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Kõik, mis on postitatud ToXiC poolt
24/7 - 24 tundi 7 päeva nädalas defineeri mis valemiga sai olla eile teil 24/7?
Päris hea offline ftw.. ei jah, n0tpk sux , maybe but this server sucks way more.
See kord kadus kuna hackiti dedisse sisse.
- is back by The Don, Aeros & Shacaca Storkpk is a Point based server with only combat skills added. Note: Point system means you gain points for killing monsters, and with those points you can go to the control panel on the website and change your points into levels, but whenever you feel like it you can edit your stats to whatever you want again. Max stat is 125 Demonstration of point system. Note: You can also trade youre points into cash by speaking with the guide, located in Edgeville __________________________________________________________________________________ Storkpk is mostly pking based. Items like super sets can be bought in the gerneal store, located in Edgevillage. Sharks + lobsters is also added to youre bank. Newbie armour/wepons/arrows and amulets can be bought in Falador and Varrock. Runes for magic can be bought in Lumbridge. The Lady can teleport you around from city to city. Pots store *Edgeville* Armour shop *Falador* Weapon shop *Varrock* Ranging shop *Varrock* Magic shop *Lumbridge* Obtaining items. Items can be obtained from players ( Majority of players won't mind sparing a peice of rune or two to a newcomer if you ask nicely.). You can also try youre luck, killing monsters Rune Armor ( Helms, Plates, Chains, Skirts, Legs, and Kites ) - Greater Demons and Red \ Black Dragons. Rune Weapons ( 2 Handers and Battle Axes ) - Greater Demons and Red \ Black Dragons Dragon Weapons ( Long Sword and Battle Axe - Red \ Black Dragons Dragon Armor ( Medium Helmet and Square Shield - Black Dragons *rare drop* _________________________________________________________________________________ Player killing (PKING) Since youre able to change youre stats whenever you feel like, pking is going on in all kind of levels all around in the wilderness. Behind the Edgeville bank there is a magic portal which can teleport you around in the wilderness. Magic portal Pking Clanwars / Clans Clan System: You can create a new clan, or join an existing one. Every 2 hours and 15 minutes, there will be "Clan Wars" The Clan War is a fight between all the different clans that enter it (with a command " /clanwar ") The winning clan of the Clan War gets their own training spot located in the furthest NE corner of the wilderness (east of mage arena) ONLY members of the clan which won the "territory" can attack/be attacked by the NPCS there. The territory NPCs give you 1.5x XP and drop rate. Clanwar Vid: (Not from same time as the picture) Territory (the price for winning Clan Wars) Note: You can never be safe there (: ________________________________________________________________________________ Subscriptions A smart choice if you'd like to get a small advantage in this server is subscribing. It's only £5 for 30 days of the extra features which are : 1] 1.5 Exp More points from NPC's 2] The /say command, every 10 seconds. 3] Use of the /island command ( Dragons, Pirates, Axe Hut, Shadow Warriors, and Greater Demons all in One Big Area ) Ingame commands General commands: /stuck - stand still 3 mins and you go to barb village /online - shows u a list of the people online at that moment /clanwar - brings you to the clan wars spot if the 15 minute countdown has begun /leave - brings u to edge after a deathmatch /buy - example /buy 31 1000 = 1000 fire runes Subscribers: /island - brings you to the island you paid for /out - gets you out of the island, puts you in edge /say - global chat Clan: /claninvite *name* - invites the specified person to the clan(if you are a mod or the clan creator) /clankick *name* - kicks the specified person out of the clan(if you are a mod or the clan creator) /clanmod *name* - gives moderator status to the specified person(if you are a mod or the clan creator) /clanleave - to leave your current clan /c *text* - clanchat *Other stuff* - Even tho storkpk is a pking server youre still able to Duel/Stake with other people to win items. - 24/7 uptime. - Max stat is 125 ~ max combat level is 156. - Amazing and funny updates. - Kill and death + ratio and highscore. - Deatchmatch option when you rightclick a person(Auto skull when you accept.) - Good economy - No cheating/macro ** ( Rules! ) - Always feel free to make a post if you need help! - Great staff! - Admins: The Don, Aeros, Shacaca - Hope to see you on soon! | Storkpk team | Random pictures:
Kas kellegil on kusagil olemas richscape v3 source? kui on, siis palun lisage msni - [email:30db87jx][/email:30db87jx].
jep nii ta on, vana source ei ole ... kui keegi leiab/kellegil on richscape v3 source siis olen valmis ka mingisugise tasu välja panema
keegi polegi väitnud et see on vana fastlay. see on uus versioon - faladoris on põhilised poed mida vaja ja ülejäänud on varrockis.
Väga imelik jah, kuna mängus ei ole minu teada nagu clawse... aga muidu jah - Foorum - registeerige ja olge aktiivsed.
Proovi Client uuesti tõmmata ehk aitab...
- Nüüd ka siis foorum
Get in , Train and PK! - raha saab teha craftides ( kui saate 30 ) siis tuleb pappi
Server up. Edu mängimisel ! Selle clientiga saab ainult mängida, teistega ei saa sisse. Aitäh
Kui server tuleb up, siis serveris saab olema Costum made asju. Partyhatid jne on dropidena sees ja ka poes ( kallid ) - ei ole vaja midagi osta
Küsimus teile, kas te tahate Fastlayd tagasi??? Kui tahate siis antke märku.
Jep, kui koju pääsen panen up .. mul läks ruuter lolliks, pani pordid ruuteri poolt kinni. Ja kui restardi tegin ei andnud enam arvutile ip'd, varemgi selline pull olnud, lasen seista natukene aega tal väljas - ehk siis arvatavasti täna/homme oleneb oludest jõuan koju . Ning hakkan sellega mässama - serveris on arvatavasti tulemas päris mitmeid uuendusi aja käigus.
- Uus client , apachet pole vaja Server on up ! Adminid ei ole enam eston ja revodead - nemad tegelevad rs2'ga ja mina rsc Admin X X X - ehk mina Mod McTc - hetkel veel
Tulge mängima , Exp on natukene suurem kui ennem - ennem oli 4x nüüd on 11x
Clienti parandan varsti ära. Aga tulge mängima Tulge kõik mängima Foorum on ( pooleli veel )
nonii, tegin siis rsc serveri, treenimine ja asjad on üpris rasked - ei ole et teed tunni ja max stat olemas. kõik skillid töötavad nagu päris rsc ( va agility ) Server uus , loodetavasti tuleb uusi mängijaid - server on otseloomulikult 24/7 Foorum on veel arengu käigus - Täname. Adminid X X X - mina Mod McTc Mod kohad on veel vabad - kui olete ustavad ja aktiivsed võite täitsa vabalt saada.
Client ja apache - apache tõste lihtsalt sealt c kettale. Teema Lukku paluks , aitäh
- 14 vastust
- 24 or 7
- freetimepk
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
ma kahtlen ültse kas see server üleval on enamgi
Old story.
okei, ei hosti enam freetimepkd aga nüüd on uus rsc, on küll raskem .. ja skillid peaks töötama tõmba client ja lihtsalt vali kasutaja ja parool logi sisse , registeerima kuskil ei pea xp on praegu 5x raske aga ma loodan, et ei heiduta teid. Tänades, ToXiC
- 14 vastust
- 24 or 7
- freetimepk
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
- uus , nüüd on siis FastlayRSC Client tuleb varsti, registeerige ära ja tehke kasutaja
- 14 vastust
- 24 or 7
- freetimepk
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
- MegaSharesse panin , ehk töötab.