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Leitud 17 tulemust
UUS ALGUS LEHEKÜLG 212 Kasutaja ajaloost natuke: Kasutaja pole 100% enda tehtud, ma ostsin selle kui see oli lvl 82 ja total oli 1200 midagi.Peale seda sain scammi ja kasutajat ei näinud ma umbes aasta aega.Siis sain kasutaja tagasi ja olen siiamaani selle mänginud.Kasutaja sain tagasi umbes 20. Detsember 2008. Pilt nendest statsidest umbes kui kasutaja tagasi sain: Goalid: Total 1800 Total xp 100m Woodcutting 99 Thieving 70 Herblore 60 Ranged 80 Slayer 70 Crafting 70 Smithing 80 Farming 70 Defence 80 Prayer 70 Hunter xp 15m Runecrafting 80 Magic 99 Slayer 85 Attack 90 Fishing 99 Runecrafting 91 Thieving 99 Crafting 95 Goali list uueneb koguaeg. 99-d mis olen saanud: (pildid tulevad samas järjekorras nagu ma need saanud olen) 1.Firemaking 2.Cooking 3.Hunter 4.Fletching Statsid koos viimase lvl-upiga: Pangast hetkelist pilti pole, aga niipalju võin öelda, et pank on väärt umbes 40m.37m on cash sellest.
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- #anotherone
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SERVER JUST RELAUNCHED ON OCT 21, JOIN NOW TO GET A HEAD START! In the past custom content was rejected by RSPS players because of how poorly it was added, in Revision-X we have ended this and created professional new and custom content. Something very rare to see in modern private servers. We have integrated the new content with the old content to create a unique private server experience. Revision-X features new items, abilities, maps, NPC's, and more. We have gone to great lengths to provide the best quality content possible for our players. We guarantee you will have never played a server quite like this one. Homepage Webclient Download ✔ Flawless combat system with all the new items supported ✔ Epic economy 100% dupe free, tons of balanced shops ✔ All skills working 100%, able to make money with most skills! ✔ Unique gameframe(optional!) created specially for Revision-X ✔ Custom bosses with special effects you need a team to kill! ✔ Supportive staff and drop parties for special occasions! ✔ We add all the newest Runescape content as soon as possible! ✔ Frequent updates and we make sure our players are happy! ✔ WE ARE A NEWER SERVER, WE NEED STAFF! 12 online atm!
Fire Blade's Play: Webclient: http://fire-blade.nl/play Desktop client: http://www.fire-blade.nl/download Forum: http://fire-blade.nl/forum ---------server info Features: -Bosses- -Str pk3r drops the infinity blade -NEX Drops torva pernix zaryte bow virtus -Corporeal beast -Full godwars, all 4 bosses & minions. -Tormented demon with cave and all attacks. -Skeletal horror -Living rock creatures dropping Living minerals usefull for alot of stuff in fire blades. -Kalphite queen HD perfect like rs. -K’lut Zyris’ta CUSTOM BOSS Works perfect and is awesome to fight against. -Dagganoth kings. -King Black Dragon King of the dragon. -Barrelchest -All Sykerwyrms -TzTok-Jad Full HD All attacks and everything! -Minigames- -Duel arena works perfect all rules & staking -Pest control With enemies -Updated pest control rewards -Killer snail Custom minigame Works perfect without any glitches or problems WIN PRIMAL or STAKE COINS. -Sled race Custom minigame RACE AGAINS THE TIME!!! -Barrelchest Custom minigame -Barbarian Assault New reward system! -Fight pit Fight agains your friends! -Fight cave Get your very own fire cape -Barrows Fight with the barrow brothers and gain your Barrow set -Skills- Construction -Decorate varrock castle -more than 400 builable objects -house parties -build your own combat ring and battle in it with your friends -HUNTER Train hunter just like you would on runescape Butterfly netting Box trapping Deadfall Pitfall Falconery -Full Summoning Works perfectly. Beast of burden, All familiars, Scroll attacks, a good way to train the skill, all pets, Summons Fight besides you. The skill doesnt effect your combat level! All non-combat skills work perfectly at custom and usual ways. their is putten much effort in every little detail of each and every skill. -PK - Player Killing- -Perfect Combat system -Good hybriding -Fast switches -Pk point system + shop usefull rewards for pk -Clan wars area High wildy level , awesome area for clans. -Ancient curses Soulsplit, Turmoil, Deflects, Leeches, Wrath all work perfectly. They also work against monsters. -Some new areas- -Elite dungeon Fight the elite warriors to obtain their armour You can also fight agains the mighty Tormented demon for custom claws & dragon claws. and ofcource dragon plate lumps -Slayer dungeon Filled with the exact monster as in runescape train some slayer here if you like. -Brimhaven dungeon Filled with the exact monster as in runescape & also some mithril dragons. -God wars area awesome battlefield exactly like runescape full of scary monsters. and behind the doors youll find great danger -Woodcutting area Cool wc spot -Farming area Cool farm spot -Mining & smithing area Cool m&s spot -Pharao cave Enter the cave and you will find the gardian of the ancient curses, you think you can beat it? -Other intrestin features- -51 Custom interfaces Witch gives fireblade’s an awesome look -Custom gameframe in -runescape/fireblade style with status orbs, zoom functions resting options New tabs New chatbox look. -New J-frame with A huge amound of options and functions to make the game perfect of every single player, -Some options: -Toggle x10 hits -Custom hp bars -Custom cursors -A music player with beautiful tracks -Hp above head option -Screenshot option -alot of new maps -New teleports with interfaces and new teleport graphics -All working magics Including every lunar spell Every weapon with belongs to have a special attack has the real special attack WITH the original effects -Interactive cache downloader and unpacker So you can exactly see your download progress ----------pictures Nex Woodcutting spot Welcome interface Vote 4 Reward interface Killer snail (minigame) Skeletal horror (boss) Scroll creation interface Resting Pouch creation interface Pest control Monster teleport interface Brimhaven dungeon Minigame teleport interface Custom logout Kalphite queen K'lut zyriz'ta boss Killersnail options interface TzTok-Jad Hybriding pk + turmoil + ice barrage Hand cannon Godwars entrance Farming spot Emote interface Duel arena minigame Dragon teleport interface City teleport interface Barrelchest minigame boss Godwars - Bandos Godwars - Armadyl Zoom funtion kõik tulge mängima,inimesi on vähe aga väga hea server on!!! niiet kui rahvast juurde tuleb siis on kõigil põnev!!!!!!!!!!! everyone join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- fireblades
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Sildistatud koos:
Kõik sõbralikud, aktiivsed ja toredad inimesed kes soovivad võivad tulla " sir pingviin " fc-sse. fc on suvepuhkuselt tagasi ja rahvast aina koguneb juurde, Ülbikud ja kraaklejad võivad eemale hoida, sest meie ei salli niisama taidlemist. Niisiis, kellel igav ja hetkel fc puudub või soov vahetada siis tulge julgesti! (:
- 5 vastust
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- sir pingviin
(ja 2 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Olen kasutaja esimene omanik. Xp weekendi ajal on plaanis teha : Farming[/*:m:iijs9uho] Dungeoneering[/*:m:iijs9uho] Hetkel kasutan tasuta võimalust kuni jagex selle ära muudab ja teen magic 99 ära. HomeWorld : Stats'idest pilt: Vanim pilt mis olemas on !
Clan on enamasti steameritele, mõni non ka pääseb sisse vb, aga vaevalt. Lehekülg on:http://fn.crystalgaming.eu
okei siis MLP ehk the Moonlight pkerz oli avatud juba aasta tagasi aga sai kinni pandud 3 kuud tagasi me avasime taaskord clanni uue hooga. Nüüd peale 3me kuud on lõpuks asi natuke paremini tööle hakanud ja ootame uusi liikmeid clanni liituma clanni keskmine combat hetkel on 125 f2ps aga siiski kõik on oodatud kellel nõuded täidetud! stats reqs: magic: 82+ P2P combat: fullmember:115+ p2p FA: 110+ p2p What are the required amount of sets to intro to MLP?: - The required amount of sets needed to intro are as follows: At least 15 Tank Sets including: -15 Amulet of Glorys/power ammys -15 Black Dhide sets WITH Rune Platelegs/kites/squares/helmets -15 Dragon Scims (If you have spears ontop of these it will help your intro alot) -15 Rune cbows with 500+ Emmy Bolts (e) or higher or MSB and 1k Rune Arrows -20 Dragon spears At least 10 Mage Sets (NOT Leaf) with a tank switch including: -10 Mystic/Skeletal/Splitbark Top & Bottoms -10 Suitable helmets -1000 Blitz Casts (6K Death/Blood and 9K Water runes) 50+ Prayer Potions 500+ Food Sharks/Summer Pies etc. Last but not least 20 team 49 capes forums: http://s10.zetaboards.com/The_Moonlight_Pkerz/index/ memberlist: http://rly.cc/ml/s_m_d mõned pildid Ootame uusi pkereid meie ridadesse!
Tere! Rentisin siis server, millel on peal CSDM ja CTF mod. ip: Slotse: 24 Server on praegu eestis ainulaadne ja loodan, et tulete mängima. Igav ei tohiks hakata, kui rahvast vähemalt 10+ sees Vip maksab 30EEK Vip saab iga round kõik granaadid. Smoke granaadi asemel on frozen nade. ehk kui viskad vastasele pihta, siis ta saab freeze.. Vip saab iga killiga 15 elu, kui lased hs siis 30 elu. /vip näitab kes vip-dest sees on. Vip-del on 1 slots reserveeritud. Vip saab osta ainult läbi eesti panga. Mul endal on swedbank. Nii et, kellel on SEB või muu pank, siis arvestage sellega, et vipi aeg hakkab jooksma alles siis, kui olen raha kätte saanud. Vip kestab 30 päeva. Lühemaid päeva võimalusi ei ole. Maplistist on mitte vajalikud mapid eemaldatud ja jäetud ainult head mapid alles. Ootaks vastuseid, mis mappe veel lisada. Reklaamige serverit.
Andmed >> Server Name: OldSchool HNS [HideNSeek] 47/48 |ESTONIA| >> Server IP: >> Host: Servers.ee >> Gametype: HNS >> Tundi Sees: 24 / 7 >> Slotid : 14+2 >> Anticheat: VAC >> FriendlyFire: OFF >> MapOneTime: 60 Minutid . ---------- Postitused liidetud 11:02 ---------- Esimene postitus oli tehtud 11:02 ---------- VAJAME EHITAJAID KES OSKVAD EHITADA
Tere! Täna kell 18:00 algab esimene PlayMates Gather! Joinige mIRC IRC server: irc.quakenet.org channel: #pmates Teine variant: http://webchat.quakenet.org kanal: #pmates Esimene Gather toimub STEAM serveris, niiet olge kindlad, et teil on steam olemas! Küsimustega pöörduge msn: [email:3tehakyi]marks_09@windowslive.com[/email:3tehakyi] Kõigeparemini saab mind kätte mIRC-ust.
Client download LINK http://www.mediafire.com/?zjt2ljmynzk http://www.mediafire.com/?zjt2ljmynzk http://www.mediafire.com/?zjt2ljmynzk BEFORE YOU CAN LOG IN YOU MUST REGISTER AT HOMEPAGE HOMEPAGE IS AT MY SIGNATURE!!! Smithing 100% Aggressive Npc 100% Prayer 100% Pots Super str 100% food Healing Fishing 100% WoodCutting 100% Advests Will send that advert every 10 mintures to the server Auto saver saves the account every 5mins ::stuck cant use in wild Pking Skullin no bugs in the pking i found yet[/color] Servus is that? based server for pking .. exp = HIGH! PS: There is no pointsidega that statse can make the following .. it also rscdaemon mix .. STORK look like .. or 90k shark bank, the iron 2h and str ammyga .. Start on the edge .. edgy shop you can buy potte .. Full training on .. or shoot at the beginning of man-ides, or going after the kill guarde edgy Dungeon .. PS: Dungeons attiva a monster .. Edge of the Bank's guarantee, which can be teleda Wildi .. castle, dragon, etc. .. magebank as storkis .. Magic is also working have my own server, if any questions ask ingamest .. Details Mining 100% Smithing 100% Shops 80% Npc teleporting people Aggressive Npc Scanner 100% Prayer 100% Pots Super str so on so on 100% food Healing Quest System Fishing 100% WoodCutting 100% Firemaking 100% Advests Will send that advert every 10 mintures to the server Auto saver saves the account every 5mins Item UnIdent Herb 100% Drops 100% Ban and temp ban Complete Mute Complete No teleporting out of wildy Player vs Player Full banking Full trading and dueling Pking Skullin no bugs in the pking i found yet Alot more sql complete onto it Full dragon - Dark firebird and hellhounds drops.
Nii uus server siis , Jailbreak modiga, ip : Tartu Prison Break - Pealeht ( UUS KODULEHT VALMIMISEL ) Aga läbi võite ikka hüpata , avamise puhul supersoodsad adminnid
Klanni nimi: Flesh Hunters Koduleht: http://z10.invisionfree.com/Flesh_Hunters Nõuded (comb / hp jne.): Mainid: - Combat 80+ - 1 soovitaja Pured: - Strength 70+ - Range 70+ - Magic 70+ või kaks skilli kokku nt. Range+Strenght, Mage+Range, Range+Melee 110+ Liikmeid (umbes): 15 Liidrid: figo540, r081 Muu Info: Klanni kodukas valmis 22 september 2008, reklaamima hakkati 27 september Päris uus klann, üritame algul kõik selle rongi käima saada Liituge,soovitan soojalt,mulle meeldib.
Avatud on siis uus non-steam Counter Strike clan. Koduleht: http://mp3-clan.at.ua/ Liituda võivad kõik , kes pelavad Counter Strike 1.6-te Clan on algses seisus nii et uued liikmed on igati teretulnud. Clanil on ka tulemas server:D Ootan siis kõiki uusi liikmeid liituma uue Counter Strike Clanniga:D Liituda Paluks FOORUMIS , kuna põhiline chat toimub foorumis. Kui soovid liituda siis mine kodulehele ja registreeri ennast kasutajaks ning lisa mind msni: [email:16zi792h]heigohallik@hotmail.com[/email:16zi792h] Ootame uusi liikmeid siis:D Paluks mitte kommenteerida! ntx: Haha nonsteamerid , haledad jne. See = War or Ban. Ega steam ei tee inimesest pr0d:D