Hetkel on mäng täis buge ja rs crushing sajaga.
Soovitused public chat off ja clan chat off kui clan chatis oled see vähendab crushimist!
hetkel juba 30 minutit pole probleeme nii olnud kasutades seda nippi..
See probleem on kõigil rs tehnilisetoe foorum on sellest poste täis.
Räägitakse igast glitchidest:
ise kuulsin vajutades alt 14 siis crushivad sinu ümber olevad inimesed kellel public chat on, aga ma ei tea kas see on tõsi, sest pole proovinud glitchide kasutamise eest saab banni.
Sellist juttu räägib siis Mode Stev foorumites!
We have a specialist team investigating the issue, and we will let you know if there is any information that needs passing on.
We are busy right now confirming the problem, and trying to establish the root cause of the crashes, so that we can implement a fix if needed.
Although we still need to do some investigation, it does seem that the crashes are linked to the public chat function.
If you have been experiencing crashes, you may find, that switching all chat settings to 'off', will reduce or completely stop the crashes. Although not ideal, this will enable you to keep playing until we fully rectify the issue.
Finally, as we are fully aware of this issue, there is no need to submit a bug report about these crashes, similarly, there is no need to let us know about this issue on the forums (although we appreciate your help of course!).
We know this must be very frustrating for you, which is why we are working flat out to put things right!
Thanks for your patience,