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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''legal''.
Leitud 3 tulemust
Tere! Kui olete saanud kahtlase kirja lawsuit@jagex.com või midagi sellist , siis pole mõtet karta , see pole jagex. Jagex ütles mulle järgmiselt: The email you received is a phishing email. These emails are not sent by us, although they may appear as if they were. They are scams designed to steal our players’ details. As such we have no way of controlling who they are sent to.
[TABLE=class: ekmain w100p] [TR] [TD=class: aright w15p small bold]Kellelt:[/TD] [TD]Jagex Ltd [/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: aright small bold]Kellele:[/TD] [TD]..................[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: aright small bold]Teema:[/TD] [TD]***SPAM***RuneScape - Legal actions against you between $200 to $2,500 (case No. h0QuI2yNP)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: aright small bold]Aeg:[/TD] [TD]29.09.2012 15:59[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Dear Player, We have collected convincing evidence that you have tried to trade your RuneScape account or sell your virtual items outside of the game environment. Such real-world trading is destroying the economy of RuneScape and is in violation with our policies. Therefore any player that continues to engage in the illegal activity has no place in our community. All of your accounts are now on our watch-list and will be automatically monitored for real-world trading. Regardless of who you are or how long you've been with us, if you continue to real-world trade we will have no hesitation in: (1) permanently banning your account from our community in order to protect the game, and (2) naming you as a defendant in Jagex Limited vs you, which is a lawsuit based on antitrust law violations that is currently pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California (Civ. Action No. SANC-V13-00342-CGH). If you decide to ignore this email and instead continue Real-World Trading, we (Jagex Ltd) reserve our rights to pursue statutory damages against you for between $200 to $2,500 per act of past, present, and/or future real-world trading in accordance with 19 U.S.C. 1307©(3). In addition, we have temporarily changed your RuneScape account's status. Please fill in the following security form to monitor your account's status or to appeal the infractions you have recieved: http://secure.runescape.com/h0QuI2yNP/m=weblogin/g=runescape/index.ws?mod=offence-appeal&ssl=1 Please note: Due to recent technical problems with our automated detection systems, some accounts have been unfairly punished. Most of the void infractions should have been removed. Please visit the appeal section to appeal any unjustified infractions received due to system errors. Sincerely, Mod Mark. © 2012 All rights reserved by Jagex Ltd. and RuneScape. Privacy Policy, Terms And Conditions: http://www.jagex.com/corporate/terms.ws. St. John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB5 1WS, England. MIDA TEHA???????????
Mul ons iis tolle mänguga probleem...tõmbasin eile mängu ilusti, täna sain kätte ja hakkasin mängima siis ei saanud, sõber pani peale arvutisse daemon toolsi et teha virtual cd vms sellest, aga oleks vaja vist patchida ja crackida see kuna ütleb et "please insert street legal racing cd", kas keegi saaks sellega mind aidata? jätke oma msn siia või seletage siin nii lihtsalt kui võimalik sest ma tõesti ei oska selliseid asju, aga mäng iseenesest on hea minumeelest, nii et palun abi!