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Kõik, mis on postitatud NjubcakeWithCherrys poolt
Teema lukku ja prügikasti. Tänud !
Kebbits (33 - 53) How to get there: As with the Crimson Swifts and Tropical Wagtails, the Fairy Rings are an excellent way to reach the Jungle Hunting Area. The code for the fairy ring spot north of the Jungle Hunting Area is AKS. Another option would be to use Gnome Gliders and run South to the Hunting Area. Note: To use the Fairy Rings, you must have completed A Fairy Tale Part I and up to step 8 on A Fairy Tale Part II. A dramen or lunar staff is also required to operate the Fairy Rings. Also, to use Gnome Glider to Feldip Hills completion of One Small Favour and The Grand Tree quests. The Strategy: The fall technique is different from snaring birds. Once at the jungle, begin cutting down jungle trees because you will need a log for every time you reset your trap. This will become tiresome but the effort is worth it. You will hunt barbtailed kebbits by tricking them under a heavy rock. After gathering a reasonable amount of wood, go ahead and set up your trap one of the fall rock trap areas. Keep in mind that a fall trap can only be used by one person at a time, so you might have to battle with other hunters for the position. You will receive a barbtail harpoon for each kebbit you trap. Once you have one harpoon, you don't need any more, so you can afford to drop them. Do Barbtailed Kebbits until level 45. If you feel you are waiting a long time for the kebbits to attempt your trap, you may want to try smoking the trap. Then do Prickly Kebbits. While doing the Prickly ones, use your chisel on the kebbit spikes. If you do this, you'll have about 2200 kebbit bolts. Chinchompas (53 - 59) How to get there: To reach the woodland spot, the fastest way would be to, a***n, use Fairy Rings. The code for the fairy ring spot north of the Woodland Hunting Ground is AKQ. From there, just head south until you see the Chinchompas. Note: To use the Fairy Rings, you must have completed A Fairy Tale Part I and up to step 8 on A Fairy Tale Part II. A dramen or lunar staff is also required to operate the Fairy Rings. The Strategy: Trapping Chinchompas is similar to bird snaring. You will not need additional items besides box traps themselves, because you will be catching Chinchompas alive. Head back to the Piscatoris woods area and begin hunting the little devils. Note: Chinchompas' properties resemble metal throwing knives: they can be wielded in one hand and used as ranged weapons. Copytud zybezist.Soovitatavalt seal siis treenida.
Dno.Suht normaalne oli.Lõpp oli
Ownage ;D Tee paar bh trippi?=) Kümpa.
All stats pl0x.Lase farmi enda majas,plantide peal jne.Edu siis,pane pank/stats ka siis Good luck.Viis.
Wtf?No pics and st00f.Ja aigar is back.Gf nubcake. 0/10000p. Jk ofcourse.Sa ju parim,minult saad 10p/10p,lase edasi,i laav yah! (K) Ma juba ootan sult wc 99(pohh et tegid 1-70 3 kuud).Ikkagi,sa oled parim ! Pepuvennad pl00x?Sa omad,lase aga edasi.
Uploadi: http://www.imageshack.us Sealt copy eelviimane link,siis mine Seaded,sealt alt võta Muuda signatuuri vms.Seal võta selline helekollase tasutaga mäega vms pilt.Vajuta sellele,siis paste seesama link mis sa peale pildi uploadimist said. Vale alafoorum btw
o.0 Nice,tee siis noncb skills up jne KuusPunni GL
Nende düüdide?Umm.Vaata kuskilt tv.ee seda kordust vms,seal on ka ju nende nimed jne
Olen mõelnud jumpstailist vahepeal;D Vanas elukohas,Räpinas on paar düüdi(olid Talendijahis),nendel ka mingid T-särgid vms.Maybe leiad,saad nende reidi.Siis küsi logo jne.Ja et mida/kust osta jne. Edu siis Selline t-särk maybe? Või selline logo?
Eile ei jõudnud ta midagi teha ;D Muidu ainult gp/rune st00f.Ta võttis wealthi ka maha.Täna visage lendab Seda ka et,tal aega on ju?=D Kuna jah,endless p2p ftw ;D,thx reiz0r.
Kellraadio Eo vaikselt muudab poste/pealkirju ?o.0
Mõttetu mitte mõtetu. Igatahes,ühe käe ja poole jalaga poolt.Et jah,mulle meeldib.Ainult et,värvid võiks teised olla.Samuti see rep + ja - stuff .Poolt ! Poll pl00ks?
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Souly sai kurikaga kubemesse ja sina postitad PEENIS ???? Loe ka ennem kui postitad.Ja mõtle millestki muust kui väikeste poiste peenistest-.- ja enda wc,smith 99 skillca****st. Soz for ot. Eelmine sõna oli siis kubemesse. Järgmine on: Ning
1 sõna ??? kubemesse
Kes siis mängivad?Mäng sarnaneb Warrocki/counter strike jpt selliste mängudega,erinevad tiimid,karakterid,maailmad/tasemed jne.Siin siis rääkige UT'st ja nende erinevatest osadest,maailmatest,bugidest jne jne. Ise varem mängisin,nüüd otsin kedagi kellel oleks UT 2003 msnis saata?=D
Power hit radio-oo-o
China,bot home. Pirnilimonaad/kelllluke ?
Tv 3. Kanal 11/kanal 4 ?
Range pots?o.O Tee iron knives,ogres @ castle wars(sellest east suht) Saad big bones,bankid vms.
Tech,ta ise ei saanud pilti vms.Gratzz uuesti meit.Nüüd fishy fishy 18?=D
Minu gz kus on?=D Anyway,grääättsszzzzzzzzzhhhh@@@@@@@@@@Nuubikoogid küpsisetükkide ja shõküläädiga.Gratz. kümpa@@@ Järgmine goal ?