Otsi Vahvlist
Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''alt''.
Leitud 3 tulemust
In the interests of public safety, we've reproduced this recent article from the Varrock Herald. "The citizens of Varrock sleep easy once more. The notorious mugger of southern Varrock, level 6, who works the patch outside of Aubury’s rune store, has moved on. Various street sources suggest that the mugger, real name unknown, felt that ‘his work was done’ and has decided to travel abroad. This is good news indeed for the people of Varrock, as this mugger has proven to be second only to zombie invasions as a source of panic for the city." "While the streets of Varrock are now safe, adventurers are being warned to steer clear of this shady individual should they run into him outside of Varrock. Recent sightings have put Mugger (level-6) as far afield as Paterdomus, Port Sarim and Edgeville. While it may appear that these are separate people, it is, in fact, the very same (and very fast) person. Please be advised that he is considered armed and dangerous – do not to approach him for any reason." "Claims that his level has increased to 7 are greatly exaggerated." Et vaadake ette, Jagex teeb nalja, mis järgmisena??
Otsime mantaraysid siis vee alt kas teate keegi kust neid saada vee alt väga oleks vaja teada ühte kohtasin aga ta ei ütelnud kus ukse võti on ja saatis mu tagasi vahvli kommi poodi elas kord üks päike kellele oli teine päike selja taga ja siis tuli kolmas päike kes tundis esimese päikese ära ja siis päikesed käisid kordamööda viienda päikse poole ja siis käisid kolmas ja kuues seitsemenda pool ja siis sündis mantaray obaa kus siis sai pulli pull sõitis sarved ära ja siis tuli sarve poeg revodead ja siis tuli revodeade vend pikk revo dead aka piiskviiiter ^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,