo(object) status = "Opening Door"; setCameraRotation(random(250,270)); setCameraAltitude(false); atDoor(object, "East", "Open"); return true; } return false; } //IF NOT IN PLAYER STOCK, SWITCHES TO MAIN STOCK// public void openStock() { int x2 = 80 + random(0, 3); int y2 = 74 + random(0, 3); moveMouse(x2, y2); clickMouse(x2, y2, true); wait(random(800, 1000)); } //BUY FROM SHOP// public boolean buyFromShop() { status = "Buying Items From Shop"; int x = this.x1; int y = this.y1; moveMouse(x, y); clickMouse(x, y, false); wait(random(150, 200)); if (atMenu("Buy X")) { wait(random(1400, 1500)); sendText(Integer.toString(random(27, 99)), true); wait(random(1400, 1500)); } else { openStock(); } return true; } //CHECKS IF SHOP IS OPEN// public boolean isShopOpen() { if(RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid()) return buyFromShop(); return tradeShop(); } public void onRepaint(Graphics G) { long runTime = 0; long seconds = 0; long minutes = 0; long hours = 0; runTime = System.currentTimeMillis( ) - scriptStartTime; seconds = runTime / 1000; if ( seconds >= 60 ) { minutes = seconds / 60; seconds -= (minutes * 60); } if ( minutes >= 60 ) { hours = minutes / 60; minutes -= (hours * 60); } G.setColor(new Color(0, 100, 0, 100)); G.fill3DRect(5, 254, 220 ,83, true); G.setColor(Color.GREEN); G.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans", Font.BOLD, 12)); G.drawString("WantedCrisis's Port Sarim Buyer!", 20, 269); G.drawString("Currently Buying: " + this.buying, 20, 318); G.drawString("Loads " + this.total, 20, 288); G.drawString("Runtime: " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds, 20, 303); G.drawString("Status: "+ status, 20, 333); } /* MAIN LOOP */ public int loop() { if(RSInterface.getInterface(775).isValid()) atInterface(getInterface(775, 5)); if (getMyPlayer().isMoving()) return random(50, 100); if (!(isLoggedIn())) return random(200,300); if (getEnergy() > random(20, 100)) setRun(true); if(needBank()) { if(distanceTo(bankTile) > 10){ walkToBank(); } openBank(); bankStuff(); } if(needsBuy()) { if(distanceTo(shopTile) > 10) walkToShop(); openDoor(); setCameraAltitude(true); setCameraRotation(180); RSObject Dobject = findObject(40108); if(Dobject == null) walkTileMM(shopTile); wait(random(500,1000)); isShopOpen(); } return 1; } } http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=d418cb31356986228c9e7c56ba37815fc829d1dd73795222 Ostad 8gp EA poest, müüd 74gp EA G.E.s (MAX!!) Mida teha / Mitte teha Müü MAX hinnaga GE's[/*:m:yzus1mtu] Ära Vingu et script ei tööta. See töötab[/*:m:yzus1mtu] Script võib vahepeal seisma jääda, liiguta teda[/*:m:yzus1mtu] Ära boti 25/8! [/*:m:yzus1mtu] CALC: ok oletame et sul on 80K ostad selle eest Cheese (8 EA) 10000 Cheesi müüd maha G.E.s (74 EA [MAX]) 10000*74=740K Kasum on 660K! Kuigi mul tegi 41 Loadsi 2H ja 38 Minutiga 41*27=1107 (1107*74=70K+) siis 10K cheeside saamine võtab aega 2 tunniga on see teenunud mulle 53,6K mis on hea, eriti kui muud raha tegemise võimalust pole Proggys:
Kas keegi saab aidata kuidas tehakse windows movie makeri-ga piltitestvideo ja lisatakse muusika kas nii saab selle programmiga?KUI ei siis palun antke mingiprogre millega saab nii teha edit: ja kuidas saab veel teksti ise juurde kirjutatada ,et see liikuks piltide eest läbi midagi taolist tahaks teha http://youtube.com/watch?v=taqTlYrzqEE aitähh=)