[spoiler=Server blackout]The fourth server blackout of 2011 happened on 11 April around 16:45 (UTC). The forums went down, friends list servers were unable to connect to the game and the Grand Exchange servers also refused to connect or were extremely lagged in some cases. Many players were unable to login while others were locked into the game and unable to log off. At the time of the blackout approximately 188,000 players were logged in and at 19.20 (UTC) this number dropped to 2 players currently online. At around 19:20 Jagex attempted to reboot the game.
This has been the biggest Server blackout so far. All of Jagex's servers were shutdown and nobody was able to connect to RuneScape Classic, War of Legends, Funorb and even Stellardawn servers. The Server blackout has lasted approximately 4 hours
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