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Pehme Vahvel
- Sünnipäev 05.04.1980
Markian hakkas jälgima RuneMix - 24/7, PK, Skill, Economy
RuneMix has received many updates. Check ::command. Also http://www.runemix.com
Latest updates include bosses, shops and more: http://www.runemix.com/showthread.php?521-Server-Updates-3-21-13
Clue Scrolls have been added to various monsters and bosses: Types of Scrolls: Easy, Medium, Elite Minor updates: Skill Cape Shop fixed Hats added to Vote Shop Red Robin Hood Hat removed from Infernal Mages PK Cape is now untradeable NPC boss hits are made more reasonable Minor bugs fixed Furthermore the client has been updated, the latest version is 1.1. Check it out at RuneMix.com
aitäh Thank you!
Website: RuneMix.com Description: What is RuneMix? RuneMix is a recreation of RS, with unique features. At RM you will find a friendly staff and community, all working skills, a great combat system and much more. The economy is perfect, you will not see people running around with huge amounts of gold nor rares. Updates are consistent, always free for everyone. Images:
Small changes this half-week. Because of the fact Home was Edgeville new players did not know it was Wilderness, would run out, and die. Hence the old trade is now Home and Edgeville is just the main 1v1 PK'ing spot. In other news, Combat EXP has been changed from 200 per hit to 750 per hit. The starter set has also replaced its Rune armor with Iron armor. Best Regards, Mark
Thanks for the comment, we have removed most of the lagg, what do you think? :-) Also, Slayer has been added.