Otsi Vahvlist
Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''joelscapepvp''.
Leitud 1 tulemus
UUS hamachi 508 server server 24/7 online hamachi nimi joelscapepvp või ikoulol parool.1234 hamachi ip : client download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WTMF4I52 Less lag Glitchs fixed Bugs Fixed Bank Tabs Pest Control Level 1 and Barbarian Assualt JPanel (Not finished) Object Loader Runescape Clan Chat New Customs Updated Runecrafting Changed some shops, added items, moved shops Bank pins 1000 items in bank 2 Worlds, need map data for world 2 Pvp drops, random pvp drop, 1 random food drop, random coin drop New Requirments Safe pking Magic on Npcs New Quest Quick Chat updated, can now say your stat level. Mage Bank New commands Npc Aggression Npc Yelling Donator Rank Some items cannot be traded Administrator's can no longer trade New Items Lowered experience rate for training of some skills. Shit Loads more I can't remember ~ Normal Commands ~ ::white ::train ::train2 ::train3 ::train4 ::elfzone ::suggest (Your suggestion) ::reportabuse (Username) (What they did) ::friends ::ignore ::ghostzone ::revive ::ge ::home ::shops ::kbd ::yell (Your message) ::stafflist ::edge ::dragons ::bounty ::bandos ::armadyl ::zamorak ::saradomin ::godwars ::cwars ::clanwars ::barrows ::male ::female ::dangerus ::tokkulwar :arty ::mithril ::sellegg ::sellegg2 ::sellwhip ::sellwhip2 ::sellsanta ::sellsanta2 ::chill ::frozen ::wyvern ::jad ::funzone ::bandits ::commands ::lunar ::ancients ::modern ::spiritbeast ::char ::hair :hair2 ::myinfo ::rep (username) ::skull ::bankpin (number 1) (number 2) (number 3) (number 4) ::resetpin ~Member Commands~ ::memberzone ~Moderator Commands~ All of the Normal player commands and these. ::mcommands ::master :ure ::cash ::modarmor ::modzone ::stafftrain :urearmor ::mcommands2 ::addblackmark ::checkblackmark ::removeblackmark ::blackmark5 ::blackmark6 ::blackmark7 ::blackmark8 ::blackmark9 ~Administrator Commands~ All of the Normal and Moderator player Commands and these. :kskull :kskull2 :kskull3 :kskull4 :kskull5 :kskull6 :kskull7 :kskull8 ::kick (username) :npc (Npc Id) ::unpnpc ::anger ::void ::adminzone ::adminarmor ::bandosarmor ::xrichie ::ring ::logout ::armadylarmor ::master :artyhats ::rares ::masks ::food ::npc (npc id) ::santa ::godswords ::hoods ::capes1 ::capes2 ::gloves ::bank :ouches ::showinterface (interface id) ::gfx (gfx id) ::emote (emote id) ::tele (X-Coord) (Y-Coord) (Height) ::rebuildnpclist ::restorestats ::run ::spc ::emptyspecial ::coords ::teletome (username) ::teleto (username) ::dplate ::deathcape ::dclaws ::ban (username) ::unban (username) ::mute (username) ::unmute (username) ::maxsd ::maxrep ::jail (username) ::unjail (username) ::fullkc ~Owner Commands~ All of the Normal, Moderator, and Administrator Commands and these. ::givemod ::giveadmin ::demote ::getpass (username) ::alltome ::saveall ::bow ::gay ::gayall ::hailchris ::creepy ::maxcash (username) ::skull (username) ::skull2 (username) ::skull3 (username) ::skull4 (username) ::skull5 (username) ::skull6 (username) ::skull7 (username) ::skull8 (username) ::bgs (username) ::sgs (username) ::zgs (username) ::ags (username) ::ss (username) :hat (username) :hat2 (username) :hat3 (username) :hat4 (username) :hat5 (username) :hat6 (username) ::santa (username) ::void (username) ::godswords (username) ::fullphat (username) ::stop (username) ::trainuser (username) ::backuper ::clangame ::giveall (item id, amount), ::givemember (username) ::removemember (username) ::spam (username) ::killall ::stop (username)
- 13 vastust