Uus eesti server siis!
Ütle kohe ära server pole minu oma aitasin koodida vähege ainult
Ise rs ei mängi eriti ja ei jama serveritega aitan ainult ja selle serveri omanik mu sõber!
Tal endal userit pole siin ja postitan tema eest selle
Server läks up:24.05.2010
See 317 aga 474 model+cache
Väike tutvustus serverist siis
-Pest Control-
-Perfect pking-
-Safe Wild-
-All skill work-
-Skillcape Emo-
-Fight Cave-
-Minigame Tele-
-Donator Shop-
-Fully working d claw spec with emote
-Fully working vls spec with emote
-Fully working ags spec with emote
-Fully working sgs spec with emote
-Fully working bgs spec with emote
-Fully working zgs spec with emote
-Perfect dds rushing and ags rushing
-Working mage follow
-Working range follow
-Working melee follow
And alot more come and try
-Castle Wars-
-Bounty Hunter-
-Clan War-
-Drop Party Room-
And some little update more!
runelocuse leht siin: http://www.runelocus.com/toplist/?action=details&id=12357
[align=center] Hoster/Owner-Altecscape
Admin-Slot Open!!
Moderators-Slot Open!!