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Leitud 83 tulemust

  1. Merchanting Merchanting is the name for the method that is all about trading on RuneScape to make money. The key is to use the Grand Exchange kind of like how people use the stock market, You need to look at the prices of items, and buy them when their price seems to be very low. Then, when the time is right, you sell them on the Grand Exchange for a profit! Generally, the bigger and more expensive your item is the more money you will be able to make off of it. Also, new items will have their prices sky rocket the first few days they are released, but then drop back down. So the key with these new items is to buy them as soon as they come out ! Then wait a day or two and sell them. This can allow you to gain some incredible profits. Farming Farming is a great added bonus money maker! You earn money while you're doing other things. You can make over a mil a day just by farming, it's simple, you plant your herbs, you go do whatever you want and when you come back later you make a lot of money just by harvesting your crops! Skills You ever see those people with skill capes on? Well getting a 99 skill isn't just for the looks! Having any 99 skill also allows you to gain astounding wealth. Some skills are more profitable to use than others. Here are the most profitable skills in RuneScape: 99 Thieving 99 Fishing 99 Woodcutting Summoning Summoning is used for more then summoning cool creatures to fight with you, IT CAN MAKE YOU MILS PER HOUR! There are many different summoning money makers but I'm going to show you one of my favorites, the Spirit Cobra Method. This method requires 63 summoning, that's pretty hard to get but the money you can make from summoning makes getting it up all worth it! 1. Summon Spirit Cobra 2. Use special on eggs Tip: Make the special ability your left click option Tip: Use summoning potions! Summoning potions restore 25% of your points, and the money lost from buying them is easily made up because it saves you so much time using the potions. Rather than recharging your points at a summoning alter you can just click on a potion and BAM your points are restored! Note: This method makes about 1 to 1.5m per hour. Hide Tanning I love this method, it doesn't have any requirements! All you do is buy a lot of hides from the grand exchange (e.g. cow hide, green dragonhide, black dragonhide) and then tan them in Al' Kharid. Generally the more money the untanned hide cost is the better money maker. If you have 900k you'll be able to tan Green Dragonhide and make 300k p/h but if you have 3m you can tan Black Dragonhide and make 500k an hour. The more money you have to begin with is the more money you'll make! Part Pies A lot of people think cooking is just a useless skill with no real benifit but there wrong... pie assembling is one of the best money making guides to date and it requires 1-85 cooking (depending on what pie you're making). To do this method you add ingredients to a pie (simple right), the only catch to this is the materials are hard to snatch off the Grand Exchange so be patient when buying them... The best money making pies are Part-Wild (add raw rabbit) and Part Fish (add potatoe). Example: 14 part wild pies and 14 raw rabbits cost about 8k, you just use the two ingredients together and in less than 20 seconds you'll finish making the wild pies, 14 wild pies are worth over 85k! That means in less than 30 seconds you made 73k! Note: This method makes 1-7m per hour (if you have all of the materials ready)
  2. NB! See guide on väga pikk ja põhjalik, nii et kui soovite osta peate varuma natuke aega et läbi lugeda. Müügis siis guide mis õpetab kuidas teenida raha nullist kui ka teha raha juurde kui sul on juba raha (sellel juhul on kergem). Õpetus sisaldab veel kuidas stakeda ja palju erinevaid meetodeid kuidas kiirelt raha teha !!! On võimalik teha nii f2p kui ka p2p, on kasutatud G.E raha teenimist kui ka ilma G.E-ta Kui on võimalik siis laseks ka model ära kontrollida et töötab, kui tal aega ja viitsimist on. Hinnaks on 10 Mil RSGP
  3. Terekest , alustan siis järgmise guidega milleks on runecrafting (lühemalt RC). 1.Sissejuhatus. Runecrafting on runescapes üks raskemaid ja aeganõudvamaid skille, kuid ärge muretsege sest see tasub ennast ära.Selle skilliga teenib mitmeid sadu miljoneid ja skillcape on ilus. 2.Vajaminevad nõuded: 1.Rune mysterious quest 2.Summoning 57 3.Lunar diplomacy quest 4.Magic 69 5.Kõrge agilty(soovituslik) 3.Equipment. Seljas peaks sul olema võimalikult kerged rõivad nt: Agile top Agile legs Boots of lightness Spottier cape Muidugi kui su levelid seda ei võimalda , võid ka muud outfitti kasutada. 4.Vajaminevad itemid 1.Suures koguses Ring of duellinguid 2.Rune essenceid 3.Pure essenceid 4.Astral ja law runesid 5.Spirit graahk pouche 6.Abyssal parasite pouche 7.Air/fire/nature tiara 8.Small/medium/large/gigant pouch 5.Mis runesid craftida Level 1-14: Muretsege endale small pouch ning abyssal parasite , kes teie 7 lisa rune essence kannab ning hakaka craftima air runesid.Altari asukoht: (bankite varroki suures pangas) Level:14-40 Nüüd on vaja hakata craftima fire runesid.level 25pealt muretsege endale medium pouch ja jätkake kuni 40/44.Teil on ka vaja ring of duellinguid , et bankida castlewarsis ja teleda tagasi duel arenale. Altari asukoht: Level 44-99 Nüüd on teil runecrafting 44 ja tuleb hakata craftima nature runesi.Kui olete jõudnud levelini 50 muretsege Large Pouch ja kui olete jõudnud 75 siis gigant pouch.Teil on vaja hulganisti ring of duelinguid,pure essenceid ja spirit ghraak pouche.Kutsuge välja enda Graahk ja varuge essencid ning teleportige Graahkiga nature altari lähedusse.Kui oled runed ära craftinud siis teleportige tagasi castlewarsi , bankige ja korrake tegevust.Altari asukoht: level 40-99 Kui teil on tehtud lunar diplomacy siis minge lunar islandi panka.Varuge endale pouchid ja kutsuge abyssal parasite/lurker, võtke pure essencid,earth staff ja law runed.Jookske altarini, craftige runed ja teleportige lunar islandile(veenduge , et teil on Lunar magicu peal).Bankige ja korrake tegevust.Altari asukoht: P.S te võite ise valida kas teete rc 99 astralitega või nature runedega. Mina soovitan alates levelist 91 teha nature ruune , kuna siis saate suurema profiti. 6.Skillcape Skillcape saab abury käest , kes on varroki ruunide poes(arvan et leiate ta ise, kuna temaga oli vaja rääkida ka Rune mysterious questis). Edu teile runecrafting 99saga.Kindlasti on siin vigu , andke teada, ty
  4. Tere kõigile! Müün siis flippimis guide milles on kõik G.E kohta, õpetab kuidas flippida suure kasumiga, list parimatest asjadest mida flippida. Kinnitan,et see guide on palju detailsem ja põhjalikum, kui google guided. Õige rahasumma olemasolul on võimalik flippida päevas üle 30+miljoni kasumit + selle guide hinna teete tasa 1 päevaga normaalse rahasumma olemasolul. Hinnaks on siis 10M rsgp või 5 EUR-i. Kui te olete huvitatud siis lisage msn-i [email:333xwg3o]janilves2@hotmail.com[/email:333xwg3o]
  5. Müün siis guidi kuidas duel arenal alati 1st hitti saada. 7m ea. [email:16y37lv3]Vuti_pasteet@live.com[/email:16y37lv3]
  6. Msn Siia. lihtne / kiire guide, Heroes quest peab olema tehtud, algusraha ~10m hind 10m EDASI MÜÜMINE KEELATUD !!!
  7. Tere! Müün guide, millega teenib vabalt 3M vähemalt tunnis. Oled aktiivne, teenid rohkem. Lühikirjeldus: #Kasutaja peab olema p2p(member). #Vaja läheb vähemalt 20k dung tokeneid. #Tegemist ei ole bugi,bottimise ega muu taolise asjaga. #Legaalne ja toimib alati. Müün ainult 5 eksemplari, kuna ei soovi, et kõik teaksid. Hind:12M rsgp / 4€ Kellel soovi, PM! NB!Post county soovivad ja muud pläma ajavad isikud hoidke eemale! Vastasel juhul lasen warnida!
  8. Õpetus on 100% minu kirjutatud ja seda ei tohi kopeerida ilma minult küsimata! .:Marrk Ultimate staking guide!:. Mida vaja? 1. High combat level 2. Vähemalt 10M stakemis raha (mida suurem seda parem, kuna kaotada ei ole midagi) 3. Cornucopia 4. Väga palju purple sweetse (500 purple sweetse = 6.5M) 5. vähemalt 200+ rocktailse 6. Food boxing 6. Vastast Stake settings: Tavalien box staking Pilt siin: http://i54.tinypic.com/2uejuys.png Inventuur: raha Concucopia purple sweets ülejäänud rockstail Mida teha staking ajal? Use purple sweets on cornucopia 4 korda ja söö ära. Korda tegevust, kuni sinu vastane sureb. Tavaliselt läheb 1 stake peale 100 purple sweets (1.3M) ja sellepärast ongi vaja high stake teha. Esiteks, mine käi draynor villages ja räägi "Diengo"-ga. Vaata kas sul on selline holiday item nagu: "Cornucopia" Kui ei, siis mine tapa lumbis chickeneid. Umbes ~30 chickenit on vaja ära tappa ja see "Cornucopia" tuleks sinu kotti. Sa ei pea seda üles korjama. Teiseks, mine GrandExchange-sse ja osta endale vähemalt 100 purple sweetse (13k each praegu). Aga ma soovitan osta vähemalt 500 purple sweetse, kuna siis saad mitu korda stakeda. Teiseks osta ~200 Rocktails-e. Ja sa oled valmis! "Cornucopia" kohta saad lugeda: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Cornucopia Purple sweets annab 10-30hp-d, kui sa niisama seda sööd, aga kuna sa boxid, siis see purple sweets on liigitatud "potions" alla ja sa ei saa seda süüa. Ainuke võimalus on, et sa lisad 4 purple sweetse cornucopiasse ja sööd siis seda. Iga 4 purple sweetse cornucopias annab 120 elupunkti, ehk see garanteerib sulle 30 hp iga purple sweets-i kohta. Kuna neid purple sweetse niisama süüa ei saa vaid ainult läbi cornucopia, siis saad niipalju süüa kui vaid tahad.
  9. Kui moded ütlevad ,et leaked kraami ei tohi müüa, siis kustutada see teema !
  10. MÜÜA GUIDE Only p2p! Peab olema 33 magic ja alustuseks 100k! Hind : 5M rsgp Kontakt : [email:3mmcid5x]njahmusii@hotmail.com[/email:3mmcid5x] või PM! Väga lihtne asi! Ei ole vaja mingit dungoneering levelit ega midagi!
  11. hind 15m, või 8 eurot must have done 1 quest, skillerid ja def 1 pured ei saa teha. ja alustusraha peab olema ka . pm msn. guide pole igavene. msn : [email:1jpdvg2o]teh_noob_tox@hotmail.com[/email:1jpdvg2o] ette ei käi : guidest kahju pole sest endal pank 30+bil (street)
  12. Tere! Alustuseks ütleks, et ma olen enam kui kindel et, te olete näinud ja teate paljusid teisi õpetusi Tde kohta, mis kuskil netis üleval. Ka ma olen neid nüüdseks kaks teinud. Põhjuseks miks ma uuesti mõtlesin teha oli tunne, et ajad on muutunud ja vana on juba liiga vanaks jäänud. Lisaks oli mul natuke aega üle, et asja natuke graafiliselt efektirohkemaks muuta. - Ma ise arvan, et tuli päris hästi välja, kuid eks seda otsustate ikka teie. Lisaks vastan, siis kohe ühele enim küsitud küsimusele, et miks mulle ikka ja jälle meeldib seal Yakiga käia ja miks mitte steel titanit kaasa tirida. See on ju nii kiire ja PRO. Ma ei vaidlegi vastu, et on ja ma ka käin seal sellega vahelduva eduga, kuid ma pean end rohkem camperiks, kes võtab 2-3 Yaki kaasa ja siis veedab seal korraga mõned tunnid. Total kill count peaks mul jääma aastaga kuskile 9000 piiridesse. Ei ole just väga suur näitaja, kuid natuke on käidud. Kui on soovite midagi rohkemat küsida/öelda/trollida, siis olge lahked. Link: Nautige! - Alari st
  13. //Otsustasin siiski mitte müüa, kuna tegu on üpris riskantse meetodiga.
  14. Money making guide tunnis 1.4m miinimum ja 2.5m maximum ainuke asi mida vaja on 50+ combat , ei pea olema def suur saab teha isegi def 1 kasutajatel . Peab olema p2p olen teine omanik , esimene on siin foorumis , aga ei mäleta kes müün maha kuna pole member enam ja ei kavatse uuesti teha ka . Alghinnaks on 8m kes soovib [email:23c1povb]taavi313@hotmail.com[/email:23c1povb] ETTE EI KÄI KELLELEGI!
  15. Moded vaadake üle keegi... et siis pm või siia postitage kes osta tahab.. ja see töötab!!!!! hind: 40m rsg või 20 eurot.. ja edasi müümine on keelatud!!!!!!
  16. Müüa staking guide. Tegemist ei ole glitchiga ja seda ei patchita kunagi ära. Hind: 30M rsgp ainult. Mul on piisavalt tehinguid ja olen piisavalt usaldusväärne, et seda ei pea "ära kontrollima", kui mõni admin/mode tahab, siis osta ära ja saad kontrollitud. Tasuta ei saa midagi. Kuna ise ostsin selle ka 30M, siis müün ka seda 30M edasi. Seda teavad väga vähesed ja vastaseid leidub. Eile õhtul proovisin ära ka selle ja töötab 100%. Kuna mu maxxed mainil polnud rohkem kui 10m ja ei viitsinud enda noobi pealt 48M üle tõsta, siis siin tõestust et see töötab: Nii palju ostjatele: Soovitav oleks, et te oleksite staker/high level. Staker level 90+ sobib hästi Võidu võimalus on 100% hea oleks, et summa oleks vähemalt 10m++ Ülihea oleks, et kui stakeksite 100M. Kuna kaotus võimalus on 0% Kaotada on küll võimalik, kui saate disconnecti.. msn: [email:3slo86v7]rsvahendaja@hotmail.com[/email:3slo86v7] Ette ei sa keegi!
  17. http://www.mediafire.com/?vib95oofg69nwb5 hacking foorumst võetud
  18. http://rune24.ee/viewtopic.php?f=247&t=38750 Aitan sõbral müüa.
  19. Müün õpetust , kuidas saada seada ülesse oma moderator lehekülg... Kaubelda v6ite hinnaga.. Minu leht on http://.394261.t35.com MSN:rainis.roo@hotmail.com EDIT: vana msn oli klassivenna msn ja kuna mul ei olnud oma msni, siis kasutasin tema oma-nii et kõik protestid sellel meiliaadressil lahendada mujal ja teemat mitte reostada ,. loodan et mõistate ...
  20. http://www.mediafire.com/?txj3icw51xt06bj hacking foorumst võetud
  21. /edited by Tanelhttp://rune24.ee/viewtopic.php?f=247&t=38750
  22. Müün siis oma guide, hind oleks kokkuleppeline aga 10m+. Acceptin AINULT rsgp, kuna paypal on limited:/ Lisa mind msn: [email:3gnskmkv]kristjankasesalu@hotmail.com[/email:3gnskmkv] või saada PM Loodan, et kasutate seda ning see saab kiirest kontrollituks:)
  23. Nii siis tere ! Täna ma toon teile 99 slayer guide kuna ise endal ka siis miks mitte teile õpetada ! nii siis see kes inglise keeles aru ei saa Palun mitte reostada seda teemat ! Hello all slayers in runescape! Slayer is unique skill in runescape. You will gain a lot of profit from monsters you'll kill, and getting 99 slayer will get you many combat levels because of the tasks. Most efficient way to level slayer is poverslaying, and this guide will teach you how to poverslay. Poverslaying generally will cost a lot more than normal slaying, but in the time you normally do 10 tasks, you can do 12-15 tasks, even more when poverslaying, so your exp/hour will be a lot better. ============================================================ How to train slayer What you will need: 1) 110 combat and 75 slayer to use Kuradal, the highest slayer master in game 2) Super/extreme potions, antifire/super antifire you should 3) Food, summoning pouches and scrolls that you are planning to use 4) Dwarf multicannon and cannonballs, for example if you have to kill 190 dagannoths, you will use 500-800 cannonballs depending how much damage you do yourself 5) Equiment, more info in equipment section 6) Motivation, it's important to set a goal for yourself, like 85 slayer for abyssal demons etc. Tips: 1) Always use Kuradal, because she gives much better tasks than other slayer masters 2) Have your food, pots, summoning stuff banked, so you wont have to buy everything between tasks 3) After task, don't go and sell your loots, because it takes a lot of time in the long run, you can sell your loots when you go buy something else, or sell loots after every level up 4) Have a good clan chat, chatting with others is good to do while slaying, you wont get bored as easily 5) Don't steal another players spot, that's not cool The equipment you should use on your tasks Melee Head: Slayer helmet>Black mask>Helm of neitiznot>Berserker helm>Torag's helm>Dragon full helm>Dragon med>rune full helm Amulet: Amulet of fury>Amulet of glory>Amulet of power>Amulet of strenght>Amulet of accuracy Cape: Fire cape>Soul wars cape*>Ardougne cloak>Skillcape (t)>Skillcape>Obsidian cape Torso:Bandos chestplate>Fighter torso>Proselyte plate*>Any barrows plate>Rune platebody Legs: Bandos tassets>Proselyte legs*>Any barrows legs>Dragon Platelegs/skirt>Rune platelegs Shield: Dragon defender>Rune defender>Dragonfire shield>Obsidian shield>Rune kite Weapon: Chaotic rapier>Chaotic longsword>Abyssal whip>Saradomin sword>Zamorakian spear>Godsword>Dragon scimitar Spec weapon: Saradomin godsword>Enchanted excalibur>Dragon claws>Armadyl godsword>Dragon dagger>Dragon mace>Dragon battleaxe Gloves: Barrows gloves>Dragon gloves>Rune gloves>Regen bracelet>Combat bracelet>Dragon slayer gloves** Ring: Ferocious(when at Kuradal's dungeon)>Berserker ring (i)>Berserker ring>Ring of vigour>Onyx ring (i)>Ring of life>Ring of Wealth Boots: Dragon boots>Rune boots>Climping boots>Bandos boots ================================= Magic Head: Full slayer helmet>Hexcrest>Farseer helm>Ahrim's hood Amulet: Arcane stream>Fury>Glory>Magic Cape: God cape>Skillcape (t)>Obsidian cape Torso: Ahrim's robetop>Dagonhai robe top>Mystic Legs: Ahrim's skirt>Dagonhai>Mystic Shield: Arcane spirit shield>Mage's book>God books Weapon: Chaotic staff>Staff of light>Ahrim's staff>Elemental staff Gloves: Barrows gloves>Dragon gloves>Rune gloves>Regen bracelet>Combat bracelet>Dragon slayer gloves** Ring: Ferocious ring>Seers ring(i)>Seers ring Boots: Infinity>Wizard>Mystic Ranged Head: Full slayer helmet>Focus sight>Armadyl helm>Robin hood hat>Karil's coif>Verac's helm Amulet: Amulet of ranging>Amulet of fury>Amulet of glory>Amulet of power>Amulet of accuracy>Amulet of defence Cape: Ava's devices>Soul wars cape>Ardougne cloak*>Skillcape (t)>Obsidian cape Torso: Armadyl chestplate>Karil's >Black dragonhide>Red dragonhide Legs:Armadyl chainskirt>Karil's>Black dragonhide>Barrows legs* Shield: Zamorak book*>Guthix book*>Saradomin book*>Dragonfire shield>Obsidian shield>Granite shield>Rune kiteshield Weapon: Chaotic crossbow>Rune crossbow>Magic shortbow>Darts>Knifes Ring: Ferocious ring>Archers ring (i)i>Archers ring>Onyx ring (i)>Slayer ring Gloves: Barrows gloves>Dragon Gloves>Rune gloves>Regen bracelet>Combat bracelet>Dragon slayer gloves** Boots: Ranger boots>Snakeskin boots>Bandos boots * Best option when using boosting prayers or protection prayers **When killing dragons with dragonslayer gloves you will gain +15% more slayer exp per dragon, and +10% attack bonus. Bonuses only work while killing dragons assigned by slayer master (Bonus applies for babys too) B w 19-Jan-2011 19:32:28 Last edited on 27-Jan-2011 19:45:19 by B w The monsters that you will be slaying Aberrant spectre Combat level: 96 Slayer level: 60 Kills assigned: 140-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Protect from magic while using Dwarf multicannon Location: Pollnivneach slayer dungeon Abyssal demon Combat level: 124 Slayer level: 85 Kills assigned: 150-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee Location: Kuradal's dungeon Aquanite Combat level: 114 Slayer level: 78 Kills assigned: 123-232 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Protect from magic while meleeing Location: Fremennik slayer dungeon Black demon Combat level: 172 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned:190-270 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Protect from melee while meleeing with Dwarf multicannon Location: Taverley dungeon Black Dragon Combat level: 227 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 40-90 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Protect from melee while using dwarf multicannon Location: Evil chickens lair Bloodveld Combat level: 76 , 81 Slayer level: 50 Kills assigned: 180-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Dwarf multicannon and melee with protect from melee or high magic defence Location: Tunnels near blood altar Blue dragon Combat level: 111 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 120-200 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Meleeing in Kuradal's dungeon Location: Kuradal's dungeon Dagannoth Combat level: Varies Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 170-240 Clue scroll type: Medium/hard Method: Melee with dwarf multicannon Location: Lighthouse Dark beast Combat level: 182 Slayer level: 90 Kills assigned: 150-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Protect from melee with normal melee Location: Kuradal's dungeon Desert Strykewyrm Combat level: 130 Slayer level: 77 Kills assigned: 90-160 Clue scroll type: Hard/elite Method: Normal melee (you will need a way to protect from desert heat) Location: South from duel arena B w 19-Jan-2011 19:32:36 Last edited on 27-Jan-2011 19:46:02 by B w Dust devil Combat level: 93 Slayer level: 65 Kills assigned: 160-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee Location: Chaos tunnels Fire giant Combat level: 86 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 170-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee with Dwarf multicannon Location: Baxtorian falls Gargoyle Combat level: 111 Slayer level: 75 Kills assigned: 150-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee, remember the rock hammer Location: Kuradal's dungeon Greater demon Combat level: 92 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 150-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee Location: Kuradal's dungeon Hellhound Combat level: 122 , 127 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 130-250 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Protect from mele while usin dwarf multicannon Location: Taverley recource dungeon Ice Strykewyrm Combat level: 210 Slayer level: 93 Kills assigned: 100-219 Clue scroll type: Hard/elite Method: Normal melee with protect from melee with dwarf multicannon Location: Iron Dragon Combat level: 189 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 40-117 Clue scroll type: Hard/elite Method: Normal melee using stab attack with protect from melee, or tank armour with healing method Location: Kuradal's dungeon Jungle strykewyrm Combat level: 110 Slayer level: 73 Kills assigned: 90-160 Clue scroll type: Hard/elite Method: Normal melee with dwarf multicannon Location: South of mobilising armies Kalphite Combat level: 28 , 85 , 141 , 333 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 170-250 Clue scroll type: Multible Method: Normal melee with dwarf multicannon , remember antipoison Location: Kalphite lair in the desert Living rock creatures Combat level: 120 , 140 , 200 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 110-185 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee with dwarf multicannon Location: Living rock cavern B w 19-Jan-2011 19:32:40 Last edited on 30-Jan-2011 14:09:12 by B w Mithril Dragon Combat level: 304 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 4-15 Clue scroll type: Hard/elite Method: Stab attack with protect from magic with tank armour Location: Ancient cavern Nechryael Combat level: 115 Slayer level: 80 Kills assigned: 140-220 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee Or red chinchombas/ice burst Location: Chaos tunnels Skeletal wyvern Combat level: 140 Slayer level: 72 Kills assigned: 40-90 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee attack with dwarf multicannon and protect from missles Location: Spiritual mage Combat level: 120 , 122 Slayer level: 83 Kills assigned: 150-240 Clue scroll type: Method: Normal melee attack with Protect from magic Location: Zamorak camp, Godwars dungeon Steel Dragon Combat level: 246 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 40-100 Clue scroll type: Hard/elite Method: Normal melee with stab attack and protect from melee Location: Kuradal's dungeon Suqah Combat level: 111 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 50-100 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee with dwarf multicannon Location: Lunar isle Terror dog Combat level: 100 , 110 Slayer level: 40 Kills assigned: 60-70 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Normal melee Location: TzHaar Combat level: 74 , 103 , 133 , 149 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 70-110 Clue scroll type: - Method: Normal melee Location: TzHaar city in karamja volcano Warped tortoise Combat level: 96 Slayer level: 56 Kills assigned: 150-240 Clue scroll type: - Method: Normal melee Location: Waterfiend Combat level: 115 Slayer level: 1 Kills assigned: 170-256 Clue scroll type: Hard Method: Melee with Crush style, magic defence armour with protect from missles OR Full Dharok's with Protect from Missles Location: Chaos tunnels Kuradal's dungeon This is the guild of slayer, you should use this dungeon for all tasks possible. You can however only access this dungeon while being assisted to a slayer task from Kuradal, and the monster assigned is found from the dungeon. There are two shortcuts in the dungeon, requiring 85 and 90 agility In the dungeon, there are several safespots in each room for mages and archers Monsters 6 Hellhound l 2 slayers is max to get most kills/h 6 Greater demon l 2 slayers is max to get most kills/h 5 Blue Dragon l 2-3 slayers max to get most kills/* 7 Gargoyle l 2-3, even 4 slayers is ok 8 Abyssal demon l 3-4 is max to get fast kills 5 Dark beast l 2 slayers is max 4 Iron dragon l 2-3 slayers, depending on killing speed 4 Steel dragon l 2-3 slayers, depending on killing speed Also while in the dungeon you won't get any random events. Ferocious ring The ferocious ring can only be obtained from a monster drop inside Kuradal's dungeon. It has many good uses -You an use it to teleport directly go Kuradal, you have 5 charges to do so -You will hit +40 lp to monsters insice the dungeon while wearing the ring -It works as ring of life, but will teleport you to Kuradal instead. (only in Kuradal's dungeon) You can obtain multible rings and they will stack in bank if they got similiar charges B w 19-Jan-2011 19:33:05 Last edited on 30-Jan-2011 14:14:40 by B w Summoning There are many usefull ways to use summoning while slaying 1)Healers -Bunyip heals 20Lp every 15 second -Moss, fire and ice titan, scroll heals you 80lp and uses 20 special move points -Unicorn stallion, scroll heals you 15%of your max lp and uses 20 special move points 2)Beast of burden -Terrorbird holds 12 items scroll recovers some run energy -War tortoise holds 18 items, scroll boosts defence -Pack yak holds 30 items, scroll banks a item to your bank 3)Fighters You can only use these in multicombat area. -Elemental titans are good choice as they are healers too -All minotaurs -Giant ent -Iron and steel titans 4)Boosters War tortoise, defence Obsidian golem, strength Wolpertinger, magic
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