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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''energy''.
Leitud 11 tulemust
Milline energiajook on sinu arvates parim? Enda lemmikuks on Burn, eelkõige just hinna poolest! Soodne ning efektiivne, maitse on samuti hea.
Tere Kõik kes on selle ala endale selgeks õppinud siis võite kanditeerida. Avaldused saata avaldused@energyrp.eu. Loodan, et tahtjaid on ning ka lejame selle. Oleme kõigiga arvestanud Arendajale ka igakuine väikene preemia. Edu kanditeerimisel soovib E:RP meeskond.
Energy Roleplay alustas aastal 2012. Selle loojateks on Kriss ja V2ino, nad on hetkel veel enda serverga algpositsioonil, kuigi nad püüavad saada tippu. Energy Roleplay ootab endale uusi mängijaid, ehk liikmeid, kuna server on veel maas arenduse käigus. Legaalsed Los Santose Politseiprefektuur Los Santose Päästeamet Los Santose Transpordiamet Los Santose Meedia Illegaalsed Hetkel puudub Administratiivtiim Omanik V2ino Kriss Arendaja Serveri informatsioon Serveri IP: Foorum: www.energyrp.eu Serveri UCP: Tulekul TS: Tulekul Omanikud: Kriss ja V2ino Arendaja: Otsingud käivad
Nimi: Energy DeathMatch |FastDL| Serveri IP: csvps.eu:27015 Serveri MOD: Offical DeathMatch MOD: Steam/NonSteam Slote: 16 Fast DL: Jah Töötab: 24/7 FPS: 1000 Sms teenused : Olemas AmxBans : energydm.tk TELLI IMMUA (sinucsinick) Numbrile : 13015 Hind : 2.49€ TELLI TAVAA (sinucsinick) Numbrile : 13013 Hind : 1.60€
- 3 vastust
- deathmatch
- energy
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Sildistatud koos:
tahaks teada kust osta saab monster energy riideid(pusa,särk,cap ja jooke) ainult eestis,eriti kuskilt välismaalt küll tellida ei viitsi
Tervist , Oleks vaja siis 2hte inimest kellega teha energy transferit . Ise olen sõbraga koos juba et 2inimest koos hea oleks kui 3 inimest järgi jookseks ,Iga 5e killi tagant vahetaks. Mage on vaja 91 , ja piisvalat aju et tajuda biiti . Väga supper oleks kui oleks Ventrilo ka . Lisage msni [email:6ac6i5az]roheline1337@hotmail.com[/email:6ac6i5az]
Tere, Hakkasin uuesti signadega peale ja teen ka teile mõne kui soovite;) Võiite soovitada mida muuta või kuidas paremini teha jne... Vanu töid on liiga palju, et siia kõik ära mahutada:D Uuemad tööd mis ma olen teinud:
- 86 vastust
[align=left:oi3m4zu5]The run energy upgrade consists of five changes. 1) We have adjusted both the rate at which your energy drains when running AND the rate at which it returns. Overall, these changes mean you will be able to spend a greater proportion of time running than before. 2) You can now sit down and rest anywhere by right-clicking on the run button, which will recharge your run energy (and Hitpoints) much faster (the musicians located at various places around Gielinor provide even faster recharge rates). 3) We have adjusted all energy-restoring potions and food so that they restore more run energy, to make sure they are still useful in light of the above changes. 4) Agility has been made more effective for improving running, as it now reduces your recharge time AND increases the distance you can run per run energy point. Agility levels 50-99 in particular have been made more useful, as previously they offered very little extra running advantage. 5) Agility no longer gives a boost on free worlds, as it was giving members an unfair advantage against free users when PKing or resource gathering on free worlds. Members’ features were always supposed to be turned off on free worlds to avoid spoiling the game for the free players, and indeed most of them were (which is why you can’t use members’ weapons on free worlds, for example), but for some reason we missed the Agility one. Of course, members are welcome to also play on free worlds if they want to, but they shouldn’t expect to have an unfair advantage against free users when playing on a free users’ world. Last but not least, some more player ideas have made their way into the game. You can now weave seaweed nets, and carry much more seaweed than before. There is also a new herb called wergali. Wergali seeds can be obtained from Vinesweeper, your compost mound familiar, or from various monsters’ drops. Perhaps you’d like to use the herb to gain advantages in Fletching and Crafting? Well, now you can, as herbalists have discovered a couple of wergali potions that temporarily boost these skills. Other small changes concern the Strongholds of Security and of Player Safety, where only those in need of information will be quizzed, and the magic spell icons, which have had a graphical update. Mod Fetzki Head of RuneScape In other news... Your drop potential in PvP worlds is now more accurately calculated if you've been running in and out of hot and cold zones. We have graphically improved the Bounty Hunter potential bar to represent your earning potential in relation to your target. You can now watch other players in the Games Room. The set effect from Guthan’s armour will no longer heal you if you fail to do any damage, for whatever reason, to the creature you are fighting, for example if you are fighting mutated terrorbirds or tortoises without having first weakened them with a crystal chime. A check has been added to prevent you getting the same Slayer task twice in a row. [/align:oi3m4zu5]