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Leitud 83 tulemust

  1. Tahaks scripte f2p :ty
  2. et siis panen siia kes ise ei leia NIMI: zAlch.java import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.net.URI; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.ServerMessageListener; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.events.ServerMessageEvent; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.bot.Bot; import com.speljohan.rsbot.accessors.*; public class zAlch extends Script implements PaintListener { private final int IRKSOL_ID = 566, RING_ID = 1641, NAT = 561, GP = 995; private RSNPC irksol = null; private int phase = 0, nats = 0, gp = 0, wait = 0, before = 0, alched = 0; private boolean show = true; private long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Override public double getVersion() { return 1.00; } @Override public String getName() { return "zAlch"; } @Override public String getScriptCategory() { return "Hidendra"; } @Override public String getAuthor() { return "Hidendra"; } @Override public String getScriptDescription() { String send = " body {text-align:center; } i {color: yellow;} h2 {text-align:right; color: red;} " + getName() + " v"+getVersion()+" "; send += " Brought to you by Hidendra. "; send += " If you loved this script, or just want to support the author, consider donating. To do so you may either check the checkbox below to open the link in your web browser (if possible) or you may go directly to the link yourself. Thank you. "; send += " [url]https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4625597[/url] - "; send += " Zanaris Ring buyer and Alcher... Start with inventory ONLY with nats and gp.. There [b]HAS[/b] to be 26 free slots. Have a Fire staff equipped. "; send += " Script will alch until out of nats or money.. So if you want to alch 1000 times, take 1000 nats..... "; return send; } @Override public boolean onStart(Map args) { System.out.println("Starting Hidendra's " + getName() + " v"+getVersion()); Bot.getEventManager().registerListener(this); if(args.get("paypal") != null) openPayPalDonation(); return true; } @Override public void onFinish() { // also reset variables Bot.getEventManager().removeListener(PaintListener.class, this); show = false; } @Override public int loop() { while(!isLoggedIn()) { wait(random(800, 1100)); } if(getInventoryCount(NAT) == 0 || getInventoryCount(GP) System.out.println("Thank you for using this script. Now ending because we are almost out of money or out of nats :-)"); stopAllScripts(); } if(phase == 0) { nats = getInventoryCount(NAT); gp = getInventoryCount(GP); if(nats > 0 && gp > 0) { System.out.println("zAlch initialized successfully"); } else { System.out.println("You need natures AND gp..."); stopAllScripts(); } if(getCurrentTab() != TAB_MAGIC) openTab(TAB_MAGIC); moveMouse(random(698, 708), random(445, 457)); clickMouse(true); phase = 1; System.out.println("Set magic book to Combat first...."); } if(phase == 1) { irksol = getNearestNPCByID(IRKSOL_ID); if(irksol == null) { System.out.println("Irksol is nowhere to be found. Make sure he is on the mini map (he does not stray that far that he disappears)"); stopAllScripts(); return -1; } if(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) > 0) phase = 3; else phase = 2; } if(phase == 2) { // time to buy rings.. if(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) > 0) { phase = 3; return random(500, 900); } if(!tileOnScreen(irksol.getLocation())) { while(!getMyPlayer().isMoving()) { walkTileMM(randomizeTile(irksol.getLocation(), 2, 2)); return random(500, 900); } return random(100, 300); } tradeCharacter(irksol, "Trade"); wait = 0; while(!RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid()) { wait(100); wait++; if(wait >= 50) { return random(400, 800); } } wait = 0; if(buyRings()) { while(!RSInterface.getInterface(752).isValid()) { wait(100); wait++; if(wait >= 50) { return random(400, 800); } } wait(random(800,900)); input.sendKeys("26", true); moveMouse(random(482, 492), random(36, 46)); wait(random(400, 600)); clickMouse(true); } else return random(500, 900); } if(phase == 3) { if(RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid()) { phase = 4; return random(500, 900); } while(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) > 0) { int[] equipment = getEquipmentArray(); for(int i : equipment) if(i == RING_ID && phase > 1) { unequip(); break; } before = getInventoryCount(RING_ID); if(getCurrentTab() != TAB_MAGIC) { openTab(TAB_MAGIC); return 50; } moveMouse(random(660, 677), random(366, 381)); clickMouse(true); wait(100); if(getCurrentTab() != TAB_INVENTORY) return random(500, 900); clickRing(); wait(random(400, 600)); clickMouse(true); wait(random(1400, 1600)); if(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) alched++; } if(getInventoryCount(RING_ID) == 0) phase = 2; } if(phase == 4) { // simply close the interface... lol. if(RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid()) { moveMouse(random(482, 492), random(36, 46)); wait(random(400, 600)); clickMouse(true); phase = 2; } } return random(500,900); } public void onRepaint(Graphics g) { if(show) { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; long hours = millis / (1000 * 60 * 60); millis -= hours * (1000 * 60 * 60); long minutes = millis / (1000 * 60); millis -= minutes * (1000 * 60); long seconds = millis / 1000; long minutes2 = minutes + (hours * 60); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawString(getName() + " v"+getVersion()+" by Hidendra", 28, 279); g.drawString("Alched " + alched + " Ruby Rings", 9, 305); g.drawString("Time running: " + hours + " hours " + minutes + " minutes " + seconds + " seconds", 9, 325); } } private void unequip() { if(isInventoryFull()) return; if(getCurrentTab() != TAB_EQUIPMENT) openTab(TAB_EQUIPMENT); moveMouse(random(690, 710), random(374, 395)); clickMouse(true); System.out.println("Unequipped the Ruby ring."); phase = 3; } private boolean buyRings() { int hoverRand = random(8, 13); for (int i = 0; i moveMouse( random(66, 90), random(93, 115) ); List menuItems = getMenuItems(); if (menuItems.isEmpty() || menuItems.size() continue; } for (int a = 1; a if (menuItems.get(a).toLowerCase().contains("ruby") && getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null) { clickMouse(false); return atMenu("Buy X"); } } } return false; } private void clickRing() { if (getCurrentTab() != TAB_INVENTORY) openTab(TAB_INVENTORY); int[] items = getInventoryArray(); for(int i=items.length-1; i>=0; i--) { if(items[i] == RING_ID) { Point p = getInventoryItemPoint(i); clickMouse(p, 5, 5, true); break; } } } private boolean tradeCharacter(RSNPC npc, String action) { RSTile tile = npc.getLocation(); RSTile randomTile = tile.randomizeTile(1, 1); try { int hoverRand = random(8, 13); for (int i = 0; i Point screenLoc = npc.getScreenLocation(); if (!pointOnScreen(screenLoc)) { setCameraRotation(getCameraAngle() + random(-35, 150)); return false; } moveMouse(screenLoc, 15, 15); List menuItems = getMenuItems(); if (menuItems.isEmpty() || menuItems.size() continue; } for (int a = 1; a if (menuItems.get(a).toLowerCase().contains( npc.getName().toLowerCase()) && getMyPlayer().getInteracting() == null) { clickMouse(false); return atMenu(action); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return false; } private void openPayPalDonation() { if( !java.awt.Desktop.isDesktopSupported() ) { System.err.println("Unable to open PayPal page. You can manually open the page; the url is https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4625597"); return; } java.awt.Desktop desktop = java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop(); if( !desktop.isSupported( java.awt.Desktop.Action.BROWSE ) ) { System.err.println("Unable to open PayPal page. You can manually open the page; the url is https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4625597"); return; } try { desktop.browse(new URI("https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4625597")); System.out.println("Successfully opened Donation page."); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( e.getMessage() ); return; } } }
  3. http://www.rsbot.org/vb/showthread.php?t=26996 siit saate SoulWarsi scripti.
  4. Oleks Vaja hunting scripti mis püüab kõiki loomi ise olen tõmbanud osasi , kuid scriptid ei korjanud lõksu üles:D :ty:ty
  5. Tere oleks vaja siis wc ja fm scripti...kuna rsbot.org ei jõua kohale , siis äkki saaks siit abi....hea oleks ka mingi scriptpack :ty
  6. Tere.. Tahaks siis teda kust saaks head Firemaking scripti tõmmata , ise olen proovinud otsida igalt poolt , http://www.rsbot.org jne , aga pole leidnud mingit hea , ilma läägita , kõik kiiluvad kinni või siis teatud aja peale ei tee enam midagi , äkki oleks keegi nii hea ja saaks anda lingi kus on mingi hea script. Ty
  7. On see võimalik üldse? On keegi proovinud? Mis valemi järgi on üldse võimalik ennustada, see ju random imo? Igatahes scripti leidsin siit. http://rsbot.faithy.net/showthread.php?tid=80
  8. Oleks vaja head mining guild scripti mis miniks coale viiks banka ..:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty
  9. tere kuidas saada rsbotile scripte aadida ma . Ma qopyn ara aga utleb only 40 scripts help plz ..:dead:
  10. Tere! Mõtlesin, et lasen omal ühe kasutaja bottima sw-s :uni: Tõmbasin RSBoti, panin scripti tööle, mingi TSoulWars Panen tööle -> Läheb join-team Balance Portal -> Siis hakkab pela, vahib ja jookseb ringi seal:wa: -> Kui game saab läbi siis tuleb mingi selline asi, et blue team win ( ise olin red ) and you recive 0 zeal for your .... jne :h: Ning alati on sellega nii.. 1. Mis teema on, keegi seletaks? 2. Sheerige siis mingi hea sw script :?
  11. Ok noh mult on küsitud et mis scriptiga ma raha teen Noo siin see on.. Siin kaustas on ka RsBot manager. soovitan pange sinna kus on te Play.bat ja compiler.bat jne Saad salvestada scripte lihtsamini (pole mingit nime otsimist ega .java file tegemist) import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.bot.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.events.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener; public class PortSarimFoodBuyer extends Script implements PaintListener { //RSTILES public RSTile[] walkToBank = new RSTile[] { new RSTile(3018,3206),new RSTile(3024,3205),new RSTile(3026,3211),new RSTile(3027,3217),new RSTile(3027,3223),new RSTile(3027,3229),new RSTile(3027,3235),new RSTile(3031,3242),new RSTile(3035,3247),new RSTile(3037,3253),new RSTile(3041,3258),new RSTile(3044,3264),new RSTile(3047,3270),new RSTile(3053,3273),new RSTile(3059,3274),new RSTile(3066,3274),new RSTile(3072,3274),new RSTile(3072,3268),new RSTile(3073,3262),new RSTile(3077,3257),new RSTile(3080,3251),new RSTile(3086,3250),new RSTile(3092,3247),new RSTile(3093,3244),};public RSTile[] dpPath = {new RSTile(3012,3203),new RSTile(3018,3206),new RSTile(3024,3208),new RSTile(3027,3214),new RSTile(3027,3220),new RSTile(3027,3226),new RSTile(3027,3232),new RSTile(3028,3238),new RSTile(3032,3243),new RSTile(3036,3249),new RSTile(3039,3255),new RSTile(3044,3260),new RSTile(3048,3265),new RSTile(3052,3270),new RSTile(3058,3274),new RSTile(3064,3275),new RSTile(3070,3276),new RSTile(3071,3270),new RSTile(3071,3263),new RSTile(3073,3255),new RSTile(3073,3249),new RSTile(3082,3248),new RSTile(3088,3248),new RSTile(3093,3245)}; public RSTile[] walkToShop = reversePath(walkToBank); public RSTilePath toBank = new RSTilePath(walkToBank, this); public RSTilePath toShop = new RSTilePath(walkToShop, this); public RSTile bankTile = new RSTile(3094, 3243); public RSTile shopTile = new RSTile(3015, 3206); // Paint/Misc int total = 0; long startTime; long startUpdateTime; long runningTime; public long checkTime; public long scriptStartTime; private String status = ""; private String buying = ""; public int x1; public int y1; //SCRIPT NAME// public String getName() { return "PortSarim Food Shop Buyer"; } //SCRIPT VERSION// public double getVersion( ) { return( 0.2 ); } //AUTHOR NAME// public String getAuthor() { return "WantedCrisis"; } //CATEGORY public String getScriptCategory() { return "Money"; } //DESCRIPTION// public String getScriptDescription() { String html = "\n"; html += ""; html += ""; html += "[align=center]"; html += " " + " " + " " + ""+ getName() + ""; html += "[b]Author:[/b] " + getAuthor() +""+ " "; html += " "; html += "[b]Version: [/b] " + getVersion() + " "; html += " "; html += "[b]Instructions[/b]" + " "; html += "Choose an option below and start at draynor bank!" + " " + " "; html += "What do you want to buy? Chocolate BarCheesePotatoRaw BeefRaw ChickenBreadTomatoCabbage(noob) "; html += " "; html += "" + "[/align]" + "" ; return (html) ; } //ONSTART// public boolean onStart(Map args) { log("WantedCrisis's Port Sarim Food Shop All Buyer!!! Enjoy! Please report all bugs to [email]wanted_crisis@live.com[/email] or post on forum thread!"); Bot.getEventManager().addListener(PaintListener.class, this); scriptStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (args.get("buy").equals("Chocolate Bar")) { this.x1 = 273 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 109 + random(0, 3); buying = "Chocolate Bar"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Cheese")) { this.x1 = 315 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Cheese"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Potato")) { this.x1 = 393 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Potato"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Raw Beef")) { this.x1 = 120 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Raw Beef"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Raw Chicken")) { this.x1 = 155 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Raw Chicken"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Bread")) { this.x1 = 234 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Bread"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Tomato")) { this.x1 = 351 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Tomato"; } if (args.get("buy").equals("Cabbage(noob)")) { this.x1 = 315 + random(0, 3); this.y1 = 108 + random(0, 3); buying = "Cabbage(noob)"; } try { generateProperPath(0,0); //generateProperPath fix } catch(Exception e) { } return true; } //ON STOP// public void onFinish() { Bot.getEventManager().removeListener(PaintListener.class, this); } //WALKS TO SHOP// public void walkToShop() { try{ setCameraRotation(180); status = "Walking To Shop"; walkPathMM(randomizePath(walkToShop,1,1),17); } catch (Exception e) { log("An error occured while trying to walk"); } } //WALKING METHOD// public RSTile[] fixPath(RSTile[] path) { ArrayList newPath = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i RSTile[] temp1 = fixPath2(path[i],path[i+1]); for(int l=0;l newPath.add(temp1[l]); } return newPath.toArray(new RSTile[newPath.size()]); } public RSTile[] fixPath2(RSTile tile) { return fixPath2(getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX(),getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY(), tile.getX(), tile.getY()); } public RSTile[] fixPath2(RSTile tile, RSTile tile2) { return fixPath2(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), tile2.getX(), tile2.getY()); } public RSTile[] fixPath2(int startX, int startY, int destinationX, int destinationY) { //most credits to aftermath double dx, dy; ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new RSTile(startX, startY)); while(Math.hypot(destinationY - startY, destinationX - startX) > 8) { dx = destinationX - startX; dy = destinationY - startY; int gamble = random(14,17); while(Math.hypot(dx, dy) > gamble) { dx *= .95; dy *= .95; } startX += (int) dx; startY += (int) dy; list.add(new RSTile(startX, startY)); } list.add(new RSTile(destinationX, destinationY)); return list.toArray(new RSTile[list.size()]); } //WALKS TO BANK// public void walkToBank() { try{ setCameraRotation(180); status = "Walking To Bank"; walkPathMM(randomizePath(walkToBank,2,2),17); } catch (Exception e) { log("An error occured while trying to walk"); } } //DOES CHARACTER NEED BANKING?// public boolean needBank() { if(getInventoryCount() == 28) return true; return false; } //DOES CHARACTER NEED TO BUY?// public boolean needsBuy() { if(getInventoryCount() != 28) return true; return false; } //OPENS BANK// public boolean openBank(){ status = "Opening Bank"; RSObject bank = findObject(2213); if(bank == null) return false; return atObject(bank, "Use-quickly"); } //BANKS STUFF// public boolean bankStuff(){ if(!RSInterface.getInterface(INTERFACE_BANK).isValid()) return false; status = "Banking Items"; bank.depositAllExcept(995); bank.close(); total += 1; return true; } //TRADES NPC// public boolean tradeShop() { status = "Trading NPC"; return atNPC(getNearestNPCByID(new int[] { 557 }), "Trade"); } //OPENS DOOR IF CLOSED// public boolean openDoor() { RSObject object = findObject(40108); if (object != null && distanceTo(object) status = "Opening Door"; setCameraRotation(random(250,270)); setCameraAltitude(false); atDoor(object, "East", "Open"); return true; } return false; } //IF NOT IN PLAYER STOCK, SWITCHES TO MAIN STOCK// public void openStock() { int x2 = 80 + random(0, 3); int y2 = 74 + random(0, 3); moveMouse(x2, y2); clickMouse(x2, y2, true); wait(random(800, 1000)); } //BUY FROM SHOP// public boolean buyFromShop() { status = "Buying Items From Shop"; int x = this.x1; int y = this.y1; moveMouse(x, y); clickMouse(x, y, false); wait(random(150, 200)); if (atMenu("Buy X")) { wait(random(1400, 1500)); sendText(Integer.toString(random(27, 99)), true); wait(random(1400, 1500)); } else { openStock(); } return true; } //CHECKS IF SHOP IS OPEN// public boolean isShopOpen() { if(RSInterface.getInterface(620).isValid()) return buyFromShop(); return tradeShop(); } public void onRepaint(Graphics G) { long runTime = 0; long seconds = 0; long minutes = 0; long hours = 0; runTime = System.currentTimeMillis( ) - scriptStartTime; seconds = runTime / 1000; if ( seconds >= 60 ) { minutes = seconds / 60; seconds -= (minutes * 60); } if ( minutes >= 60 ) { hours = minutes / 60; minutes -= (hours * 60); } G.setColor(new Color(0, 100, 0, 100)); G.fill3DRect(5, 254, 220 ,83, true); G.setColor(Color.GREEN); G.setFont(new Font("Comic Sans", Font.BOLD, 12)); G.drawString("WantedCrisis's Port Sarim Buyer!", 20, 269); G.drawString("Currently Buying: " + this.buying, 20, 318); G.drawString("Loads " + this.total, 20, 288); G.drawString("Runtime: " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds, 20, 303); G.drawString("Status: "+ status, 20, 333); } /* MAIN LOOP */ public int loop() { if(RSInterface.getInterface(775).isValid()) atInterface(getInterface(775, 5)); if (getMyPlayer().isMoving()) return random(50, 100); if (!(isLoggedIn())) return random(200,300); if (getEnergy() > random(20, 100)) setRun(true); if(needBank()) { if(distanceTo(bankTile) > 10){ walkToBank(); } openBank(); bankStuff(); } if(needsBuy()) { if(distanceTo(shopTile) > 10) walkToShop(); openDoor(); setCameraAltitude(true); setCameraRotation(180); RSObject Dobject = findObject(40108); if(Dobject == null) walkTileMM(shopTile); wait(random(500,1000)); isShopOpen(); } return 1; } } http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=d418cb31356986228c9e7c56ba37815fc829d1dd73795222 Ostad 8gp EA poest, müüd 74gp EA G.E.s (MAX!!) Mida teha / Mitte teha Müü MAX hinnaga GE's[/*:m:yzus1mtu] Ära Vingu et script ei tööta. See töötab[/*:m:yzus1mtu] Script võib vahepeal seisma jääda, liiguta teda[/*:m:yzus1mtu] Ära boti 25/8! [/*:m:yzus1mtu] CALC: ok oletame et sul on 80K ostad selle eest Cheese (8 EA) 10000 Cheesi müüd maha G.E.s (74 EA [MAX]) 10000*74=740K Kasum on 660K! Kuigi mul tegi 41 Loadsi 2H ja 38 Minutiga 41*27=1107 (1107*74=70K+) siis 10K cheeside saamine võtab aega 2 tunniga on see teenunud mulle 53,6K mis on hea, eriti kui muud raha tegemise võimalust pole Proggys:
  12. Palun Saatke Mulle Cooking Scripti Downloadimise Link , Mul On Endal Paar Scripti Aga Need Ei Tööta ! Ty , DjRemifips !
  13. Palunväga siin see on läheb aind Blue tiimi ja seisab pmst kogu aja !@!@ oma 95% ja 5% minu ja sõbra oma Kui tekib probleeme andge teada Et script töötaks pead seisma kolme ruudu kaugusel barrierist siin siis upitud nii .java kui .class http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=d418cb31356986228c9e7c56ba37815fc829d1dd73795222 import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.bot.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.events.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.accessors.*; public class BlueSoulWars extends Script implements ServerMessageListener { int id1 = 42029; int B_DeathX[] = new int[]{1823,1816,1816,1823}; int B_DeathY[] = new int[]{3220,3220,3230,3230}; Polygon B_Death = new Polygon(B_DeathX, B_DeathY, 4); int OutX[] = new int[]{1886,1890,1894,1898,1904,1897,1899,1895,1880,1880,1880,1880,1882,1899}; int OutY[] = new int[]{3182,3181,3179,3180,3172,3166,3162,3157,3154,3161,3173,3162,3162,3162}; Polygon Out = new Polygon(OutX, OutY, 11); int R_DeathX[] = new int[]{1953,1958,1959,1959,1958,1953,1952,1952}; int R_DeathY[] = new int[]{3245,3245,3244,3236,3235,3235,3236,3244}; Polygon R_Death = new Polygon(R_DeathX, R_DeathY, 8); public int loop() { if(RSInterface.getChildInterface(211, 3).getAbsoluteX() > 20) { atInterface(RSInterface.getChildInterface(211, 3)); return random(1200, 1800); } if(getMyPlayer().getAnimation() == 836) { return random(18000, 20000); } if(RSInterface.getInterface(228).getChild(2).isValid()) { atInterface(RSInterface.getChildInterface(228, 2)); return random(1200, 1800); } switch(check()) { case 0: //Blue Team setCompass('s'); wait(random(250,450)); RSObject blueBarrier = findObject(id1); if(blueBarrier == null) return 800; atObject(blueBarrier,"Pass"); return random(100, 200); case 1: //Blue Teami Grave if(tileOnScreen(new RSTile(1815, 3225))) { if(!atDoorTile(new RSTile(1815, 3225), "E", "Pass")) { turnCamera(); } waitWhileMoving(); return random(1200, 1800); } else { walkTileMM(randomizeTile(new RSTile(1815, 3225), 2, 2)); waitWhileMoving(); return random(1200, 1800); } case 2: // look down RSObject eastGrave = getNearestObjectByID(42013, 42016); if(eastGrave == null) { return random(100, 900); } if(tileOnScreen(eastGrave.getLocation())) { if(!atDoorTile(eastGrave.getLocation(), "N", "Pass")) { turnCamera(); } waitWhileMoving(); return random(1200, 1800); } else { walkTileMM(eastGrave.getLocation()); waitWhileMoving(); return random(1200, 1800); } case 3: // look down RSObject westGrave = getNearestObjectByID(42014, 42017); if(westGrave == null) { return random(100, 900); } if(tileOnScreen(westGrave.getLocation())) { if(!atDoorTile(westGrave.getLocation(), "S", "Pass")) { turnCamera(); } waitWhileMoving(); return random(1200, 1800); } else { walkTileMM(westGrave.getLocation()); waitWhileMoving(); return random(1200, 1800); } case 100: //OUT OF game antiban int x = random(0, 10); switch(x) { case 1: log("Doing Antiban"); turnCamera(); break; case 2: log("Doing Antiban"); if(random(0, 3) == 1) { tab(true); } else { tab(false); } break; } return random(500, 1000); case 101: //IN GAME antiban int a = random(0, 15); switch(a) { case 1: turnCamera(); log("Doing Antiban"); break; case 2: if(random(0, 3) == 1) { tab(true); log("Doing Antiban"); } else { tab(false); } break; case 3: walkRandomTile(); break; } return random(500, 1000); } return random(400, 700); } public int check() { // if(distanceTo(new RSTile(1897, 3162)) // log(" Joining Red Team!"); // return 0; if(distanceTo(new RSTile(1882, 3162)) log(" Joining Blue Team!"); setCompass('s'); wait(random(250,750)); return 0; } else if(!isInPolygon(Out) && distanceTo(new RSTile(1889, 3164)) return 100; } else if(isInPolygon(B_Death)) { log("In Blue Graveyard..."); return 1; //} else if(isInPolygon(R_Death)) { // log("In Red Graveyard..."); // return 2; } else if(distanceTo(new RSTile(1933, 3245)) log("In east grave"); return 2; } else if(distanceTo(new RSTile(1842, 3218)) log("In west grave"); return 3; } else if(getMyPlayer().getInteracting() != null) { return 100; } return 101; } public boolean isInPolygon(Polygon p) { return p.contains(getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX(), getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY()); } public boolean atPortal(RSTile tile, String action) { try { Point location = Calculations.tileToScreen(tile.getX(), tile.getY(), random(1.2, 1.5), random(1.2, 1.5), 0); if (location.x == -1 || location.y == -1) return false; moveMouse(location, 3, 3); if (getMenuItems().get(0).toLowerCase().contains(action.toLowerCase())) { clickMouse(true); return true; } else { clickMouse(false); return atMenu(action); } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public void waitWhileMoving() { wait(random(500, 700)); while(getMyPlayer().isMoving()) { wait(random(100, 300)); } } public boolean turnCamera() { try{ setCameraAltitude(true); int newCamera = getCameraAngle()+random(0,270); if(newCamera >= 360) newCamera-=360; setCameraRotation(newCamera); }catch(Exception e) { return false; } return true; } public void tab(boolean stupid) { int[] nonStupidTabs = {TAB_CLAN, TAB_FRIENDS, TAB_INVENTORY, TAB_MUSIC, TAB_OPTIONS, TAB_STATS}; if(stupid) { int i = random(0, 14); if(getCurrentTab() != i) { openTab(i); } } else if(!stupid) { int i = random(0, nonStupidTabs.length - 1); if(getCurrentTab() != i) { openTab(i); } } } public void walkRandomTile() { RSTile t = new RSTile(getMyPlayer().getLocation().getX() + random(-16, 16), getMyPlayer().getLocation().getY() + random(-16, 16)); if(t.isValid() && canReach(t, false)) { walkTileMM(t); waitWhileMoving(); } } public boolean atDoorTile(RSTile loc, String direction, String action) { if (loc == null) return false; if (Bot.getClient().isMenuOpen()) { atMenu("Cancel"); } Point t = null; if (direction.toLowerCase().startsWith("n")) { t = Calculations.tileToScreen(loc.getX(), loc.getY() + 1, .5, .1, 40); } else if (direction.toLowerCase().startsWith("s")) { t = Calculations.tileToScreen(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), .5, .1, 40); } else if (direction.toLowerCase().startsWith("w")) { t = Calculations.tileToScreen(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), .1, .5, 40); } else if (direction.toLowerCase().startsWith("e")) { t = Calculations.tileToScreen(loc.getX() + 1, loc.getY(), .1, .5, 40); } if (t == null) { return false; } clickMouse(t,3,3,false); return atMenu(action); } public BlueSoulWars() { setParameter("author", "Hans & Kaz"); setParameter("version", 1.0); setParameter("name", "BlueSoulWars"); setParameter("category", "!@!@! Credits!"); setParameter("description", disc()); } public String disc() { /*Used profisher's and changed it a little. */ String html = ""; html += ""; html += "[align=center]"; html += "[b]" + getName() + " v" + getVersion() + " "; html += "By: Hans[/b] "; html += "[align=center]"; html += "[/align]"; html += "[/align]"; html += ""; return html; } public boolean onStart(Map args) { Bot.getEventManager().addListener(this); return true; } public void onFinish() { Bot.getEventManager().removeListener(this); } public void serverMessageRecieved(ServerMessageEvent e) { if(e.getMessage().contains("If you die,")) { wait(random(14000, 18000)); } } }
  14. Tahtsin küsida, et kuidas script koode .java failideks teha, niiet nad töötaks?
  15. tere, lisain selle scripti koodi nagu notepadi ja savesin .class lõpuga, tuli desktopi täseplt sama välimusega fail nagu õige script aga lisan rsboti scriptide hulka, ,aga kui rs boti laähti võtan siis seal seda pole ( complilend olen!) et mis peaks tegema! :ty:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty:ty
  16. oleks vaja auto fletcher scripti. oli aga täna FaGeX-i uuendusele kus muudeti panka script ei tööta. oleks hädasti vaja:) :ty
  17. Oleks vaja sellist scripti mis Fishib barb. villages sulgedega ja paneb kalad ka automaatselt panka, Ette Tänades kapas
  18. Palun antke mingi smith script mis teeb steel barre ja bangib. .:ty
  19. Tere, oleks vaja siis seda willow chopper scripti kas seda mis seal edge juures on, see üksik puu, või seda scripti mis seal crafting guildi juures on, lvl 3 olen, ei saa draynoris raiduda, seal saab surma Oleks kiiresti vaja :ty
  20. Andke mulle prominer scripti mul pole seda rsbotil :/
  21. Oleks vaja seda mining scripti mis minib cammis coale ja paneb käru peale viib banka ..
  22. ________________________ Skript nimi: Fishers Skript skill: Fishing Skript versioon: 1.0 Skript test: Töötav Download: http://www.speedyshare.com/310439506.html http://hosted.filefront.com/Martinike/2336443 Skript muudatused: Tõlgevead - 12.detsember.2008 / 17:20 -- Skript nimi: Minner Skript skill: Mining Skript versioon: 1.0 Skript test: Töötav Download: http://files.filefront.com/Minnerjava/;12642243;/fileinfo.html -- Skript nimi: Skript skill: Skript versioon: Skript test: Download: Download ----- (skriptid) Probleemid / bugid jne küsida scripti koodija; [email:p9tpr185]martin.vooremae@live.com[/email:p9tpr185] -- Palun teatage kui mingi bug või midagi siis!
  23. This is my EXTREME script pack, with a grand total of 190 scripts. Updated November 26, 2008 with updated, fixed, and all-out new scripts. If anyone owns one of these scripts and wants them removed, please tell me immediately. Also, if you know of or own a good script and want it added, send it to me. I know a lot of these scripts are starter scripts, but many have been updated (plus I was too lazy to take them out). Tõmba script pack siit!! Instructions: -Download using download link -Extract to a folder using WinRAR -Open the folder, highlight all of the scripts, and drag them into the Scripts folder in your Rsbot directory. -I recommend telling it to copy and replace, as these are (at least should be) the most updated versions of the scripts. If there are any updated versions of the scripts on this pack, send them to me and I will update it immediately. By the way, if someone cannot see the above image, it says that I own none of the scripts and I deserve no credit for making them. I merely put them together. I'm not trying to compete with anyone, so please do not flame and say that this pack is rubbish and that yours is better. Pole minu kirjutatud jne! COPE -> Paste Rsbot foorumist!
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