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    730 [ Anneta ]

Kõik, mis on postitatud DaddyStrikes poolt

  1. ee kes see siin inglise keelt ei oska??? Pmst sa räägi aktiivselt u 2 aastat inglisekeelt, Osa seda vähemalt 6 aastat ILMA KURADI ÕPPIMATTA ja siis tule paugu oma till siin tühjaks vana taun... mine arene kuradi ema all... mujale sa ju ei mahu ja sind ei taheta
  2. kle posti jah sama jama igasse teemassse... Tõlgi vähemalt.. Uus Rsbot'i foorum siis
  3. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.events.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.accessors.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.account.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.bot.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.Calculations; public class CakeStealer extends Script { //Names the script int eatAT = 18; public long lastCheck; public long checkTime; public int[] Food = new int[] { 1895,1893,1891, 4293, 2142, 4291, 2140, 3228, 9980, 7223, 6297, 6293, 6295, 6299, 7521, 9988, 7228, 2878, 7568, 2343, 1861, 13433, 315, 325, 319, 3144, 347, 355, 333, 339, 351, 329, 3381, 361, 10136, 5003, 379, 365, 373, 7946, 385, 397, 391, 3369, 3371, 3373, 2309, 2325, 2333, 2327, 2331, 2323, 2335, 7178, 7180, 7188, 7190, 7198, 7200, 7208, 7210, 7218, 7220, 2003, 2011, 2289, 2291, 2293, 2295, 2297, 2299, 2301, 2303, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1901, 7072, 7062, 7078, 7064, 7084, 7082, 7066, 7068, 1942, 6701, 6703, 7054, 6705, 7056, 7060, 2130, 1985, 1993, 1989, 1978, 5763, 5765, 1913, 5747, 1905, 5739, 1909, 5743, 1907, 1911, 5745, 2955, 5749, 5751, 5753, 5755, 5757, 5759, 5761, 2084, 2034, 2048, 2036, 2217, 2213, 2205, 2209, 2054, 2040, 2080, 2277, 2225, 2255, 2221, 2253, 2219, 2281, 2227, 2223, 2191, 2233, 2092, 2032, 2074, 2030, 2281, 2235, 2064, 2028, 2187, 2185, 2229 }; public RSTile TradingGuy = new RSTile(2655, 3310); RSTile[] BankPath = {new RSTile(2656, 3308), new RSTile(2657, 3301), new RSTile(2650, 3292), new RSTile(2654, 3283)}; RSTile[] BackPath = reversePath(BankPath); public String getAuthor( ) { //Sets the Authors name return "Hellfish and Nvv, Cake by Free"; } public String getName( ) { //Sets the Scripts name return "Cake Stealer"; } public double getVersion( ) { //Sets the Version number of the script return 1.0; } public String getScriptCategory() { //Sets the category that the script fit's into return "Thieving"; //ex Woodcutting, Fishing, Money Making, Quests } public String getScriptDescription( ) { //Shows a description of the script inside the script dump area String html=""; html += ""; html += "This steals cake in East Ardounge market place. Start near stall. Stick whatever food you wanna eat in your first bank slot. Take note that you eat at 18 health. I would advise cake in first slot since you won't run out of it."; html += ""; html += ""; return html; } public boolean onStart( Map args ) { //Loads any commands needed when the script is started return true; } public void onFinish( ) { //Loads any commands to do when the script is ended } public int loop( ) { //This is the area of the script where you code out the things you want the bot to do if (getMyPlayer().isMoving()) { antiBan(); } else { antiBan(); } if (getMyPlayer().isInCombat()) { NeedEat(); return random(1000,1500); } if(distanceTo(TradingGuy) RSTile tile = new RSTile(2658, 3310); atTile(tile, "Walk Here"); log("Please don't post bugs on forums"); } if(isInventoryFull()) { walkPathMM(randomizePath(BankPath,2,2),13); RSObject Bank = findObject(34752); if (Bank != null && distanceTo(Bank.getLocation()) atObject(Bank,"Use-quickly Bank booth"); log("Please don't post bugs on forums"); if (RSInterface.getInterface( INTERFACE_BANK ).isValid()) { int DepositX = (random(400, 410)); int DepositY = (random(305, 310)); clickMouse(DepositX, DepositY, true); wait(random(30,60)); int WithdrawX = (random(54, 60)); int WithdrawY = (random(110, 120)); clickMouse(WithdrawX, WithdrawY, true); wait(random(30,60)); int WithdrawOX = (random(54, 60)); int WithdrawOY = (random(110, 120)); clickMouse(WithdrawOX, WithdrawOY, true); wait(random(30,60)); int WithdrawOOX = (random(54, 60)); int WithdrawOOY = (random(110, 120)); clickMouse(WithdrawOOX, WithdrawOOY, true); wait(random(30,60)); int WithdrawOOOX = (random(54, 60)); int WithdrawOOOY = (random(110, 120)); clickMouse(WithdrawOOOX, WithdrawOOOY, true); wait(random(30,60)); int BankCloseX = (random(488, 490)); int BankCloseY = (random(32, 40)); clickMouse(BankCloseX, BankCloseY, true); } } } if(!isInventoryFull() && !RSInterface.getInterface( INTERFACE_BANK ).isValid()) { walkPathMM(randomizePath(BackPath,2,2),13); RSObject stall = findObject(34384); if(stall != null && !getMyPlayer().isInCombat()) { Point First = new Point(Calculations.tileToScreen(stall.getLocation())); Point Second = new Point(First.x + random(-3, 3), First.y + random(-5, 5)); moveMouse(Second); wait(random(20, 40)); clickMouse(true); log("dirty and fast clicking"); wait(random(2000, 2600)); turnToObject(stall); } else { } } return random(200,350); } //Modified Anti-Ban from ProFisher2 int antiBan() { int GambleInt = random(1, 6); switch (GambleInt) { case 1: wait(random(1000, 1500)); break; case 2: if ( random(1, 4) == 1 ) { int x = random(0, 750); int y = random(0, 500); moveMouse(0, 0, x, y); } return random(1000, 1500); case 3: // Is the current tab the inventory? if (getCurrentTab() != TAB_INVENTORY) { // No, so switch to the inventory tab. openTab(TAB_INVENTORY); return random(500, 750); } else { // No, so return return random(500, 750); } case 4: // If the player is moving, then abort. if (getMyPlayer().isMoving()) { return random(750, 1000); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck >= checkTime) { lastCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); checkTime = random(60000, 180000); if (getCurrentTab() != TAB_STATS) { openTab(TAB_STATS); } moveMouse(625, 336, 6, 9); return random(5000, 8000); } case 5: if (random(1, 8) == 2) { int angle = getCameraAngle() + random(-90, 90); if (angle angle = 0; } if (angle > 359) { angle = 0; } setCameraRotation(angle); } return random(500, 750); } return random(500, 1000); } void NeedEat() { int php = skills.getCurrentSkillLevel(3); if (php EatCheck(); } else { wait(random(20, 30)); } } private void EatCheck(){ RSItem food = getInventoryItemByID(Food); if(getInventoryCount(food.getID()) >= 1) { eat(food.getID()); } else { log("Please don't post bugs in t3h forums"); } return; } private void eat(int id){ log("Eating: "+id+"."); atInventoryItem(id, "Eat"); wait(random(1500,2500)); return; } }
  4. pole väga mõtet teemat Bumpida juu sai oma vastuse kui uuesti ei küsinud
  5. imelik... Lisa MSN, saada script. kui compileb siis viga teis... Mina pole pidanud mingit PATH'i ega midagi sättima Leidisin Ohhooo RSBOT, tõmbasin, panin JDK peale ja korras ...
  6. kui ei compile siis viga sinus JA EI! Bot ei update end ise... need olid NII väikesed updated et bot ei vajanud uuendust...
  7. Jah arvan sama ja sellest räägitaksegi Võibolla.... kuigi ei tea Loodan jah et saavad oma asjad ruttu üles.. uusi scripte oleks vaja juba
  8. jah... ja loodame et uut Rs Updatet ei tule... muidu ei saa bottida jälle
  9. OK nagu jutud käivad sai RsBot.org rünnaku osaliseks, Ehk Rsbot.org Got Hacked Sait on maas, Bot töötab, Ärge suunake N00be enam Rsbot.org lehele jne... :ty
  10. File - Select AntiBans -> võta linnuke BreakHandler'i eest ära
  11. kle ... minge MSN või midagi... Suht hea... algne Boti edasi
  12. BF 2142 FTW!!! parim.. ja ma sain kah BF:H beta key
  13. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.events.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.PaintListener; import com.speljohan.rsbot.accessors.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.account.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.bot.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.wrappers.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.script.*; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.listeners.ServerMessageListener; import com.speljohan.rsbot.event.events.ServerMessageEvent; public class RedSalamanderCatcher extends Script implements ServerMessageListener, PaintListener { //Names the script boolean Pickup = false; boolean AntiBanDebug = true; int avgPerHour; long avoidedCombat; long avoidedSmokingRocks; int Caught = 19675; int checkTime; int countToNext; boolean Debug = false; int FailCount = 0; long lastAvgCheck; long lastCheck; int Lizard = 10149; int Lizards = 0; int Net = 303; int NormalTree = 19679; int oldExp; int oldLevels; int oldRockCount; ///////////CREDS TO AELIN int Points = 0; String PointsString = "LuLWuT?"; boolean powerMode = false; int randomRun = random(40, 75); int rockCount; int Rope = 954; int startExp = 0; public int startLevel = 0; int StartPoints = 0; public long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); public int startXP = 0; public long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); int Trapped = 19678; int xpPerRock; private final RSTile HunterTile = new RSTile(2448, 3226); //CREDITS TO Nvv FOR THE TILES CASTEL WARS - HUNTER SPOT! RSTile[] HunterPath = { new RSTile(2442, 3090), new RSTile(2456, 3100), new RSTile(2450, 3116), new RSTile(2437, 3126), new RSTile(2433, 3138), new RSTile(2448, 3147), new RSTile(2454, 3162), new RSTile(2466, 3172), new RSTile(2473, 3187), new RSTile(2474, 3204), new RSTile(2476, 3217), new RSTile(2478, 3233), new RSTile(2474, 3238)}; public static final int[] ReleaseSalamander = new int[] { 10147 }; public String getAuthor( ) { //Sets the Authors name return "Hellfish+TimK+Drizzt"; } public String getName( ) { //Sets the Scripts name return "Red Salamander Catcher"; } public double getVersion( ) { //Sets the Version number of the script return 1.1; } public String getScriptCategory() { //Sets the category that the script fit's into return "Hellfish/hunting"; //ex Woodcutting, Fishing, Money Making, Quests } public String getScriptDescription( ) { //Shows a description of the script inside the script dump area String html=""; html += ""; html += "Description"; html += ""; html += ""; return html; } public boolean onStart( Map args ) { //Loads any commands needed when the script is started Bot.getEventManager().addListener(PaintListener.class, this); return true; } public void onFinish( ) { //Loads any commands to do when the script is ended Bot.getEventManager().addListener(PaintListener.class, this); } public void serverMessageRecieved(ServerMessageEvent e) { String word = e.getMessage().toLowerCase(); if (word.contains("darts away")) { Lizards++; } } public void moveMouseAntiBan() { int x = random(0, 750); int y = random(0, 500); moveMouse(49, 71, x, y); } public void onRepaint(Graphics g) { if (isLoggedIn()) { //Ty to AELIN for these // local objects: int index = 21; int exp = 0; int levels; long hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0; long time; // Has start time been previously set? if (startTime == 0) { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // Calculate hours, minutes and seconds. time = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; seconds = time / 1000; if (seconds >= 60) { minutes = seconds / 60; seconds -= minutes * 60; } if (minutes >= 60) { hours = minutes / 60; minutes -= hours * 60; } // Has variables been previously defined? if (startLevel == 0 || startExp == 0) { // No, so define them now. startLevel = skills.getCurrentSkillLevel(21); startExp = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(21); oldExp = 0; } // Calculate catches based on experience changes. exp = skills.getCurrentSkillExp(21) - startExp; if (exp > oldExp) { xpPerRock = exp - oldExp; oldExp = exp; rockCount++; countToNext = skills.getXPToNextLevel(STAT_HUNTER) / xpPerRock + 1; } // Calculate levels gained. levels = skills.getCurrentSkillLevel(index) - startLevel; if (levels > oldLevels) { oldLevels = levels; } // if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastAvgCheck >= 60000) { lastAvgCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); avgPerHour = (rockCount - oldRockCount) * 60; oldRockCount = rockCount; } Color BG = new Color(0, 0, 0, 75); Color RED = new Color(255, 0, 0, 255); Color GREEN = new Color(0, 255, 0, 255); Color BLACK = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255); int type = 21; long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; millis -= hours * 1000 * 60 * 60; millis -= minutes * 1000 * 60; int LevelChange = skills.getCurrentSkillLevel(type) - startLevel; int perNextLvl = skills.getPercentToNextLevel(type); int nextLvl = skills.getCurrentSkillLevel(type) + 1; g.setColor(BG); g.fill3DRect(5, 25, 205, 143, true); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString( getName() + " v." + getVersion() + " by Hellfish", 10,40); g.drawString("Running for: " + hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s", 10, 60); g.drawString("XP Gained: " + exp + " Lvls Gained: " + LevelChange, 10, 80); g.drawString("XP To next lvl: " + skills.getXPToNextLevel(type), 10, 100); g.drawString("Progress to next lvl:", 10, 120); g.setColor(RED); g.fill3DRect(10, 130, 100, 10, true); g.setColor(GREEN); g.fill3DRect(10, 130, perNextLvl, 10, true); // This is how progress bars are made g.setColor(BLACK); g.drawString(perNextLvl + "% to " + nextLvl, 40, 139); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString("Lizards Caught: " + Lizards/2, 10,160); } } public boolean atTileTake(RSTile tile, String action) { int TempCounter = 0; while (true) { if (!getMyPlayer().isMoving()) break; wait(random(200, 400)); } try { Point location = Calculations.tileToScreen(tile); if (location.x == -1 || location.y == -1) return false; moveMouse(location, 8,8); wait(random(50, 100)); while(!getMenuItems().get(0).toLowerCase().contains(action.toLowerCase()) && TempCounter location = Calculations.tileToScreen(tile); moveMouse(location, 8,8); TempCounter++; } if(getMenuItems().get(0).toLowerCase().contains(action.toLowerCase())) { clickMouse(true); } else { clickMouse(false); atMenu(action); } wait(random(50, 100)); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public void Release() { boolean release = false; for (int i = 0; i for (int element : ReleaseSalamander) { if (element == getInventoryItems()[i].getID()) { release = true; } } if (release) { atInventoryItem(getInventoryItems()[i].getID(), "Release Red Sala"); wait(random(10, 20)); if(!inventoryContains(10147)) { release = false; } } } } public int loop( ) { //This is the area of the script where you code out the things you want the bot to do //setCameraRotation(181); setCameraRotation(359); if(inventoryContains(10147)) { atInventoryItem(10147, "Release"); } RSItemTile rope=getGroundItemByID(Rope); if(rope != null && !isInventoryFull()) { atTileTake(rope,"Take"); wait(random(200,900)); return random(200,400); } RSItemTile net=getGroundItemByID(Net); if(net != null && !isInventoryFull()) { atTileTake(net,"Take"); wait(random(200,900)); return random(200,400); } if(distanceTo(HunterTile) >= 8) { walkPathMM(randomizePath(HunterPath,2,2),20); wait(random(2000,3000)); } if (getMyPlayer().getAnimation() == 5215) { moveMouseAntiBan(); return random(1000, 2000); } if (getMyPlayer().isMoving()) { moveMouseAntiBan(); return random(150, 200); } if (isInventoryFull()) { Release(); } RSObject CoughtSalamander = findObject(19659); if (CoughtSalamander != null && distanceTo(CoughtSalamander.getLocation()) wait(random(500,1000)); Point Sallie1 = new Point(Calculations.tileToScreen(CoughtSalamander.getLocation())); Point Sallie2 = new Point(Sallie1.x + random(-0, 0), Sallie1.y + random(-0, 0)); moveMouse(Sallie2, random(-8,12), random(-5,-5)); clickMouse(true); moveMouseAntiBan(); wait(random(2000,3000)); } RSObject YoungTree = findObject(19663); if (YoungTree != null && distanceTo(YoungTree.getLocation()) Point Young1 = new Point(Calculations.tileToScreen(YoungTree.getLocation())); Point Young2 = new Point(Young1.x + random(-0, 0), Young1.y + random(-0, 0)); moveMouse(Young2, random(-3,14), random(-2,-17)); clickMouse(true); moveMouseAntiBan(); wait(random(2000,3000)); } return random(100,150); } } -colnx (TimK) for update! -Does now have dritzzt's paint! -Picking up rope and nets. -Walks from Castel wars. -Less missclicking. (still some left). -Never full inventory (does not do that pickup bug.) -Sets camera to to south. -MoveMouse antiban. Reqs: -3 Ropes -3 Small fishing nets -59 hunter.
  14. Hetke seis.. Kõik peale Coocki ja Crafti on botitud Pangas mingi 800K ja 100K eest asju vast..
  15. äkii on servu maas aga normaalset runet saad mängida?
  16. Kas sa saad Cliendi tööle panna??? Mis juhtub .. räägi lähemalt...
  17. Tervist:) Kas sa ikka Compilesid enne kui Boti tööle panid?? Erroreid tuli?? tee uus pilt
  18. RuskisFighter aga 1 on veel hea SuperFighterF2P
  19. umm tee uus teema iis.. see on ExiledScape mitte Elion....
  20. tahad öelda et kõigil on 2 kuradi Rsbotti?? loll käkk Tõmba JDK, Uninstalli vanad javad maha, installi uus JDK (6.o.o.o.13) peale, tee restart (VB vajab) ja Compile
  21. Ruskis Fighter V2 http://vahvel.net/showthread.php?t=39369
  • Loo uus...

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