Ei viitsi tõlkida:
Forums: http://auths4u.com
Webclient: http://darkrs.org
The Features Include...
-602 Skill Interface
-Fading Hitmarks
-Added Working Leech Spec and ALL Saps Curses.
-Combat Icons Next to Damage
-Dungeoneering FLAWLESS (8 GOOD Floors)
-All Important Summoning Special Attacks
-Very Advanced Dicing System
-10Man "Raid" Style Bosses
-Introduction of Red Dragons, Very Active Pking
-Wilderness Revernants
-Custom PK'ing Skill
-Elite Slayer Tasks
-All NPC's around the World
-More Advanaced Skilling than PI
-FULLY working Overloads 100% RS
-39 Jad Waves, Custom
-Unique Custom Home
-Dragonfireshield works 100% Charging!
-100% Working pvp armours ( Statius, Vesta, Zuriel and Morrigan)!
-PKP Shops
-90% Corrected Item Stats
-Even More NPC Anims Added
-Player Owned Shops
-Sarabrew doesnt drain stats when overloaded
-PERFECT Bridding / Switching
-Vote4Cash Integrated
-Fully Webclient Ready
-Soulwars Cape & More Items Added
-Torva, Korasi, Primal (With Effect's)
-Critical Hits (With RS Hitsplat)
-Fixed Slayer NPC Perfectly Animated and Updated
-Instant Loading (Was very slow with base)
-Ring of Life & Slayer Helmet Effects
-Brilliant Custom Designed Interfaces
-317 Classic RS Graphics
-Custom Desgined GWD with Interfaces
-Working Spirit Shield Effects
-Hand Cannon, Arcane Stream, Ring of Vigour Effects
-Dungeoneering Skillcape Emotes, Chaotic Shields
-602 Animations, 602 GFX, 474 Maps, 614 Items, 317 Characters
-Enhanced GFX Rendering Looks Smoother!
-Donaters FUNPK Area
-Perfect RS Hand Cannon Fixed Anti Leech (Commented out Exploding)
-Perfect Constitution x10 Hits and HP
-Very accurate Special Calcs for PvP Server
-Near Flawless Combat System
-Perfect RS Chaotic Crossbow
-Real RS Dung Teleport /w Kinship Ring
-Dungeoneering is by far the most advanced from ANY server!
-Working and Completely Custom PK Skill (exp from winning in wild)
-Very customisabled source files, as written in PI / DSPK style.
-Real RS Barrage Orb's for non freezing barrages.
-Fixed ALL Mem Leaks
-Enabled Dupeless Stakeing
-100% Server Stability
-508 Maps
-653 Items
-Real RS Korasi Gfx & Anim
pildid tulevad!