Otsi Vahvlist
Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''5599''.
Leitud 2 tulemust
et siis panen siia kes ise ei leia NIMI: zAlch.java import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.net.URI; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.ServerMessageListener; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.events.ServerMessageEvent; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.bot.Bot; import com.speljohan.rsbot.accessors.*; public class zAlch extends Script implements PaintListener { private final int IRKSOL_ID = 566, RING_ID = 1641, NAT = 561, GP = 995; private RSNPC irksol = null; private int phase = 0, nats = 0, gp = 0, wait = 0, before = 0, alched = 0; private boolean show = true; private long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Override public double getVersion() { return 1.00; } @Override public String getName() { return "zAlch"; } @Override public String getScriptCategory() { return "Hidendra"; } @Override public String getAuthor() { return "Hidendra"; } @Override public String getScriptDescription() { String send = " body {text-align:center; } i {color: yellow;} h2 {text-align:right; color: red;} " + getName() + " v"+getVersion()+" "; send += " Brought to you by Hidendra. "; send += " If you loved this script, or just want to support the author, consider donating. To do so you may either check the checkbox below to open the link in your web browser (if possible) or you may go directly to the link yourself. Thank you. "; send += " [url]https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4625597[/url] - "; send += " Zanaris Ring buyer and Alcher... Start with inventory ONLY with nats and gp.. There [b]HAS[/b] to be 26 free slots. Have a Fire staff equipped. "; send += " Script will alch until out of nats or money.. So if you want to alch 1000 times, take 1000 nats..... "; return send; } @Override public boolean onStart(Map args) { System.out.println("Starting Hidendra's " + getName() + " v"+getVersion()); Bot.getEventManager().registerListener(this); if(args.get("paypal") != null) openPayPalDonation(); return true; } @Override public void onFinish() { // also reset variables Bot.getEventManager().removeListener(PaintListener.class, this); show = false; } @Override public int loop() { while(!isLoggedIn()) { wait(random(800, 1100)); } if(getInventoryCount(NAT) == 0 || getInventoryCount(GP) System.out.println("Thank you for using this script. Now ending because we are almost out of money or out of nats :-)"); stopAllScripts(); } if(phase == 0) { nats = getInventoryCount(NAT); gp = getInventoryCount(GP); if(nats > 0 && gp > 0) { System.out.println("zAlch initialized successfully"); } else { System.out.println("You need natures AND gp..."); stopAllScripts(); } if(getCurrentTab() != TAB_MAGIC) openTab(TAB_MAGIC); moveMouse(random(698, 708), random(445, 457)); clickMouse(true); phase = 1; System.out.println("Set magic book to Combat first...."); } if(phase == 1) { irksol = getNearestNPCByID(IRKSOL_ID); if(irksol == null) { System.out.println("Irksol is nowhere to be found. Make sure he is on the mini map (he does not stray that far that he disappears)"); stopAllScripts(); return -1; } if(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) > 0) phase = 3; else phase = 2; } if(phase == 2) { // time to buy rings.. if(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) > 0) { phase = 3; return random(500, 900); } if(!tileOnScreen(irksol.getLocation())) { while(!getMyPlayer().isMoving()) { walkTileMM(randomizeTile(irksol.getLocation(), 2, 2)); return random(500, 900); } return random(100, 300); } tradeCharacter(irksol, "Trade"); wait = 0; while(!RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid()) { wait(100); wait++; if(wait >= 50) { return random(400, 800); } } wait = 0; if(buyRings()) { while(!RSInterface.getInterface(752).isValid()) { wait(100); wait++; if(wait >= 50) { return random(400, 800); } } wait(random(800,900)); input.sendKeys("26", true); moveMouse(random(482, 492), random(36, 46)); wait(random(400, 600)); clickMouse(true); } else return random(500, 900); } if(phase == 3) { if(RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid()) { phase = 4; return random(500, 900); } while(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) > 0) { int[] equipment = getEquipmentArray(); for(int i : equipment) if(i == RING_ID && phase > 1) { unequip(); break; } before = getInventoryCount(RING_ID); if(getCurrentTab() != TAB_MAGIC) { openTab(TAB_MAGIC); return 50; } moveMouse(random(660, 677), random(366, 381)); clickMouse(true); wait(100); if(getCurrentTab() != TAB_INVENTORY) return random(500, 900); clickRing(); wait(random(400, 600)); clickMouse(true); wait(random(1400, 1600)); if(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) alched++; } if(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) == 0) phase = 2; } if(phase == 4) { // simply close the interface... lol. if(RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid()) { moveMouse(random(482, 492), random(36, 46)); wait(random(400, 600)); clickMouse(true); phase = 2; } } return random(500,900); } public void onRepaint(Graphics g) { if(show) { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; long hours = millis / (1000 * 60 * 60); millis -= hours * (1000 * 60 * 60); long minutes = millis / (1000 * 60); millis -= minutes * (1000 * 60); long seconds = millis / 1000; long minutes2 = minutes + (hours * 60); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawString(getName() + " v"+getVersion()+" by Hidendra", 28, 279); g.drawString("Alched " + alched + " Ruby Rings", 9, 305); g.drawString("Time running: " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds", 9, 325); } } private void unequip() { if(isInventoryFull()) return; if(getCurrentTab() != TAB_EQUIPMENT) openTab(TAB_EQUIPMENT); moveMouse(random(690, 710), random(374, 395)); clickMouse(true); System.out.println("Unequipped the Ruby ring."); phase = 3; } private boolean buyRings() { int hoverRand = random(8, 13); for (int i = 0; i moveMouse( random(66, 90), random(93, 115) ); List menuItems = getMenuItems(); if (menuItems.isEmpty() || menuItems.size() continue; } for (int a = 1; a if (menuItems.get(a).toLowerCase().contains("ruby") && getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null) { clickMouse(false); return atMenu("Buy X"); } } } return false; } private void clickRing() { if (getCurrentTab() != TAB_INVENTORY) openTab(TAB_INVENTORY); int[] items = getInventoryArray(); for(int i=items.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if(items[i] == RING_ID) { Point p = getInventoryItemPoint(i); clickMouse(p, 5, 5, true); break; } } } private boolean tradeCharacter(RSNPC npc, String action) { RSTile tile = npc.getLocation(); RSTile randomTile = tile.randomizeTile(1, 1); try { int hoverRand = random(8, 13); for (int i = 0; i Point screenLoc = npc.getScreenLocation(); if (!pointOnScreen(screenLoc)) { setCameraRotation(getCameraAngle() + random(-35, 150)); return false; } moveMouse(screenLoc, 15, 15); List menuItems = getMenuItems(); if (menuItems.isEmpty() || menuItems.size() continue; } for (int a = 1; a if (menuItems.get(a).toLowerCase().contains( npc.getName().toLowerCase()) && getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null) { clickMouse(false); return atMenu(action); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return false; } private void openPayPalDonation() { if( !java.awt.Desktop.isDesktopSupported() ) { System.err.println("Unable to open PayPal page. You can manually open the page; the url is https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4625597"); return; } java.awt.Desktop desktop = java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop(); if( !desktop.isSupported( java.awt.Desktop.Action.BROWSE ) ) { System.err.println("Unable to open PayPal page. You can manually open the page; the url is https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4625597"); return; } try { desktop.browse(new URI("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4625597")); System.out.println("Successfully opened Donation page."); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( e.getMessage() ); return; } } }
Õpetus pole minu poolt tehtud aga youtubest tõlgitud! On siis selline tasuta magic 99 õpetus mida mõned veel ei tea. Selleks Asjad mida vajad: RSGP Vähemalt 1M võiks olla. PEAKSID OLEMA P2P . Osta G.E-st Näiteks 100 nature ruune 237-250ea - 25K raiskad 100 Air battlestaff-e mis maksavad 9,020GP-9499GP osta keskmise hinnaga või 9,050GPEA 950k raiskad (Ära kunagi osta üle 9.050GP ea eest.) Ja Staff of fire alchimiseks. Alchi Air battlestaffs ära ja saad ühe eest 9.3k per alch. Saad kasumit 250GP Tuleb välja et nature ruune ostad sa täiesti tasuta ja saadki oma Magic 99. Ei pea kõik kohe ostma alchi niipalju kui osta saad müü maha ja osta jälle.Alchimine peaks toimuma kohe g.e-s GUIDET SAAB YOUTUBES KA VAADATA :ty